DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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1044 is the first drug to demonstrate clear anti-inflammatory

effects; thus, theophylline may have a role in preventing

progression of this disease (Culpitt et al., 2002).





Chemical antagonism of the effects of acetylcholine at

muscarinic receptors in the lung for the relief of asthma

is not a new idea. Datura stramonium (jimson weed) and

related species of the nightshade family contain a mixture

of muscarinic antagonists (atropine, hyoscyamine,

scopolamine) and were smoked for relief of asthma two

centuries ago. Subsequently, the purified plant alkaloid

atropine was introduced for treating asthma. Due to the

significant side effects of atropine, particularly drying of

secretions, less soluble quaternary compounds, such as

atropine methylnitrate and ipratropium bromide, have

been developed. These compounds are topically active

and are not significantly absorbed from the respiratory

or GI tracts. The basic pharmacology of the antimuscarinic

agents is presented in Chapter 9.

Mode of Action

These agents are competitive antagonists of ACh binding

to muscarinic cholinergic receptors; thus these

drugs block the effects of endogenous ACh at muscarinic

receptors, including the direct constrictor effect

on bronchial smooth muscle mediated via the M 3

-G q



-Ca 2+ pathway (Chapter 3). Their predicted

efficacy stems from the role played by the parasympathetic

nervous system in regulating bronchomotor tone.

Multiple and diverse stimuli cause reflex increases in

parasympathetic activity that contribute to bronchoconstriction.

The effects of ACh on the respiratory system

include not only bronchoconstriction but also increased

tracheobronchial secretion and stimulation of the

chemoreceptors of the carotid and aortic bodies. Thus

antimuscarinic drugs might be expected to antagonize

these effects of acetylcholine. One complicating factor

studied in animal models is that myriad inflammatory

mediators involved in the pathogenesis of asthma and

COPD may also induce components of muscarinic

responsiveness, such as G q

and rho, and contribute to

hyperresponsiveness of the airway (Chiba et al., 2008).

Thus, the contractility of bronchial smooth muscle and

antagonism of muscarinic responsiveness could be

moving targets in asthma and COPD.

Basic research is demonstrating that the muscarinic

agonists are not functionally equivalent, however. Recent

research has focused on the differential capacity of muscarinic

antagonists to act as antagonists, as inverse agonists

inhibiting the constitutive activity of the M 3

receptor, and as modulators of upregulation of M 3


expression (Casarosa et al., 2009). Such differences

may have clinical relevance for long-term use of these

compounds, where tolerance and withdrawal/rebound

could be major issues. In this regard, a long-term study

of tiotropium demonstrates no loss of its capacity for

bronchodilation over 4 years (Tashkin et al., 2008).

In animals and man there is a small degree of resting bronchomotor

tone that is probably due to tonic vagal nerve impulses

that release acetylcholine in the vicinity of airway smooth muscle

because it can be blocked by anticholinergic drugs. Acetylcholine may

also be released from other airway cells, including epithelial cells

(Wessler and Kirkpatrick, 2008). The synthesis of acetylcholine in

epithelial cells is increased by inflammatory stimuli (such as TNF-),

which increase the expression of choline acetyltransferase, which

could contribute to cholinergic effects in airway diseases. Muscarinic

receptors are expressed in airway smooth muscle of small airways

that do not appear to be innervated by cholinergic nerves; these

receptors may be a mechanism of cholinergic narrowing in peripheral

airways that could be relevant in COPD, responding to locally

synthesized, non-neuronal ACh.

Myriad mechanical, chemical, and immunological stimuli

elicit reflex bronchoconstriction via vagal pathways, and cholinergic

pathways may play an important role in regulating acute bronchomotor

responses in animals. These observations suggested that cholinergic

mechanisms might underlie airway hyperresponsiveness and

acute bronchoconstrictor responses in asthma, with the implication

that anticholinergic drugs would be effective bronchodilators. These

drugs may afford protection against acute challenge by sulfur dioxide,

inert dusts, cold air, and emotional factors, but they are less

effective against antigen challenge, exercise, and fog. This is not surprising

because anticholinergic drugs will only inhibit reflex AChmediated

bronchoconstriction and have no blocking effect on the

direct effects of inflammatory mediators, such as histamine and

leukotrienes, on bronchial smooth muscle. Furthermore, cholinergic

antagonists probably have little or no effect on mast cells, microvascular

leak, or the chronic inflammatory response.

Theoretically, anticholinergics may reduce airway mucus

secretion and reduce mucus clearance, but this is generally not

observed in clinical studies. Oxitropium bromide (not available in

the U.S.) in high doses reduces mucus hypersecretion in patients

with COPD with chronic bronchitis.

Clinical Use. In asthmatic patients, anticholinergic drugs are less

effective as bronchodilators than 2

agonists and offer less efficient

protection against bronchial challenges. These drugs may be more

effective in older patients with asthma in whom there is an element

of fixed airway obstruction. Anticholinergics are currently used as an

additional bronchodilator in asthmatic patients not controlled on a

LABA. Nebulized anticholinergic drugs are effective in acute severe

asthma but less effective than 2

agonists. Nevertheless, in the acute

and chronic treatment of asthma, anticholinergic drugs may have an

additive effect with 2

agonists and should therefore be considered

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