DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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and hypotension, which can severely reduce coronary blood flow,

especially if it is already compromised. These contraindications and

adverse effects are generally of limited concern with topical administration

for ophthalmic use.


Poisoning from the ingestion of plants containing pilocarpine, muscarine,

or arecoline is characterized chiefly by exaggeration of their

various parasympathomimetic effects and resembles that produced

by consumption of mushrooms of the genus Inocybe (described in

the next section). Treatment consists of the parenteral administration

of atropine in doses sufficient to cross the blood-brain barrier

and measures to support the respiratory and cardiovascular systems

and to counteract pulmonary edema.

Mushroom Poisoning (Mycetism). Mushroom poisoning has been

known for centuries. The Greek poet Euripides (fifth century

B.C.E.) is said to have lost his wife and three children from this

cause. In recent years, the number of cases of mushroom poisoning

has been increasing as the result of the current popularity of

the consumption of wild mushrooms. Various species of mushrooms

contain many toxins, and species within the same genus may

contain distinct toxins.

Although Amanita muscaria is the source from which muscarine

was isolated, its content of the alkaloid is so low (~ 0.003%)

that muscarine cannot be responsible for the major toxic effects.

Much higher concentrations of muscarine are present in various

species of Inocybe and Clitocybe. The symptoms of intoxication

attributable to muscarine develop within 30-60 minutes of ingestion;

they include salivation, lacrimation, nausea, vomiting, headache,

visual disturbances, abdominal colic, diarrhea, bronchospasm,

bradycardia, hypotension, and shock. Treatment with atropine

(1-2 mg intramuscularly every 30 minutes) effectively blocks these

effects (Goldfrank, 2006; Köppel, 1993).

Intoxication produced by A. muscaria and related Amanita

species arises from the neurologic and hallucinogenic properties of

muscimol, ibotenic acid, and other isoxazole derivatives. These

agents stimulate excitatory and inhibitory amino acid receptors.

Symptoms range from irritability, restlessness, ataxia, hallucinations,

and delirium to drowsiness and sedation. Treatment is mainly supportive;

benzodiazepines are indicated when excitation predominates;

atropine often exacerbates the delirium.

Mushrooms from Psilocybe and Panaeolus species contain

psilocybin and related derivatives of tryptamine. They also cause

short-lasting hallucinations. Gyromitra species (false morels) produce

GI disorders and a delayed hepatotoxicity. The toxic substance,

acetaldehyde methylformylhydrazone, is converted in the body to

reactive hydrazines. Although fatalities from liver and kidney failure

have been reported, they are far less frequent than with amatoxincontaining


The most serious form of mycetism is produced by Amanita

phalloides, other Amanita species, Lepiota, and Galerina species

(Goldfrank, 2006). These species account for > 90% of all fatal

cases. Ingestion of as little as 50 g of A. phalloides (deadly nightcap)

can be fatal. The principal toxins are the amatoxins (α- and β-amanitin),

a group of cyclic octapeptides that inhibit RNA polymerase II and

thereby block mRNA synthesis. This causes cell death, manifested

particularly in the GI mucosa, liver, and kidneys. Initial symptoms,

which often are unnoticed or when present are due to other toxins,

include diarrhea and abdominal cramps. A symptom-free period lasting

up to 24 hours is followed by hepatic and renal malfunction.

Death occurs in 4-7 days from renal and hepatic failure (Goldfrank,

2006). Treatment is largely supportive; penicillin, thioctic acid, and

silibinin may be effective antidotes, but the evidence is based largely

on anecdotal studies (Köppel, 1993).

Because the severity of toxicity and treatment strategies for

mushroom poisoning depend on the species ingested, their identification

should be sought. Often symptomatology is delayed, limiting

the value of gastric lavage and administration of activated charcoal.

Regional poison control centers in the U.S. maintain up-to-date

information on the incidence of poisoning in the region and treatment



The muscarinic receptor antagonists include: 1) the naturally

occurring alkaloids, atropine and scopolamine;

2) semisynthetic derivatives of these alkaloids, which

primarily differ from the parent compounds in their disposition

in the body or their duration of action; and

3) synthetic derivatives, some of which show selectivity

for subtypes of muscarinic receptors. Noteworthy

agents among the latter two categories are homatropine

and tropicamide, which have a shorter duration of

action than atropine, and methscopolamine, ipratropium,

and tiotropium, which are quaternized and do

not cross the blood-brain barrier or readily cross membranes.

The synthetic derivatives possessing some

degree of receptor selectivity include pirenzepine,

which shows selectivity for M 1

receptors; and darifenacin

and solifenacin, which show selectivity for M 3


Muscarinic antagonists prevent the effects of ACh

by blocking its binding to muscarinic receptors on

effector cells at parasympathetic (and sympathetic

cholinergic) neuroeffector junctions, in peripheral ganglia,

and in the CNS. In general, muscarinic antagonists

cause little blockade of nicotinic receptors. However,

the quaternary ammonium antagonists generally exhibit

a greater degree of nicotinic blocking activity and therefore

are more likely to interfere with ganglionic or neuromuscular


While many effects of muscarinic antagonists can

be predicted from an understanding of the physiological

responses mediated by muscarinic receptors at

parasympathetic (and sympathetic cholinergic) neuroeffector

junctions, paradoxical responses are sometimes

seen. For example, presynaptic muscarinic

receptors of variable subtype are present on postganglionic

parasympathetic nerve terminals. Since blockade

of presynaptic receptors generally augments




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