DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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634 2006). Acutely, ethanol results in GABA release; chronic heavy use

alters the pattern of expression of genes impacting on GABA A


Intoxication with ethanol can be viewed as a GABA-rich state,

and withdrawal phenomena are related in part to GABA A


deficiencies. Several GABA A

receptor gene polymorphisms correlate

with a predisposition toward heavy drinking and alcohol use disorders

(Dick et al., 2006a,b).

The nicotinic ACh receptor is also sensitive to

the effects of ethanol. Drinking acutely increases ACh in the ventral

tegmental area, with a subsequent increase in DA in the nucleus

accumbens (Joslyn et al., 2008). Varenicline, a partial agonist at the



subtype of the nicotininc ACh receptor (Chapter 11), decreases

ethanol-seeking behavior and ethanol consumption in a rodent

model, similar to its actions to effects on nicotine dependence

(Steensland et al., 2007). Effects of ethanol on these receptors may

be particularly important because there is an association between

nicotine exposure (smoking) and alcohol consumption in humans.

Furthermore, several studies indicate that nicotine increases alcohol

consumption in animal models (Smith et al., 1999).

Excitatory ionotropic glutamate receptors are divided into the

N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and non-NMDA receptor classes, with

the latter consisting of kainate- and AMPA-receptor subtypes (see

Chapter 14). Ethanol inhibits the function of the NMDA- and kainatereceptor

subtypes; AMPA receptors are largely resistant to alcohol

(Carta et al., 2003). As with the GABA A

receptors, phosphorylation of

the glutamate receptor can modulate sensitivity to ethanol.

A number of other types of channels are sensitive to alcohol

at concentrations routinely achieved in vivo. Ethanol enhances the

activity of large conductance, Ca 2+ -activated K + channels in neurohypophyseal

terminals (Dopico et al., 1999), perhaps contributing

to the reduced release of oxytocin and vasopressin after ethanol consumption.

Ethanol inhibits N- and P/Q-type Ca 2+ channels in a manner

that can be antagonized by channel phosphorylation by PKA

(Solem et al., 1997). BK (Maxi-K, slo1) channels also are a target for

alcohol action (Davies et al., 2003). G protein-gated inwardly rectifying

K + channels (GIRK or Kir channels) can be activated by the βγ

subunits of the G i

/G o

family, by PIP 2

, and, via a different mechanism,

by alcohols. Small alcohols bind to a hydrophobic binding

pocket on GIRKs, leading to channel activation via stabilization of

the open conformation (Aryal et al., 2009).



Other Neurotransmitter Systems. Dopamine-related systems have

central importance regarding the feelings of reward and craving associated

with all intoxicating substances (Koob and Kreek, 2007). Of

special importance are alterations in DA activity in the ventral

tegmental and related areas, especially the nucleus accumbens,

which are likely to play a major role in feelings of euphoria and

reward. Acute alcohol results in an increase in synaptic DA; repeated

administration is associated with changes in both D 2

and D 4


that may be important in the perpetuation of alcohol use as well

as in relapse (Voronin et al., 2008).

The impact of ethanol on dopaminergic pathways is closely

linked to changes in stress-related systems. These changes are

hypothesized to relate to reinforcement from beverage alcohol and

other drugs of abuse, as well as withdrawal symptoms and negative

moods related to problems with regulation of the DA-rich

brain reward systems. Dopaminergic activity in the nucleus

accumbens is affected by multiple types of opioid receptors, and

acute ethanol causes the release of endorphins (Job et al., 2007).

These actions subsequently activate μ opioid receptors in the ventral

tegmentum and nucleus accumbens, with associated release

of DA. Thus, many of the effects of alcohol on reward systems,

and changes in how the CNS reacts to ethanol (including sensitization),

may relate to alterations in opioid systems (Pastor and

Aragon, 2006).

The acute administration of ethanol is associated with a significant

increase in 5-HT in the synaptic space; continued use of

ethanol produces an up-regulation of 5-HT receptors. Lower levels

of 5-HT in the synapse, perhaps related to a more rapid reuptake by

the 5-HT transporter, is associated with higher levels of alcohol

intake and, potentially, lower levels of intensity of reaction to beverage

alcohol (Barr et al., 2005). Changes in DA systems are likely

to relate to alterations in 5-HT as well.

Cannabinoid receptors, especially CB 1

encoded by the gene

CNR1, are also affected by ethanol (Hutchinson et al., 2008; Perra

et al., 2008). CB 1

is a GPCR that is densely represented in the ventral

tegmentum, nucleus accumbens, and prefrontal cortex.

Activation of CB 1

occurs with acute ethanol administration and

affects the release of DA, GABA, and glutamate, and reward circuits

of the brain. Antagonists of CB 1

receptors, such as rimonabant, may

block the effect of ethanol on dopaminergic systems.

Protein Kinases and Signaling Enzymes. Knockout mice lacking

the isoform of PKC display reduced effects of ethanol measured

behaviorally and a loss of enhancement by ethanol of GABA’s

effects measured in vitro (Harris et al., 1995). Intracellular signaltransduction

cascades, such as MAPK, tyrosine kinases, and neurotrophic

factor receptors, also are thought to be affected by ethanol

(Valenzuela and Harris, 1997). Translocation of PKC and PKA

between subcellular compartments also is sensitive to alcohol

(Constantinescu et al., 1999).

Ethanol enhances the activities of several isoforms of adenylyl

cyclase, with AC7 being the most sensitive (Tabakoff and

Hoffman, 1998). This promotes increased production of cyclic AMP

and thus increased activity of PKA. Ethanol’s actions appear to be

mediated by activation of G s

and promotion of the interaction

between G s

and adenylyl cyclase.

Ethanol Consumption and CNS Function. There are a series of relatively

common and temporary effects of ethanol with relatively high

prevalence rates reflecting changes in the GABA system that are

generally caused by CNS depressants. Large doses of ethanol can

interfere with encoding of memories, producing anterograde amnesias,

commonly referred to as alcoholic blackouts; affected individuals

are unable to recall all or part of experiences during the period

of heavy intake. At even 2-3 drinks, ethanol consumption can produce

disturbances in sleep architecture, with frequent awakenings

and restless sleep; high doses are associated with vivid and disturbing

dreams late as a consequence of earlier suppression of night rapid

eye movement dream state at higher blood ethanol levels. Perhaps

reflecting the effect of ethanol on respirations as well as the musclerelaxant

effects of this drug, heavier drinking can be associated with

sleep apnea, especially in older alcohol-dependent subjects (Sakurai

et al., 2007). The transient CNS effects of heavy ethanol consumption

that produce a hangover—the “next morning” syndrome of

headache, thirst, nausea, and cognitive impairment—contribute to

much time lost from work and school, and may reflect mechanisms

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