DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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364 system and integrate somatic and vegetative functions, including

those controlling the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems.



Limbic System. The limbic system is an archaic term for an assembly

of brain regions (hippocampal formation, amygdaloid complex,

septum, olfactory nuclei, basal ganglia, and selected nuclei of the

diencephalon) grouped around the subcortical borders of the underlying

brain core to which a variety of complex emotional and motivational

functions have been attributed. Modern neuroscience tends

to avoid this term because the ill- defined regions of the “limbic system”

do not function consistently as a system. Parts of these limbic

regions also participate individually in functions that can be more

precisely defined. Thus, the basal ganglia or neostriatum (the caudate

nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus, and lentiform nucleus) form

an essential regulatory segment of the extrapyramidal motor system

that complements the function of the pyramidal (or voluntary) motor

system. Damage to the extrapyramidal system affects the ability to

initiate voluntary movements and causes disorders characterized by

involuntary movements, such as the tremors and rigidity of Parkinson

disease or the uncontrollable limb movements of Huntington’s chorea

(Chapter 22). Similarly, the hippocampus may be crucial to the formation

of recent memory, since this function is lost in patients with

extensive bilateral damage to the hippocampus. Memory is also disrupted

by Alzheimer’s disease, which destroys the intrinsic structure

of the hippocampus as well as parts of the frontal cortex.

Diencephalon. The thalamus lies in the center of the brain, beneath

the cortex and basal ganglia and above the hypothalamus. The neurons

of the thalamus are arranged in distinct clusters, or nuclei,

which are either paired or midline structures. These nuclei act as

relays between incoming sensory pathways and the cortex, between

discrete regions of the thalamus and the hypothalamus, and between

the basal ganglia and the association regions of the cerebral cortex.

The thalamic nuclei and the basal ganglia also exert regulatory control

over visceral functions; aphagia and adipsia, as well as general

sensory neglect, follow damage to the corpus striatum or to selected

circuits ending in the striatum. The hypothalamus is the principal

integrating region for the autonomic nervous system and regulates

body temperature, water balance, intermediary metabolism, blood

pressure, sexual and circadian cycles, secretion from the adenohypophysis,

sleep, and emotion.

Midbrain and Brainstem. The mesencephalon, pons, and medulla

oblongata connect the cerebral hemispheres and thalamushypothalamus

to the spinal cord. These “bridge portions” of the CNS

contain most of the nuclei of the cranial nerves, as well as the major

inflow and outflow tracts from the cortices and spinal cord. These

regions contain the reticular activating system, an important but

incompletely characterized region of gray matter linking peripheral

sensory and motor events with higher levels of nervous integration.

The major monoamine- containing neurons of the brain are found

here. Together, these regions represent the points of central integration

for coordination of essential reflexive acts, such as swallowing

and vomiting, and those that involve the cardiovascular and respiratory

systems; these areas also include the primary receptive regions

for most visceral afferent sensory information. The reticular activating

system is essential for the regulation of sleep, wakefulness, and

level of arousal, as well as for coordination of eye movements. The

fiber systems projecting from the reticular formation have been

called nonspecific because the targets to which they project are relatively

more diffuse in distribution than those of many other neuronal

systems (e.g., specific thalamocortical projections). However,

the chemically homogeneous components of the reticular system

innervate targets in a coherent and functionally integrated manner

despite their broad distribution.

Cerebellum. The cerebellum arises from the posterior pons behind

the cerebral hemispheres. It is highly laminated and redundant in its

detailed cytological organization. The lobules and folia of the cerebellum

project onto specific deep cerebellar nuclei, which in turn make

relatively selective projections to the motor cortex (by way of the

thalamus) and to brainstem nuclei concerned with vestibular function

(position- stabilization). In addition to maintaining the proper

tone of antigravity musculature and providing continuous feedback

during volitional movements of the trunk and extremities, the cerebellum

also may regulate visceral functions (e.g., controlling heart rate,

so as to maintain blood flow despite changes in posture).

Spinal Cord. The spinal cord extends from the caudal end of the

medulla oblongata to the lower lumbar vertebrae. Within this mass of

nerve cells and tracts, sensory information from skin, muscles, joints,

and viscera is locally coordinated with motoneurons and with primary

sensory relay cells that project to and receive signals from

higher levels. The spinal cord is divided into anatomical segments

(cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral) that correspond to divisions of

the peripheral nerves and spinal column (see Figure 8–1). Ascending

and descending tracts of the spinal cord are located within the white

matter at the perimeter of the cord, while intersegmental connections

and synaptic contacts are concentrated within an H- shaped internal

mass of gray matter. Sensory information flows into the dorsal

cord, and motor commands exit via the ventral portion. The preganglionic

neurons of the autonomic nervous system are found in intermediolateral

columns of gray matter. Autonomic reflexes (e.g.,

changes in skin vasculature with alteration of temperature) can be

elicited within local segments of the spinal cord, as shown by the

maintenance of these reflexes after the cord has been severed.

Microanatomy of the Brain

Neurons operate either within layered structures such as the olfactory

bulb, cerebral cortex, hippocampal formation, and cerebellum or in

clustered groupings, defined collections of neurons that aggregate

into nuclei. Specific connections between neurons within or across

the macro- divisions of the brain are essential to the function of the

brain. Through patterns of neuronal circuitry, individual neurons

form functional ensembles to regulate the flow of information within

and between the regions of the brain.

Cellular Organization of the Brain. Present understanding of the

cellular organization of the CNS can be viewed from the perspective

of the size, shape, location, and interconnections between neurons

(Cooper et al., 2003; Shepherd, 2003).

Cell Biology of Neurons. Neurons are classified according to function

(sensory, motor, or interneuron), location, the identity of the transmitter

they synthesize and release or the class or classes of receptor

expressed on the cell surface. Microscopic analysis of a neuron

focuses on its general shape and in particular the complexity of the

afferent receptive surfaces on the dendrites and cell body that receive

synaptic contacts from other neurons. Neurons (Figure 14–1) exhibit

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