DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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some smooth muscles when the membrane has been depolarized

completely by high concentrations of K + , provided that Ca 2+ is present.

Hence, ACh stimulates ion fluxes across membranes and/or

mobilizes intracellular Ca 2+ to cause contraction.

In the heart, spontaneous depolarizations normally arise from

the SA node. In the cardiac conduction system, particularly in the SA

and AV nodes, stimulation of the cholinergic innervation or the

direct application of ACh causes inhibition, associated with hyperpolarization

of the membrane and a marked decrease in the rate of

depolarization. These effects are due, at least in part, to a selective

increase in permeability to K + (Hille, 1992).

Autonomic Ganglia. The primary pathway of cholinergic transmission

in autonomic ganglia is similar to that at the neuromuscular

junction of skeletal muscle. Ganglion cells can be discharged by

injecting very small amounts of ACh into the ganglion. The initial

depolarization is the result of activation of nicotinic ACh receptors,

which are ligand-gated cation channels with properties similar to

those found at the neuromuscular junction. Several secondary transmitters

or modulators either enhance or diminish the sensitivity of

the postganglionic cell to ACh. This sensitivity appears to be related

to the membrane potential of the postsynaptic nerve cell body or its

dendritic branches. Ganglionic transmission is discussed in more

detail in Chapter 11.

Prejunctional Sites. As described earlier, both cholinergic and adrenergic

nerve terminal varicosities contain autoreceptors and heteroreceptors.

ACh release therefore is subject to complex regulation by

mediators, including ACh itself acting on M 2

and M 4


and other transmitters (e.g., NE acting on α 2A

and α 2C


receptors) (Philipp and Hein, 2004; Wess, 2004) or substances

produced locally in tissues (e.g., NO). ACh-mediated inhibition of

ACh release following activation of M 2

and M 4

autoreceptors is

thought to represent a physiological negative-feedback control mechanism.

At some neuroeffector junctions such as the myenteric plexus

in the GI tract or the SA node in the heart, sympathetic and parasympathetic

nerve terminals often lie juxtaposed to each other. The

opposing effects of norepinephrine and ACh, therefore, result not

only from the opposite effects of the two transmitters on the smooth

muscle or cardiac cells but also from the inhibition of ACh release

by NE or inhibition of NE release by ACh acting on heteroreceptors

on parasympathetic or sympathetic terminals. The muscarinic

autoreceptors and heteroreceptors also represent drug targets for both

agonists and antagonists. Muscarinic agonists can inhibit the electrically

induced release of ACh, whereas antagonists will enhance the

evoked release of transmitter. The parasympathetic nerve terminal

varicosities also may contain additional heteroreceptors that could

respond by inhibition or enhancement of ACh release by locally

formed autacoids, hormones, or administered drugs. In addition to

α 2A

and α 2C

adrenergic receptors, other inhibitory heteroreceptors

on parasympathetic terminals include adenosine A 1

receptors, histamine

H 3

receptors, and opioid receptors. Evidence also exists for

β 2

-adrenergic facilitatory receptors.

Extraneuronal Sites. A large body of evidence now indicates that all

elements of the cholinergic system including the enzyme ChAT, ACh

synthesis, ACh release mechanisms, and both mAChRs and

nAChRs, are functionally expressed independently of cholinergic

innervation in numerous non-neuronal cells including those of

humans. These non-neuronal cholinergic systems can both modify

and control phenotypic cell functions such as proliferation,

differentiation, formation of physical barriers, migration, and ion

and water movements. The widespread synthesis of ACh in nonneuronal

cells has changed the thinking that ACh acts only as a neurotransmitter.

Each component of the cholinergic system in

non-neuronal cells can be affected by pathophysiological conditions

or secondary to disease states. For instance, blockade of mAChRs

and nAChRs on non-neuronal cells can cause cellular dysfunction

and cell death. Moreover, dysfunctions of non-neuronal cholinergic

systems may be involved in the pathogenesis of diseases (e.g.,

inflammatory processes) (Kalamida et al., 2007; Wessler and

Kirkpatrick, 2008).

Cholinergic Receptors and Signal


Sir Henry Dale noted that the various esters of choline

elicited responses that were similar to those of either

nicotine or muscarine depending on the pharmacological

preparation. A similarity in response also was noted

between muscarine and nerve stimulation in those

organs innervated by the craniosacral divisions of the

autonomic nervous system. Thus, Dale suggested that

ACh or another ester of choline was a neurotransmitter

in the autonomic nervous system; he also stated that

the compound had dual actions, which he termed a

“nicotine action” (nicotinic) and a “muscarine action”


The capacities of tubocurarine and atropine to block nicotinic

and muscarinic effects of ACh, respectively, provided further support

for the proposal of two distinct types of cholinergic receptors.

Although Dale had access only to crude plant alkaloids of then

unknown structure from Amanita muscaria and Nicotiana tabacum,

this classification remains as the primary subdivision of cholinergic

receptors. Its utility has survived the discovery of several distinct

subtypes of nicotinic and muscarinic receptors.

Although ACh and certain other compounds stimulate both

muscarinic and nicotinic cholinergic receptors, several other agonists

and antagonists are selective for one of the two major types of

receptors. ACh is a flexible molecule, and indirect evidence suggests

that the conformations of the neurotransmitter are distinct when it is

bound to nicotinic or muscarinic cholinergic receptors.

Nicotinic receptors are ligand-gated ion channels whose activation

always causes a rapid (millisecond) increase in cellular permeability

to Na + and Ca 2+ , depolarization, and excitation. By

contrast, muscarinic receptors are G protein–coupled receptors

(GPCRs). Responses to muscarinic agonists are slower; they may be

either excitatory or inhibitory, and they are not necessarily linked to

changes in ion permeability.

The primary structures of various species of nicotinic receptors

(Changeux and Edelstein, 1998; Numa et al., 1983) and muscarinic

receptors (Bonner, 1989; Caulfield and Birdsall, 1998) have

been deduced from the sequences of their respective genes. That

these two types of receptors belong to distinct families of proteins is

not surprising, retrospectively, in view of their distinct differences in

chemical specificity and function.




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