DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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1152 cigarette smoking has been reported to worsen both subclinical

hypothyroidism (Müller et al., 1995) and Graves’ ophthalmopathy

(Bartalena et al., 1998b). Dietary precursors of thiocyanate

may be a contributing factor in endemic goiter in certain parts of

the world, especially in Central Africa, where the intake of iodine

is very low.

Among other anions, perchlorate (ClO 4–

) is 10 times as active

as thiocyanate (Wolff, 1998). The various NIS inhibitors, perchlorate,

thiocyanate, and nitrate, are additive in inhibiting iodine uptake

(Tonacchera et al., 2004). Perchlorate blocks the entrance of iodide

into the thyroid by competitively inhibiting the NIS. Perchlorate is

transported by NIS using a different stoicheiometry, electroneutral,

compared with that seen with transport of iodine (Dohan et al.,

2007). Although perchlorate can be used to control hyperthyroidism,

it has caused fatal aplastic anemia when given in excessive amounts

(2-3 g daily). Perchlorate in doses of 750 mg daily has been used in

the treatment of Graves’ disease and amiodarone-iodine–induced

thyrotoxicosis (National Academy of Sciences/National Research

Council [NAS/NRC], 2005). Perchlorate can be used to “discharge”

inorganic iodide from the thyroid gland in a diagnostic test of iodide

organification. Other ions, selected on the basis of their size, also

have been found to be active; fluoroborate (BF 4–

) is as effective as


Ammonium perchlorate is an essential oxidizer in the production

of rocket fuel, and water supplies have been contaminated

with perchlorate derived from the sites of production. A National

Academy of Sciences Committee recommended a reference dose

of perchlorate exposure of 0.0007 mg/kg per day that would produce

no adverse effect. This level of no effect is much higher than

that found in most water supplies, indicating a low risk of perchlorate

exposure influencing thyroid function (NAS/NRC, 2005). The

reference dose was primarily derived from a 2-week study in normal

volunteers that determined the daily dose of perchlorate that

produced no effect on thyroid function or 123 I uptake (Greer et al.,

2002). There remain concerns that accumulated perchlorate exposure

from multiple sources and combined exposure to other iodine

uptake inhibitors may impair thyroid function, especially as it

might affect pregnant women and young children (Miller et al.,

2009). A study in the U.S. showed a correlation between perchlorate

exposure and an increase in serum TSH (still within the normal

range), only among women with low iodine intake (Blount et

al., 2006). Men and women with adequate iodine intake did not

show any influence of perchlorate on thyroid function. Others

have argued that the risk of thyroid dysfunction from perchlorate

exposure is extremely low and there is little evidence to support

this view (Charnley, 2008). A study among pregnant women

living in areas of very high natural perchlorate contamination

showed no effect on maternal thyroid function or pregnancy outcome

for mother or infant (Tellez et al., 2006). Although reassuring,

the high iodine content in this region may limit the effects of

perchlorate. Because the primary mode of toxicity of perchlorate

is inhibition of iodine uptake, the best approach to reduce susceptibility

is to maintain adequate iodine intake, especially during

pregnancy (Becker et al., 2006).

Lithium has a multitude of effects on thyroid function; its

principal effect is decreased secretion of thyroxine and triiodothyronine

(Takami, 1994), which can cause overt hypothyroidism in some

patients taking Li + for the treatment of mania (Chapter 16).




Iodide is the oldest remedy for disorders of the thyroid

gland. Before the anti-thyroid drugs were used, it was

the only substance available for control of the signs and

symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Its use in this way is

indeed paradoxical, and the explanation for this paradox

is still incomplete.

Mechanism of Action. High concentrations of iodide

appear to influence almost all important aspects of

iodine metabolism by the thyroid gland. The capacity of

iodide to limit its own transport was mentioned earlier.

Acute inhibition of the synthesis of iodotyrosines and

iodothyronines by iodide also is well known (the Wolff-

Chaikoff effect). This transient 2-day inhibition is

observed only above critical concentrations of intracellular

rather than extracellular concentrations of iodide.

With time, “escape” from this inhibition is associated

with an adaptive decrease in iodide transport and a lowered

intracellular iodide concentration, associated with

a decrease in NIS mRNA and protein (Eng et al., 1999).

An important clinical effect of high [I – ] plasma


inhibition of the release of thyroid hormone. This action

is rapid and efficacious in severe thyrotoxicosis. The

effect is exerted directly on the thyroid gland and can be

demonstrated in the euthyroid subject as well as in the

hyperthyroid patient. Studies in a cultured thyroid cell

line suggest that some of the inhibitory effects of iodide

on thyrocyte proliferation may be mediated by actions

of iodide on crucial regulatory points in the cell cycle

(Smerdely et al., 1993).

In euthyroid individuals, the administration of doses of iodide

from 1.5-150 mg daily results in small decreases in plasma thyroxine

and triiodothyronine concentrations and small compensatory

increases in serum TSH values, with all values remaining in the normal

range. However, euthyroid patients with a history of a wide variety

of underlying thyroid disorders may develop iodine-induced

hypothyroidism when exposed to large amounts of iodine present in

many commonly prescribed drugs (Table 39–6), and these patients

do not escape from the acute Wolff-Chaikoff effect (Roti et al.,

1997). Among the disorders that predispose patients to iodine-induced

hypothyroidism are treated Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis,

postpartum lymphocytic thyroiditis, subacute painful thyroiditis, and

lobectomy for benign nodules. The most commonly prescribed

iodine-containing drugs are certain expectorants (e.g., potassium

iodide), topical antiseptics (e.g., povidone iodine), and iodinated

radiological contrast agents.

Response to Iodide in Hyperthyroidism. The response to

iodides in patients with hyperthyroidism is often

striking and rapid. The effect usually is discernible

within 24 hours, and the basal metabolic rate may fall

at a rate comparable to that following thyroidectomy.

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