DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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human exposure. The most common modifiers used are for interspecies

variability (human to animal) and interindividual variability

(human to human), in which case RfD = NOAEL/100. Other modifiers

can be used to account for specific experimental uncertainties.

When a NOAEL is unavailable, a LOAEL may be used, in which

case another 10-fold uncertainty factor is used. The use of factors of

10 in the denominator for determination of RfD is an application of

the “precautionary principle,” which attempts to limit human exposure

by assuming a worst-case scenario for each unknown variable

(Faustman and Omenn, 2008).

A major concern with animal studies is that they do not detect

effects at low concentrations. Typically, they are designed to obtain

statistical significance with a 10% increase in an outcome. As a

result, there is considerable uncertainty about what occurs below that

level, as demonstrated in Figure 67–1. Toxicologists often assume

that there is a threshold dose (T), below which there is no toxicity.

This condition is true when there are cellular defenses that prevent

toxicity at concentrations below a given level but that can be overwhelmed.

Thresholds usually are observed when the toxic effects of

a chemical are the result of direct cell death. Many carcinogens

and other toxicants with specific molecular targets (e.g., lead) do

not exhibit a threshold. Ideally, mechanistic studies should be done

to predict which dose-response curve is most likely to fit a given


Toxicologists perform a variety of mechanistic studies to

understand how a chemical might cause toxicity. Computer modeling

using a compound’s three-dimensional structure to determine

quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) is commonly

performed on both drugs and environmental chemicals. QSAR

approaches can determine which chemicals are likely to exhibit

toxicities or bind to specific molecular targets. Cell-based

approaches in prokaryotes and eukaryotes are used to determine

whether a compound damages DNA or causes cytotoxicity. DNA

damage and the resulting mutagenesis often are determined with the

Ames test. The Ames test uses Salmonella typhimurium strains with

specific mutations in the gene needed to synthesize histidine. These

strains are treated with chemicals in the presence or absence of a

metabolic activating system, usually the supernatant fraction from

homogenized rat liver. If a compound is a mutagen in the Ames test,

it reverts the mutation in the histidine operon and allows the bacteria

to form colonies on plates with limited histidine. Gene chip

microarrays assess gene expression in cells or tissues from animals

treated with a toxicant and provide a very useful tool to identify the

molecular targets and pathways altered by toxicant exposures. The

susceptibility of knockout mice to a toxicant can help to determine

whether the knocked-out genes are involved in the metabolic activation

and detoxification of a given toxicant.

Integrated Risk Assessment and Risk Management

Regulatory bodies at local, state, national, and international levels

all are involved in limiting the adverse effects of chemicals. In the

U.S., several federal agencies are involved, depending on the

source of the exposure. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration

(FDA) regulates the safety of drugs, the food supply, cosmetics,

and now tobacco products. The Occupational Safety and Health

Administration (OSHA) regulates workplace exposures. The U.S.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates exposures

from other environmental sources, particularly the air and water.

Regulators use epidemiological and toxicological data to estimate

the risks from an exposure and come up with a level they consider

to be reasonably safe. Regulators can nominate toxicants for a comprehensive

study by the National Toxicology Program if there are

insufficient toxicological data. The final stages of risk assessment

and risk management are not based entirely on science; politics and

economics also help determine which regulations are enacted.

Ultimately, the social, economic, and political benefits predicted to

result from limiting human exposure to a given toxicant are weighed

against the corresponding costs.

Interventions for Environmental

Exposure: Pharmacology and Prevention

There is considerable interest in pharmacological

approaches to prevent disease from environmental

exposures. However, pharmacological interventions for

chronic environmental exposures remain more of a goal

than a reality. There are numerous hurdles for treatment

of exposure to environmental toxicants. Because exposures

occur over long periods of time, treatments must

reverse existing preclinical toxicities or provide protection

for a long time. If a pharmaceutical is to be given

chronically or in the absence of disease, the extent of

side effects and toxicity should be much less than for a

drug being given acutely to treat disease. Currently, the

most effective approaches for preventing diseases associated

with chronic exposures to chemicals are primary

prevention and nutrition. Pharmaceuticals can be useful

for preventive strategies against chronic exposures (e.g.,

nicotine replacement therapy in smoking cessation).

Ongoing research also is examining pharmacological

approaches to prevent cancer in humans exposed to

chemical carcinogens. One class of environmental toxicant

for which there are drugs available to prevent disease

is metals. However, in general, these drugs, known

as metal chelators, are only effective against acute,

high-dose metal exposure and either have no effect, or

actually worsen, toxicity under the low-dose chronic

exposures most commonly encountered from the




Many environmental compounds increase the risk of

developing cancer; these chemicals are called carcinogens

(Wogan et al., 2004; Klaunig and Kamendulis,

2008). The International Agency for Research on Cancer

(IARC) classifies compounds into groups based on risk

assessments using human, animal, and mechanism data.

Chemicals in group 1 are known human carcinogens;




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