DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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The gonadotropins (LH and FSH) regulate the

growth and maturation of the graafian follicle in the

ovary and the ovarian production of estrogen and progesterone,

which exert feedback regulation on the pituitary

and hypothalamus.

Because the release of GnRH is intermittent, LH

and FSH secretion is pulsatile. The pulse frequency is

determined by the neural “clock” (Figure 40–2), termed

the hypothalamic GnRH pulse generator (Knobil,

1981), but the amount of gonadotropin released in each

pulse (i.e., the pulse amplitude) is largely controlled by

the actions of estrogens and progesterone on the pituitary.

The intermittent, pulsatile nature of hormone

release is essential for the maintenance of normal ovulatory

menstrual cycles because constant infusion of

GnRH results in a cessation of gonadotropin release

and ovarian steroid production (Chapter 38). The neuropeptide

kisspeptin-1, which is released from the

hypothalamic anteroventral periventricular nucleus and

the arcuate nucleus, may regulate GnRH pulsatility

through its G protein-coupled receptor, GPR54,

expressed in GnRH neurons. Inactivating mutations in

GPR54 have been associated with hypogonadotropic

hypogonadism (Seminara, 2006).

Although the precise mechanism that regulates the timing of

GnRH release (i.e., pulse frequency) is unclear, hypothalamic cells

appear to have an intrinsic ability to release GnRH episodically. The

overall pattern of GnRH release likely is regulated by the interplay

of intrinsic mechanism(s) and extrinsic synaptic inputs from opioid,

catecholamine, and GABAergic neurons (Figure 40–2). Ovarian

steroids, primarily progesterone, regulate the frequency of GnRH

release, but the cellular and molecular mechanisms of this regulation

are not well established. Some GnRH cells have immunoreactive

steroid receptors. Some nerve cells that synapse with GnRH

neurons also contain steroid receptors, and neighboring glial cells

may contain estrogen and progesterone receptors. Steroids may thus

directly and indirectly modulate GnRH neuronal function.

At puberty the pulse generator is activated and establishes

cyclic profiles of pituitary and ovarian hormones. Although the

mechanism of activation is not entirely established, it may involve

increases in circulating insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 and leptin

levels, the latter acting to inhibit neuropeptide Y (NPY) in the arcuate

nucleus to relieve an inhibitory effect on GnRH neurons.

Figure 40–3 provides a schematic diagram of the

profiles of gonadotropin and gonadal steroid levels

in the menstrual cycle. The “average” plasma levels

of LH throughout the cycle are shown in panel A of

Figure 40–3; inserts illustrate the pulsatile patterns of

LH during the proliferative and secretory phases in

more detail. The average LH levels are similar throughout

the early (follicular) and late (luteal) phases of the

cycle, but the frequency and amplitude of the LH

pulses are quite different in the two phases. This characteristic

pattern of hormone secretions results from

complex positive and negative feedback mechanisms

(Hotchkiss and Knobil, 1994).

In the early follicular phase of the cycle, (1) the pulse generator

produces bursts of neuronal activity with a frequency of about

one per hour that correspond with pulses of GnRH secretion, (2)

these cause a corresponding pulsatile release of LH and FSH from

pituitary gonadotropes, and (3) FSH in particular causes the graafian

follicle to mature and secrete estrogen. The effects of estrogens on

the pituitary are inhibitory at this time and cause the amount of LH

and FSH released from the pituitary to decline (i.e., the amplitude of

the LH pulse decreases), so gonadotropin levels gradually fall, as

seen in Figure 40–3. Inhibin, produced by the ovary, also exerts a

negative feedback to selectively decrease serum FSH at this time

(Chapter 38). Activin and follistatin, two other peptides released

from the ovary, may also regulate FSH production and secretion to

a lesser extent, although their levels do not vary appreciably during

the menstrual cycle.

At mid-cycle, serum estradiol rises above a threshold level of

150-200 pg/mL for ~36 hours. This sustained elevation of estrogen

no longer inhibits gonadotropin release but exerts a brief positive

feedback effect on the pituitary to trigger the preovulatory surge of

LH and FSH. This effect primarily involves a change in pituitary

responsiveness to GnRH. In some species, estrogens may also exert

a positive effect on hypothalamic neurons that contributes to a midcycle

“surge” of GnRH release; this is not yet established in humans.

Progesterone may contribute to the mid-cycle LH surge.

The mid-cycle surge in gonadotropins stimulates follicular

rupture and ovulation within 1-2 days. The ruptured follicle then

develops into the corpus luteum, which produces large amounts of

progesterone and lesser amounts of estrogen under the influence of

LH during the second half of the cycle. In the absence of pregnancy,

the corpus luteum ceases to function, steroid levels drop, and menstruation

occurs. When steroid levels drop, the pulse generator

reverts to a firing pattern characteristic of the follicular phase, the

entire system then resets, and a new ovarian cycle occurs.

Regulation of the frequency and amplitude of gonadotropin

secretions by steroids may be summarized as follows: Estrogens act

primarily on the pituitary to control the amplitude of gonadotropin

pulses, and they may also contribute to the amplitude of GnRH

pulses secreted by the hypothalamus.

In the follicular phase of the cycle, estrogens inhibit

gonadotropin release but then have a brief mid-cycle stimulatory

action that increases the amount released and causes the LH surge.

Progesterone, acting on the hypothalamus, exerts the predominant

control of the frequency of LH release. It decreases the firing rate of

the hypothalamic pulse generator, an action thought to be mediated

largely via inhibitory opioid neurons (containing progesterone receptors)

that synapse with GnRH neurons. Progesterone also exerts a

direct effect on the pituitary to oppose the inhibitory actions of estrogens

and thus enhance the amount of LH released (i.e., to increase

the amplitude of the LH pulses). These steroid feedback effects, coupled

with the intrinsic activity of the hypothalamic GnRH pulse generator,

lead to relatively frequent LH pulses of small amplitude in

the follicular phase of the cycle, and less frequent pulses of larger

amplitude in the luteal phase. Studies in knockout mice indicate that




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