DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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260 and the remainder of the muscle fiber membrane retain

their normal sensitivities to K + depolarization and direct

electrical stimulation.



The steps involved in ACh release by the nerve action potential,

the development of miniature end-plate potentials (MEPPs), their

summation to form a postjunctional end-plate potential (EPP), the

triggering of the muscle action potential, and contraction are

described in Chapter 8. Biophysical studies with patch electrodes

reveal that the fundamental event elicited by ACh or other agonists is

an “all or none” opening of the individual receptor channels, which

gives rise to a square wave pulse with an average open-channel conductance

of 20-30 picosiemens (pS) and a duration that is exponentially

distributed around a time of ~1 ms. The duration of channel

opening is far more dependent on the nature of the agonist than is the

magnitude of the open-channel conductance (Sakmann, 1992).

Increasing concentrations of the competitive antagonist

tubocurarine progressively diminish the amplitude of the excitatory

postjunctional EPP. The amplitude of this potential may fall to below

70% of its initial value before it is insufficient to initiate the propagated

muscle action potential; this provides a safety factor in neuromuscular

transmission. Analysis of the antagonism of tubocurarine

on single-channel events shows that, as expected for a competitive

antagonist, tubocurarine reduces the frequency of channel-opening

events but does not affect the conductance or duration of opening

for a single channel (Katz and Miledi, 1978). At higher concentrations,

curare and other competitive antagonists block the channel

directly in a fashion that is noncompetitive with agonists and dependent

on membrane potential (Colquhoun et al., 1979).

The decay time of the MEPP is similar to the average lifetime

of channel opening (1-2 ms). MEPPs are a consequence of the

spontaneous release of one or more quanta of ACh (~10 5 molecules);

individual molecules of ACh in the synapse have only a transient

opportunity to activate the receptor and do not rebind successively to

receptors to activate multiple channels before being hydrolyzed by

acetylcholinesterase (AChE). The concentration of unbound ACh in

the synapse from nerve-released ACh diminishes more rapidly than

does the decay of the EPP (or current). In the presence of anticholinesterase

drugs, the EPP is prolonged up to 25-30 ms, which is

indicative of the rebinding of transmitter to neighboring receptors

before hydrolysis by AChE or diffusion from the synapse.

Simultaneous binding by two agonist molecules at the respective

αγ and αδ subunit interfaces of the receptor is required for activation.

Activation shows positive cooperativity and thus occurs over

a narrow range of concentrations (Changeux and Edelstein, 1998;

Sine and Claudio, 1991). Although two molecules of competitive

antagonist or snake α-toxin can bind to each receptor molecule at

the agonist sites, the binding of one molecule of antagonist to each

receptor is sufficient to render it nonfunctional (Taylor et al., 1983).

The depolarizing agents, such as succinylcholine,

act by a different mechanism. Their initial action is to

depolarize the membrane by opening channels in the

same manner as ACh. However, they persist for longer

durations at the neuromuscular junction primarily

because of their resistance to AChE. The depolarization

is thus longer-lasting, resulting in a brief period of

repetitive excitation that may elicit transient and repetitive

muscle excitation (fasciculations). This initial

depolarization is followed by block of neuromuscular

transmission and flaccid paralysis (called phase I

block). The block arises because, after an initial opening,

perijunctional sodium channels close and will not

reopen until the end plate is repolarized. At this point,

neural release of ACh results in the binding of ACh to

receptors on an already depolarized end plate. These

closed perijunctional channels keep the depolarization

signal from affecting downstream channels and effectively

shield the rest of the muscle from activity at the

motor end plate. In humans, depolarizing agents elicit

a sequence of repetitive excitation followed by block of

transmission and neuromuscular paralysis; however,

this sequence is influenced by such factors as the anesthetic

agent used concurrently, the type of muscle, and

the rate of drug administration. The characteristics of

depolarization and competitive blockade are contrasted

in Table 11–3.

In other animal species and occasionally in humans, depolarizing

agents produce a blockade that has unique features, some of which

combine those of the depolarizing and the competitive agents; this type

of action is termed a dual mechanism. In such cases, the depolarizing

agent initially produces characteristic fasciculations and potentiation

of the maximal twitch, followed by the rapid onset of neuromuscular

block. This phase I block is potentiated by anticholinesterase agents

(e.g., ambenonium, edrophonium, neostigmine, pyridostigmine,

donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine, and tacrine): Inhibition of ACh

degradation results in additional depolarizing agent, in this case

endogenous ACh, at the neuromuscular junction. Following the onset

of blockade, there is a poorly sustained response to tetanic stimulation

of the motor nerve, intensification of the block by tubocurarine, and

lack of potentiation by anti-cholinesterase agents. The dual action of the

depolarizing blocking agents is also seen in intracellular recordings of

membrane potential; when agonist is applied continuously, the initial

depolarization is followed by a gradual repolarization, which in many

respects resembles receptor desensitization.

Under clinical conditions, with increasing concentrations of

succinylcholine and over time, the block may convert slowly from a

depolarizing phase I block to a non-depolarizing, phase II block

(Durant and Katz, 1982). The pattern of neuromuscular blockade

produced by depolarizing drugs in anesthetized patients appears to

depend, in part, on the anesthetic; fluorinated hydrocarbons may be

more apt to predispose the motor end plate to non-depolarization

blockade after prolonged use of succinylcholine (Fogdall and Miller,

1975). While the response to peripheral stimulation during phase II

block resembles that of the competitive agents, reversal of phase II

block by administration of anti-cholinesterase agents (e.g., with

neostigmine) is difficult to predict and should be undertaken with

much caution. The characteristics of phase I and phase II blocks are

shown in Table 11–1.

Although the observed fasciculations also may be a consequence

of stimulation of the prejunctional nerve terminal by the

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