DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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1092 neurological signs or symptoms, the administration of vitamin B 12

alone will suffice. Moreover, therapy may be delayed until other

causes of megaloblastic anemia have been excluded and sufficient

studies of GI function have been performed to reveal the underlying

cause of the disease. In this situation, a therapeutic trial with small

amounts of parenteral vitamin B 12

(1-10 μg per day) can confirm the

presence of an uncomplicated vitamin B 12


In contrast, patients with neurological changes or severe

leukopenia or thrombocytopenia associated with infection or bleeding

require emergency treatment. The older individual with a

severe anemia (hematocrit <20%) is likely to have tissue hypoxia,

cerebrovascular insufficiency, and congestive heart failure.

Effective therapy must not wait for detailed diagnostic tests. Once

the megaloblastic erythropoiesis has been confirmed and sufficient

blood collected for later measurements of vitamin B 12

and folic

acid, the patient should receive intramuscular injections of 100 μg

of cyanocobalamin and 1-5 mg of folic acid. For the next 1-2 weeks

the patient should receive daily intramuscular injections of 100 μg

of cyanocobalamin, together with a daily oral supplement of 1 to

2 mg of folic acid. Because an effective increase in red-cell mass

will not occur for 10-20 days, the patient with a markedly

depressed hematocrit and tissue hypoxia also should receive a

transfusion of 2-3 units of packed red blood cells. If congestive

heart failure is present, diuretics can be administered to prevent

volume overload.

Patients usually report an increased sense of well-being

within the first 24 hours of the initiation of therapy. Objectively,

memory and orientation can improve dramatically, although full

recovery of mental function may take months, or it may never occur.

In addition, even before an obvious hematologic response is apparent,

the patient may report an increase in strength, a better appetite,

and reduced soreness of the mouth and tongue.

The first objective hematologic change is the disappearance

of the megaloblastic morphology of the bone marrow. As the ineffective

erythropoiesis is corrected, the concentration of iron in plasma

falls dramatically as the metal is used in the formation of hemoglobin.

This usually occurs within the first 48 hours. Full correction of

precursor maturation in marrow with production of an increased

number of reticulocytes begins about the second or third day and

peaks 3-5 days later. When the anemia is moderate to severe, the

maximal reticulocyte index will be between three and five times the

normal value (i.e., a reticulocyte count of 20-40%). The ability of

the marrow to sustain a high rate of production determines the rate

of recovery of the hematocrit. Patients with complicating iron deficiency,

an infection or other inflammatory state, or renal disease may

be unable to correct their anemia. Therefore it is important to monitor

the reticulocyte index over the first several weeks. If it does not

continue at elevated levels while the hematocrit is <35%, plasma

concentrations of iron and folic acid should again be determined and

the patient reevaluated for an illness that could inhibit the response

of the marrow.

The degree and rate of improvement of neurological signs and

symptoms depend on the severity and the duration of the abnormalities.

Those that have been present for only a few months usually disappear

relatively rapidly. When a defect has been present for many

months or years, full return to normal function may never occur.

Long-Term Therapy with Vitamin B 12

. Once begun, vitamin B 12


must be maintained for life. This fact must be impressed on the



patient and family, and a system must be established to guarantee

continued monthly injections of cyanocobalamin.

Intramuscular injection of 100 μg of cyanocobalamin every

4 weeks is sufficient to maintain a normal concentration of vitamin

B 12

in plasma and an adequate supply for tissues. Patients with severe

neurological symptoms and signs may be treated with larger doses of

vitamin B 12

in the period immediately after the diagnosis. Doses of

100 μg per day or several times per week may be given for several

months with the hope of encouraging faster and more complete recovery.

It is important to monitor vitamin B 12

concentrations in plasma

and to obtain peripheral blood counts at intervals of 3-6 months to

confirm the adequacy of therapy. Because refractoriness to therapy

can develop at any time, evaluation must continue throughout the

patient’s life. Intranasal preparations are available for maintenance

following normalization of vitamin B 12

–deficient patients without

nervous system involvement (CALOMIST, NASCOBAL) or as a supplement

for vitamin B 12

deficiencies of various etiologies (NASCOBAL).

Other Therapeutic Uses of Vitamin B 12

. Vitamin B 12

has been used in

the therapy of a number of conditions, including trigeminal neuralgia,

multiple sclerosis and other neuropathies, various psychiatric

disorders, poor growth or nutrition, and as a “tonic” for patients complaining

of tiredness or easy fatigue. There is no evidence for the

validity of such therapy in any of these conditions. Maintenance therapy

with vitamin B 12

has been used with some apparent success in

the treatment of children with methylmalonic aciduria.

Folic Acid

Chemistry and Metabolic Functions. The structural formula of

pteroylglutamic acid (PteGlu) is shown in Figure 37–9. Major portions

of the molecule include a pteridine ring linked by a methylene

bridge to para-aminobenzoic acid, which is joined by an amide linkage

to glutamic acid. Although pteroylglutamic acid is the common

pharmaceutical form of folic acid, it is neither the principal folate

congener in food nor the active coenzyme for intracellular metabolism.

After absorption, PteGlu is rapidly reduced at the 5, 6, 7, and

8 positions to tetrahydrofolic acid (H 4

PteGlu), which then acts as an

acceptor of a number of one-carbon units. These are attached at

either the 5 or the 10 position of the pteridine ring or may bridge

these atoms to form a new five-membered ring. The most important

forms of the coenzyme that are synthesized by these reactions are

listed in Figure 37–9. Each plays a specific role in intracellular

metabolism, summarized as follows (see “Relationships Between

Vitamin B 12

and Folic Acid,” as well as Figure 37–6).

Conversion of Homocysteine to Methionine. This reaction requires

CH 3

H 4

PteGlu as a methyl donor and uses vitamin B 12

as a cofactor.

Conversion of Serine to Glycine. This reaction requires tetrahydrofolate

as an acceptor of a methylene group from serine and uses pyridoxal

phosphate as a cofactor. It results in the formation of 5,10-CH 2

H 4


an essential coenzyme for the synthesis of thymidylate.

Synthesis Of thymidylate. 5,10-CH 2

H 4

PteGlu donates a methylene

group and reducing equivalents to deoxyuridylate for the synthesis

of thymidylate—a rate-limiting step in DNA synthesis.

Histidine Metabolism. H 4

PteGlu also acts as an acceptor of a

formimino group in the conversion of formiminoglutamic acid to

glutamic acid.

Synthesis of Purines. Two steps in the synthesis of purine nucleotides

require the participation of 10-CHOH 4

PteGlu as a formyl donor in

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