DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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cells of the immune system and indirectly through centrally mediated

neuronal mechanisms (Sharp and Yaksh, 1997). The acute central

immunomodulatory effects of opioids may be mediated by activation

of the sympathetic nervous system; the chronic effects of opioids

may involve modulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal

(HPA) axis (Mellon and Bayer, 1998).

Direct effects on immune cells may involve unique, incompletely

characterized variants of the classical neuronal opioid receptors,

with MOR variants being most prominent (Sharp and Yaksh,

1997). Atypical receptors could account for the fact that it has been

very difficult to demonstrate significant opioid binding on immune

cells despite the observance of robust functional effects. In contrast,

morphine-induced immune suppression largely is abolished in

knockout mice lacking the receptor gene, suggesting that the receptor

is a major target of morphine’s actions on the immune system

(Gaveriaux-Ruff et al., 1998). A proposed mechanism for the

immune suppressive effects of morphine on neutrophils is through a

nitric oxide–dependent inhibition of NF-kB activation (Welters et al.,

2000). Others have proposed that the induction and activation of

MAP kinase also may play a role (Chuang et al., 1997).

Overall, the effects of opioids appear to be modestly immunosuppressive,

and increased susceptibility to infection and tumor

spread have been observed. In some situations, immune effects

appear more prominent with acute administration than with chronic

administration, which could have important implications for the care

of the critically ill (Sharp and Yaksh, 1997). In contrast, opioids have

been shown to reverse pain-induced immunosuppression and

increase tumor metastatic potential in animal models (Page and Ben-

Eliyahu, 1997). Therefore, opioids may either inhibit or augment

immune function depending on the context in which they are used.

These studies also indicate that withholding opioids in the presence

of pain in immunocompromised patients actually could worsen

immune function. Taken together, these studies indicate that opioidinduced

immune suppression may be clinically relevant both to the

treatment of severe pain and in the susceptibility of opioid addicts to

infection (e.g., human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and

tuberculosis). Different opioid agonists also may have unique

immunomodulatory properties. Better understanding of these properties

eventually should help to guide the rational use of opioids in

patients with cancer or at risk for infection or immune compromise.

Temperature Regulation. Opioids alter the equilibrium point of the

hypothalamic heat-regulatory mechanisms such that body temperature

usually falls slightly. Systematic studies have shown that MOR agonists

such as alfentanil and meperidine, acting in the CNS, will result

in slightly increased thresholds for sweating and significantly lower the

threshold temperatures for evoking vasoconstriction and shivering

(Sessler, 2008). In precipitated withdrawal, elevated body temperatures

are observed, an observation consistent with the report that chronic

high dosage may increase body temperature (Martin, 1983).


Most of the clinically used opioid agonists presented

below are relatively selective for MOR. They produce

analgesia, affect mood and rewarding behavior, and

alter respiratory, cardiovascular, GI, and neuroendocrine

function. KOR agonists, with few exceptions (e.g.,

butorphanol), are not typically employed for long-term

therapy since they may produce dysphoric and psychotomimetic

effects. DOR agonists, while analgesic in

animal models, have not found clinical utility, and NOR

agonists have largely proven to lack analgesic effects.

Opiates that are relatively receptor selective at lower

doses will interact with additional receptor types when

given at high doses. This is especially true as doses are

escalated to overcome tolerance.

The mixed agonist–antagonist agents frequently

interact with more than one receptor class at usual clinical

doses. The actions of these drugs are particularly

interesting because they may act as an agonist at one

receptor and as an antagonist at another. Mixed

agonist–antagonist compounds were developed with the

hope that they would have less addictive potential and

less respiratory depression than morphine and related

drugs. In practice, however, for the same degree of analgesia,

the same intensity of side effects occurs. A “ceiling

effect” limiting the amount of analgesia attainable

often is seen with these drugs, such as buprenorphine,

which is approved for the treatment of opioid dependence.

Some mixed agonist–antagonist drugs, such as

pentazocine and nalorphine (not available in the U.S.),

can precipitate withdrawal in opioid-tolerant patients.

For these reasons, except for the sanctioned use of

buprenorphine to manage opioid addiction, the clinical

use of these mixed agonist–antagonist drugs is generally


The dosing guidelines and duration of action for

the numerous drugs that are part of opioid therapy are

summarized in Table 18–2.



Even though there are many compounds with pharmacological

properties similar to those of morphine, morphine

remains the standard against which new

analgesics are measured.

Source and Composition of Opium

Because the synthesis of morphine is difficult, the drug still is

obtained from opium or extracted from poppy straw. Opium is

obtained from the unripe seed capsules of the poppy plant, Papaver

somniferum. The milky juice is dried and powdered to make powdered

opium, which contains a number of alkaloids. Only a few—

morphine, codeine, and papaverine—have clinical utility. These

alkaloids can be divided into two distinct chemical classes, phenanthrenes

and benzylisoquinolines. The principal phenanthrenes are

morphine (10% of opium), codeine (0.5%), and thebaine (0.2%).




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