DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Endocrine Pancreas and

Pharmacotherapy of Diabetes

Mellitus and Hypoglycemia

Alvin C. Powers

and David D’Alessio

Diabetes mellitus is a spectrum of common metabolic

disorders, arising from a variety of pathogenic mechanisms,

all resulting in hyperglycemia. The number of

individuals with diabetes is rising rapidly throughout

the world. Both genetic and environmental factors contribute

to its pathogenesis, which involves insufficient

insulin secretion, reduced responsiveness to endogenous

or exogenous insulin, increased glucose production,

and/or abnormalities in fat and protein metabolism.

The resulting hyperglycemia may lead to both acute

symptoms and metabolic abnormalities. However, the

major sources of the morbidity of diabetes are the

chronic complications that arise from prolonged hyperglycemia,

including retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy,

and cardiovascular disease. Fortunately, these

chronic complications can be mitigated in many

patients by sustained control of the blood glucose.

There are now a wide variety of treatment options for

hyperglycemia that target different processes involved

in glucose regulation or dysregulation.

Following a brief review of glucose homeostasis

and the pathogenesis of diabetes, this chapter discusses

the general approaches and specific agents used in the

therapy of diabetes. The last section describes agents

used for hypoglycemia.



Regulation of Blood Glucose. In healthy humans, blood

glucose is tightly maintained despite wide fluctuations

in glucose consumption, utilization, and production.

The maintenance of glucose homeostasis, generally

termed glucose tolerance, is a highly developed systemic

process involving the integration of several

major organs through multilayered communication

(Figure 43–1). Although endocrine control of blood

glucose, primarily through the actions of insulin, is of

central importance, myriad levels of inter-organ communication,

via other hormones, nerves, local factors

and substrates, also play a vital role. The pancreatic β

cell is central in this homeostatic process, adjusting the

amount of insulin secreted very precisely to promote

glucose uptake after meals and to regulate glucose output

from the liver during fasting.

In the fasting state (Figure 43–1A), most of the

fuel demands of the body are met by the oxidation of

fatty acids. Importantly, the brain does not effectively

utilize fatty acids to meet energy needs and in the fasting

state requires glucose for normal function; glucose

requirements are ~2 mg/kg per minute in adult humans,

largely to supply the central nervous system (CNS) with

an energy source. Fasting glucose requirements are primarily

provided by the liver, with a minor contribution

from the kidney. Liver glycogen stores provide some of

this glucose; conversion of gluconeogenic precursors,

primarily lactate, alanine and glycerol, into glucose

accounts for the remainder. The dominant regulation of

hepatic glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis are the

pancreatic islet hormones insulin and glucagon. Insulin

inhibits hepatic glucose production at several levels,

and the decline of circulating insulin concentrations in

the postabsorptive state (fasting) is permissive for

higher rates of glucose output. Glucagon maintains

blood glucose concentrations at physiological levels in

the absence of exogenous carbohydrate (overnight and

in between meals) by stimulating gluconeogenesis and

glycogenolysis by the liver.

Ingestion of a meal provides a substantial challenge

to glucose homeostasis (Figure 43–1B). Adults

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