DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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632 methanol is taken along with ethanol. As little as 15 mL of methanol

can produce toxicity, including blindness, with doses in excess of

70 mL capable of producing death. Methanol poisoning consists of

headache, GI distress, and pain (partially related to pancreatic

injury), difficulty breathing, restlessness, and blurred vision associated

with hyperemic optic disks. Severe metabolic acidosis can

develop due to the accumulation of formic acid, and the respiratory

depression can be severe, especially in the context of coma. The

visual disturbances associated with methanol intoxication are a

prominent part of the picture, and occur as a consequence of injury

to ganglion cells of the retina by the metabolite, formic acid, with

subsequent inflammation, atrophy, and potential bilateral blindness.

The clinical picture can also include necrosis of the pancreas.



Genetic Variation in Ethanol Metabolism. The enzymes involved in

ethanol metabolism (Figure 23–1) are mainly ADH and ALDH, and

secondarily, catalase and CYP2E1. Several of these enzymes have

genetic variants that alter alcohol metabolism and susceptibility to

its effects.

The genetics of the ADH isoforms are important for understanding

risk factors for severe repetitive ethanol problems. The three

relevant forms are ADH1A, 1B, and 1C (genes on chromosome 4

q22). These class I ADHs have K m

<34 mmol (0.15 g/dL) and are

responsible for 70% of the ethanol metabolizing capacity at BECs of

22 mM (i.e., ~0.10 g/dL) (Edenberg et al., 2006). These ADH forms

are the rate-limiting step in ethanol metabolism, reducing the blood

ethanol concentrations by ~4-5 mM (0.015-0.020 g/dL) per hour,

the approximate levels of alcohol resulting from the consumption of

one standard drink.

The ADH1A gene has no polymorphisms known to significantly

affect the rate of alcohol metabolism. The ADH1B gene has a polymorphism,

ADH1B*2, with arginine 47 replaced by histidine to produce a

variant form of ADH with a 40-fold higher V max

than ADH1B. This

polymorphism is seen in 30-45% of Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans,

less than 10% of most Europeans, but in 50-90% of Russians and Jews

(Edenberg et al., 2006). The potential faster metabolism of ethanol may

result in a transient slightly higher blood level of acetaldehyde and is

reported to be associated with a lower risk for heavy drinking and

ethanol-related problems. A second polymorphism for ADH1B,

ADH1B*3 (arginine 269 replaced by cysteine), has a 30-fold higher

V max

. ADHlB*3 is seen in about 30% of Africans and also is associated

with lower risk of heavy drinking and ethanol problems.

A third ADH gene found in the chromosome 4q22 cluster,

ADH1C, exhibits two polymorphisms in high linkage disequilibrium,

the 1 and 2 forms. The V max

of 1 is twice that of 2, and

this ADH1C*1 allele is hypothesized to be associated with a slightly

faster metabolism of ethanol and/or a higher level of acetaldehyde.

The independent effects of ADH1C*1 and ADH1B*2 alleles are difficult

to determine. The ADH cluster on chromosome 4 also contains

class II ADHs with K m

= 34 mM (~0.15 g/dL). The class II forms contribute

about 30% of the ethanol metabolizing capacity noted above.

There are polymorphisms hypothesized to be associated with the

alcoholism risk, but less information is known about these forms (Luo

et al., 2007).

Other systems also contribute to the metabolism of ethanol

to acetaldehyde including via catalase (Kuo et al., 2008). In addition,

at higher BELs, the microsomal ethanol metabolizing system

(MEOS) is important, especially CYP2E1, but also CYPs1A2 and

3A4. Variations of the CYP2E1 gene located on chromosome 10

have been hypothesized to relate to the level of sensitivity or reaction

to the ethanol observed in the brain.

Acetaldehyde is produced from the breakdown of ethanol at

the rate of approximately one standard drink per hour. As shown in

Figure 23–1, the acetaldehyde is then rapidly broken down through

the actions of ALDH2, primarily in the mitochondria of liver cells.

The actions of ALDH2, a phase 2 enzyme (Chapter 6), are important

because low levels of acetaldehyde may be perceived as rewarding

and stimulating, while high blood levels of this substance produce

severe adverse reactions that can include vomiting, diarrhea, and

unstable blood pressure (Husemoen et al., 2008). There is a mutation

in the ALDH2 gene (12q24), ALDH2*2 (resulting from a substitution

of glycine 487 with lysine). Homozygotes with a nonfunctional

ALDH2*2 occur in 5-10% of Japanese, Chinese, and Korean individuals,

for whom severe adverse reactions occur after consumption

of one drink or less. Consequently, their risk for severe repetitive

heavy drinking is close to zero. This reaction operates through the

same mechanism that occurs with drinking after taking the ALDH2

inhibitor, disulfiram. Heterozygotes for this polymorphism

(ALDH2*2, 2*1) make up 30-40% of Asian individuals who, after

consuming ethanol experience a facial flush and an enhanced sensitivity

to beverage alcohol, but who do not necessarily report an overall

adverse response to the drug (Wall and Ehlers, 1995). The

heterozygotes tend to drink lower quantities of ethanol than the general

population, although repeated intake may relate to an enhanced

risk for adverse ethanol-related organ damage (including esophageal

cancer and, perhaps, pancreatitis), possibly associated with higher

acetaldehyde levels. While additional ALDH mutations occur, less is

known about potential associations between these polymorphisms

and the risk from alcohol.



William Shakespeare described the acute pharmacological

effects of imbibing ethanol in the Porter scene (act 2,

scene 3) of Macbeth. The Porter, awakened from an

alcohol-induced sleep by Macduff, explains three

effects of alcohol and then wrestles with a fourth effect

that combines the contradictory aspects of soaring overconfidence

with physical impairment:

Porter: . . . and drink, sir, is a great provoker of three things.

Macduff: What three things does drink especially provoke?

Porter: Marry, sir, nose-painting [cutaneous vasodilation],

sleep [CNS depression], and urine [a consequence of the inhibition

of antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) secretion, exacerbated by

volume loading]. Lechery, sir, it provokes and unprovokes: it provokes

the desire but it takes away the performance. Therefore much

drink may be said to be an equivocator with lechery: it makes him

and it mars him; it sets him on and it takes him off; it persuades him

and disheartens him, makes him stand to and not stand to [the

imagination desires what the corpus cavernosum cannot deliver];

in conclusion, equivocates him in a sleep, and, giving him the lie,

leaves him.

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