DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Table 67–2

Chemopreventive Agents Being Studied in Humans



Isothiocyanates Phenethyl Cruciferous Liver, lung, ↓CYP, ↑GSH, Phase 2 clinical

isothiocyanate vegetables breast, etc. ↑NQO1, trials


Synthetic drugs Oltipraz Anti-schistosomal Liver, lung ↓CYP, ↑GSH, Beneficial effects on

that modify drug ↑NQO1 biomarkers in phase


2 clinical trials

Flavonoids and Catechin Green tea, red wine, Lung, ↓ROS, ↓CYP, Phase 2 clinical

other polyphenols berries, etc. cervical, etc. ↑GSH, ↑NQO1 trials

Other plant Curcumin Turmeric (curry) Colorectal, ↓ROS, ↓CYP, Phase 2 clinical

compounds pancreatic, ↑GSH, ↑NQO1 trials


Other plant Chlorophyllin All plants Liver Reaction with Beneficial effects on

compounds active biomarkers in phase

intermediates, 2 clinical trials


Other antioxidants α-Tocopherol Food Prostate Antioxidant, anti- Phase 3 clinical

(vitamin E) inflammatory trials

Anti-hormonal Tamoxifen Adjuvant for breast Breast Inhibit ER in FDA-approved for

therapies cancer breast chemoprevention

NSAIDs (see Aspirin Anti-inflammatory Colorectal, Inhibit PG Phase 3 trials

chapter 34) drugs etc. formation

COX-2 selective Celecoxib Anti-inflammatory Colorectal, Inhibit PG Phase 3 trial found ↓cancer

inhibitors (see drugs etc. formation but unacceptable side

Chapter 34)

effects for prevention

CYP, cytochrome P450; GSH, glutathione; NQO1, quinone reductase; ROS, reactive oxygen species; ERα, estrogen receptor-; FDA, U.S. Food and

Drug Administration; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; COX-2, cyclooxygenase-2; PG, prostaglandin.

are approved drugs to prevent carcinogenesis due to

endogenous estrogen (tamoxifen and raloxifene)

and viruses (hepatitis B and human papillomavirus


Chemopreventive agents interfere with the

processes of initiation and promotion (Figure 67–2).

One mechanism of anti-initiation is prevention of carcinogen

activation. Isothiocyanates and similar compounds

inhibit CYPs involved in activating many

carcinogens and also upregulate genes controlled by the

antioxidant response element (ARE); the ARE-responsive

group includes -glutamylcysteine synthase light chain

(the gene responsible for the rate-determining step in

GSH synthesis) and quinone reductase (NQO1).

Increased expression of ARE-regulated genes is predicted

to increase the detoxification of proximate carcinogens.

Isothiocyanates also stimulate apoptosis of

p53-deficient cells via the formation of cytotoxic DNA

adducts. Compounds that act as antioxidants may provide

protection because many carcinogens work through

the generation of ROS. Some compounds simultaneously

prevent carcinogen activation and act as antioxidants.

For example, flavonoids and other polyphenols

found in a wide variety of plants are potent antioxidants

that inhibit CYPs and induce expression of ARE-regulated

genes. Chlorophyll and other compounds can protect

against carcinogens by binding to or reacting with

carcinogens or their metabolites and prevent them from

reaching their molecular target.

Inflammation is a potential target for chemoprevention

through interference with promotion. The

COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib (described in Chapter 34)

has been tested in phase 3 studies that demonstrated

efficacy at reducing the risk of colorectal cancer.

However, this benefit was offset by an increased risk of

death due to cardiovascular events, forcing the early

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