DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Figure 21–1. Relations among cortical EEG, extracellular, and intracellular recordings in a seizure focus induced by local application

of a convulsant agent to mammalian cortex. The extracellular recording was made through a high-pass filter. Note the high-frequency

firing of the neuron evident in both extracellular and intracellular recording during the paroxysmal depolarization shift (PDS).

(Modified with permission from Ayala GF, Dichter M, Gumnit RJ, et al. Genesis of epileptic interictal spikes. New knowledge of cortical

feedback systems suggests a neurophysiological explanation of brief paroxysms. Brain Res, 1973, 52:1–17. Copyright © Elsevier.)

One model, termed “kindling,” is induced by periodic administration

of brief, low-intensity electrical stimulation of the amygdala

or other limbic structures. Initial stimulations evoke a brief

electrical seizure recorded on the EEG without behavioral change,

but repeated (e.g., 10-20) stimulations result in progressive intensification

of seizures, culminating in tonic-clonic seizures. Once established,

the enhanced sensitivity to electrical stimulation persists for

the life of the animal. Despite the exquisite propensity to intense

seizures, spontaneous seizures or a truly epileptic condition do not

occur until 100-200 stimulations have been administered. The ease

of control of kindling induction (i.e., stimulations administered at

the investigator’s convenience), its graded onset, and the ease of

quantitating epileptogenesis (number of stimulations required to

evoke tonic-clonic seizures) simplify experimental study. In mice,

deletion of the gene encoding the receptor tyrosine kinase, TrkB,

prevents epileptogenesis in the kindling model (He et al., 2004),

which advances TrkB and its downstream signaling pathways as

attractive targets for developing small molecule inhibitors for prevention

of epilepsy or its progression.

Additional models are produced by induction of continuous

seizures for hours (“status epilepticus”), with the inciting agent being

a chemoconvulsant, such as kainic acid or pilocarpine, or sustained

electrical stimulation. The fleeting episode of status epilepticus is

followed weeks later by the onset of spontaneous seizures, an

intriguing parallel to the scenario of complicated febrile seizures in

young children preceding the emergence of spontaneous seizures

years later. In contrast to the limited or absent neuronal loss characteristic

of the kindling model, overt destruction of hippocampal neurons

occurs in the status epilepticus models, reflecting aspects of

hippocampal sclerosis observed in humans with severe limbic

seizures. Indeed, the discovery that complicated febrile seizures precede

and presumably are the cause of hippocampal sclerosis in

young children (VanLandingham et al., 1998) establishes yet another

commonality between these models and the human condition.

Several questions arise with respect to these models. What

transpires during the latent period between status epilepticus and

emergence of spontaneous seizures that causes the epilepsy? Might

an anti-epileptogenic agent that was effective in one of these models

be effective in other models?

Important insights into the mechanisms of action

of drugs that are effective against partial seizures have

emerged in the past two decades (Rogawski and

Loscher, 2004). These insights largely have come from

electrophysiological studies of relatively simple in vitro

models, such as neurons isolated from the mammalian

CNS and maintained in primary culture. The experimental

control and accessibility provided by these

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