DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Local Anesthetics

William A. Catterall and

Kenneth Mackie

Local anesthetics bind reversibly to a specific receptor

site within the pore of the Na + channels in nerves and

block ion movement through this pore. When applied

locally to nerve tissue in appropriate concentrations,

local anesthetics can act on any part of the nervous system

and on every type of nerve fiber, reversibly blocking

the action potentials responsible for nerve

conduction. Thus, a local anesthetic in contact with a

nerve trunk can cause both sensory and motor paralysis

in the area innervated. These effects of clinically

relevant concentrations of local anesthetics are

reversible with recovery of nerve function and no evidence

of damage to nerve fibers or cells in most clinical


History. The first local anesthetic, cocaine, was serendipitously discovered

to have anesthetic properties in the late 19th century.

Cocaine occurs in abundance in the leaves of the coca shrub

(Erythroxylon coca). For centuries, Andean natives have chewed an

alkali extract of these leaves for its stimulatory and euphoric actions.

Cocaine was first isolated in 1860 by Albert Niemann. He, like many

chemists of that era, tasted his newly isolated compound and noted

that it caused a numbing of the tongue. Sigmund Freud studied

cocaine’s physiological actions, and Carl Koller introduced cocaine

into clinical practice in 1884 as a topical anesthetic for ophthalmological

surgery. Shortly thereafter, Halstead popularized its use in

infiltration and conduction block anesthesia.

Chemistry and Structure-Activity Relationship. Cocaine is an

ester of benzoic acid and the complex alcohol 2-carbomethoxy, 3-

hydroxy-tropane (Figure 20–1). Because of its toxicity and addictive

properties (Chapter 24), a search for synthetic substitutes for

cocaine began in 1892 with the work of Einhorn and colleagues,

resulting in the synthesis of procaine, which became the prototype

for local anesthetics for nearly half a century. The most widely used

agents today are procaine, lidocaine, bupivacaine, and tetracaine.

The typical local anesthetics contain hydrophilic and

hydrophobic moieties that are separated by an intermediate ester or

amide linkage (Figure 20–1). A broad range of compounds containing

these minimal structural features can satisfy the requirements

for action as local anesthetics. The hydrophilic group usually is a

tertiary amine but also may be a secondary amine; the hydrophobic

moiety must be aromatic. The nature of the linking group determines

some of the pharmacological properties of these agents. For example,

local anesthetics with an ester link are hydrolyzed readily by

plasma esterases.

The structure-activity relationship and the physicochemical

properties of local anesthetics have been reviewed by Courtney and

Strichartz (1987). Hydrophobicity increases both the potency and

the duration of action of the local anesthetics; association of the

drug at hydrophobic sites enhances the partitioning of the drug to its

sites of action and decreases the rate of metabolism by plasma

esterases and hepatic enzymes. In addition, the receptor site for

these drugs on Na + channels is thought to be hydrophobic (see

Mechanism of Action), so that receptor affinity for anesthetic agents

is greater for more hydrophobic drugs. Hydrophobicity also

increases toxicity, so that the therapeutic index is decreased for

more hydrophobic drugs.

Molecular size influences the rate of dissociation of local

anesthetics from their receptor sites. Smaller drug molecules can

escape from the receptor site more rapidly. This characteristic is

important in rapidly firing cells, in which local anesthetics bind during

action potentials and dissociate during the period of membrane

repolarization. Rapid binding of local anesthetics during action

potentials causes the frequency- and voltage-dependence of their


Mechanism of Action. Local anesthetics act at the cell

membrane to prevent the generation and the conduction

of nerve impulses. Conduction block can be

demonstrated in squid giant axons from which the axoplasm

has been removed.

Local anesthetics block conduction by decreasing

or preventing the large transient increase in the permeability

of excitable membranes to Na + that normally

is produced by a slight depolarization of the membrane

(Chapters 8, 11, and 14) (Strichartz and Ritchie, 1987).

This action of local anesthetics is due to their direct

interaction with voltage-gated Na + channels. As the

anesthetic action progressively develops in a nerve, the

threshold for electrical excitability gradually increases,

the rate of rise of the action potential declines, impulse

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