DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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both coagulation and fibrinolytic pathways, and imbalance in these

two opposing activities may cause adverse effects.

Estrogen Receptors

Estrogens exert their effects by interaction with receptors

that are members of the superfamily of nuclear

receptors. The two estrogen receptor genes are located

on separate chromosomes: ESR1 encodes ERα, and

ESR2 encodes ERβ. Both ERs are estrogen-dependent

nuclear transcription factors that have different tissue

distributions and transcriptional regulatory effects on a

wide number of target genes (reviewed by Hanstein et al.,

2004). Ligands that discriminate between ERα and

ERβ have been developed (Harrington et al., 2003) but

are not yet in clinical use. Both ERα and ERβ exist as

multiple mRNA isoforms due to differential promoter

use and alternative splicing (reviewed by Kos et al.,

2001; Lewandowski et al., 2002). The two human ERs

are 44% identical in overall amino acid sequence and

share the domain structure common to members of this

family. The estrogen receptor is divided into six functional

domains: The NH 2

-terminal A/B domain contains

the activation function-1 (AF-1) segment, which can

activate transcription independently of ligand; the

highly conserved C domain comprises the DNA-binding

domain, which contains four cysteines arranged in two

zinc fingers; the D domain, frequently called the “hinge

region,” contains the nuclear localization signal; and the

E/F domain has multiple functions, including ligand

binding, dimerization, and ligand-dependent transactivation,

mediated by the AF-2 domain. There are significant

differences between the two receptor isoforms in

the ligand-binding domains and in both transactivation

domains. Human ERβ does not appear to contain a

functional AF-1 domain. The receptors appear to have

different biological functions and respond differently

to various estrogenic compounds (Kuiper et al., 1997).

However, their high homology in the DNA-binding

domains suggests that both receptors recognize similar

DNA sequences and hence regulate many of the same

target genes.

ERα, the first discovered, is expressed most abundantly in the

female reproductive tract—especially the uterus, vagina, and

ovaries—as well as in the mammary gland, the hypothalamus,

endothelial cells, and vascular smooth muscle. ERβ is expressed most

highly in the prostate and ovaries, with lower expression in lung,

brain, bone, and vasculature. Many cells express both ERα and ERβ,

which can form either homo- or heterodimers. Both forms of ER are

expressed on breast cancers, although ERα is believed to be the predominant

form responsible for growth regulation (Chapter 63).

When co-expressed with ERα, ERβ can inhibit ERα-mediated

transcriptional activation in many cases (Hall and McDonnell, 1999).

Polymorphic variants of ER have been identified, but attempts to correlate

specific polymorphisms with the frequency of breast cancer

(Han et al., 2003), bone mass (Kurabayashi et al., 2004), endometrial

cancer (Weiderpass et al., 2000), or cardiovascular disease

(Herrington and Howard, 2003) have led to contradictory results.

A cloned G protein-coupled receptor, GPR30, also appears

to interact with estrogens in some cell systems, and its participation

in the rapid effects of estrogen is an attractive idea. However, four

GPR30 knockout (KO) mice strains show inconsistent data with few

stress or developmental phenotypes, and there is no consistent overlap

of these models with ERα and ERβ KO phenotypes. There may

be interaction/cross-talk between membrane-associated ERα and

membrane-localized GPR30 in some cancer cells, but in vivo confirmation

is lacking (Levin, 2008; Olde et al. 2009).

Mechanism of Action

Both estrogen receptors (ERs) are ligand-activated transcription

factors that increase or decrease the transcription

of target genes (Figure 40–4). After entering the

cell by passive diffusion through the plasma membrane,

the hormone binds to an ER in the nucleus. In the

nucleus, the ER is present as an inactive monomer

bound to heat-shock protein 90 (HSP90), and upon

binding estrogen, a change in ER conformation dissociates

the heat-shock proteins and causes receptor

dimerization, which increases the affinity and the rate

of receptor binding to DNA (Cheskis et al., 1997).

Homodimers of ERα or ERβ and ER α/ERβ heterodimers

can be produced depending on the receptor

complement in a given cell. The concept of ligandmediated

changes in ER conformation is central to

understanding the mechanism of action of estrogen

agonists and antagonists. The ER dimer binds to estrogen

response elements (EREs), typically located in the

promoter region of target genes with the consensus

sequence GGTCANNNTGACC, but several similar

sequences can act as estrogen response elements in a

promoter-specific context. The type of ERE with which

ERs interact also regulates the three-dimensional structure

of the activated receptor (Hall et al., 2002).

The ER/DNA complex recruits a cascade of coactivator

and other proteins to the promoter region of

target genes (Figure 40–4B). Three families of proteins

interact with ERs. The first of these has the ability to

modify nucleosome structure either in an ATP-dependent

manner, like SWI/Snf, or by histone methyltransferase

(HMT) activity, as in proteins such as PRMT1. The second

family comprises the p160/SRC proteins and

includes SRC-1 (steroid-receptor co-activator 1), SRC-2,

and SRC-3. The third family includes p300/CBP (cyclic

AMP response-element binding protein), co-activators




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