DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Drug Therapy of Depression and

Anxiety Disorders

James M. O’Donnell and

Richard C. Shelton

Depression and anxiety disorders are the most common

mental illnesses, each affecting in excess of 10-15% of

the population at some time in their lives. Both anxiety

and depressive disorders are amenable to pharmacological

treatments that have been developed since the

1950s. With the discovery of more selective and safer

drugs, the use of antidepressants and anxiolytics has

moved from the domain of psychiatry to other medical

specialties, including primary care. The relative safety

of the majority of commonly used antidepressants and

anxiolytics notwithstanding, their optimal use requires

a clear understanding of their mechanisms of action,

pharmacokinetics, potential drug interactions, and the

differential diagnosis of psychiatric illnesses.

A confluence of symptoms of depression and anxiety

may affect an individual patient; some of the drugs

discussed here are effective in treating both disorders,

suggesting common underlying mechanisms of pathophysiology

and response to pharmacotherapy. In large

measure, our current understanding of pathophysiological

mechanisms underlying depression and anxiety has

been inferred from the mechanisms of action of psychopharmacological

compounds (Chapter 14). While

depression and anxiety disorders comprise a wide range

of symptoms, including changes in mood, behavior,

somatic function, and cognition, some progress has been

made in developing animal models that respond with

some sensitivity and selectivity to antidepressant or anxiolytic

drugs (Cryan and Holmes, 2005; Miller et al.,

2010 ). Recent work has focused on identifying endophenotypes

associated with psychiatric diseases, with the

goals of understanding their underlying pathophysiology

and targeting them pharmacologically (Cannon and

Keller, 2006). Although animal models are useful for

investigating pharmacological mechanisms of action and

providing initial evidence of efficacy, the development

of antidepressant and anxiolytic drugs depends on

clinical trials. However, it is not uncommon for psychopharmacological

agents to fail to show efficacy in

clinical trials; in large measure this is due to significant

placebo effects and the lack of objective and firm end

points. In spite of these limitations, the last half century

has seen notable advances in the discovery and development

of drugs for treating depression and anxiety.



Symptoms of Depression

Depression, in general, is classified as major depression

(i.e., unipolar depression) or bipolar depression (i.e.,

manic depressive illness); bipolar depression and its

treatment are discussed in Chapter 16. Lifetime risk of

unipolar depression is ~15%. Females are affected twice

as frequently as males (Kessler et al., 1994). Depressive

episodes are characterized by depressed or sad mood,

pessimistic worry, diminished interest in normal activities,

mental slowing and poor concentration, insomnia or

increased sleep, significant weight loss or gain due to

altered eating and activity patterns, psychomotor agitation

or retardation, feelings of guilt and worthlessness,

decreased energy and libido, and suicidal ideation, occurring

most days for a period of at least 2 weeks. In some

cases, the primary complaint of patients involves somatic

pain or other physical symptoms and can present a diagnostic

challenge for primary care physicians. Depressive

symptoms also can occur secondary to other illnesses

such as hypothyroidism, Parkinson’s disease, and

inflammatory conditions. Further, depression often complicates

the management of other medical conditions

(e.g., severe trauma, cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular

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