DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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900 Niacin is a water-soluble B-complex vitamin that

functions as a vitamin only after its conversion to NAD

or NADP, in which it occurs as an amide. Both niacin

and its amide may be given orally as a source of niacin

for its functions as a vitamin, but only niacin affects

lipid levels. The hypolipidemic effects of niacin require

larger doses than are required for its vitamin effects.

Niacin is the best agent available for increasing HDL-C

(30-40%); it also lowers triglycerides by 35-45% (as

effectively as fibrates and the more effective statins) and

reduces LDL-C levels by 20-30%. Niacin also is the

only lipid-lowering drug that reduces Lp(a) levels significantly.

Despite its salutary effect on lipids, niacin

has side effects that limit its use (see “Adverse Effects,”

later in the chapter).

Mechanism of Action. In adipose tissue, niacin inhibits

the lipolysis of triglycerides by hormone-sensitive

lipase, which reduces transport of free fatty acids to the

liver and decreases hepatic triglyceride synthesis.

Niacin and related compounds (e.g., 5-methylpyrazine-

2-carboxylic-4-oxide, acipimox) may exert their effects

on lipolysis by inhibiting adipocyte adenylyl cyclase.

A GPCR for niacin has been identified and designated

as GPR109A; it couples to G i

(Wise et al., 2003); its

mRNA is highly expressed in the adipose tissue and

spleen, sites of high-affinity nicotinic acid binding

(Lorenzen et al., 2001). Acting on this receptor, niacin

stimulates the G i

–adenylyl cyclase pathway in

adipocytes, inhibiting cyclic AMP production and

decreasing hormone-sensitive lipase activity, triglyceride

lipolysis, and release of free fatty acids. Niacin

also may inhibit a rate-limiting enzyme of triglyceride

synthesis, diacylglycerol acyltransferase-2 (Ganji et al.,




In the liver, niacin reduces triglyceride synthesis by inhibiting

both the synthesis and esterification of fatty acids, effects that

increase apoB degradation. Reduction of triglyceride synthesis

reduces hepatic VLDL production, which accounts for the reduced

LDL levels. Niacin also enhances LPL activity, which promotes the

clearance of chylomicrons and VLDL triglycerides. Niacin raises

HDL-C levels by decreasing the fractional clearance of apoA-I in

HDL rather than by enhancing HDL synthesis. This effect is due to

a reduction in the hepatic clearance of HDL-apoA-I, but not of cholesteryl

esters, thereby increasing the apoA-I content of plasma and

augmenting reverse cholesterol transport. In macrophages, niacin

stimulates expression of the scavenger receptor CD36 and the cholesterol

exporter ABCA1. The net effect of niacin on monocytic cells

(“foam cells”) is HDL-mediated reduction of cellular cholesterol content

(Rubic et al., 2004).

Effects on Plasma Lipoprotein Levels. Regular or crystalline niacin

in doses of 2-6 g/day reduces triglycerides by 35-50%; the maximal

effect occurs within 4-7 days. Reductions of 25% in LDL-C levels

are possible with doses of 4.5-6 g/day, but 3-6 weeks are required

for maximal effect. HDL-C increases less in patients with low HDL-

C levels (<35 mg/dL) than in those with higher levels.

Absorption, Fate, and Excretion. The pharmacological doses of

regular (crystalline) niacin used to treat dyslipidemia are almost

completely absorbed, and peak plasma concentrations (up to 0.24

mmol) are achieved within 30-60 minutes. The t 1/2

is about 60 minutes,

which accounts for the necessity of dosing two to three times

daily. At lower doses, most niacin is taken up by the liver; only the

major metabolite, nicotinuric acid, is found in the urine. At higher

doses, a greater proportion of the drug is excreted in the urine as

unchanged nicotinic acid.

Adverse Effects. Two of niacin’s side effects, flushing and dyspepsia,

limit patient compliance. The cutaneous effects include flushing

and pruritus of the face and upper trunk, skin rashes, and

acanthosis nigricans. Flushing and associated pruritus are

prostaglandin mediated. Flushing is worse when therapy is initiated

or the dosage is increased but ceases in most patients after 1-2 weeks

of a stable dose. Taking an aspirin each day alleviates the flushing in

many patients. Flushing recurs if only one or two doses are missed,

and the flushing is more likely to occur when niacin is consumed

with hot beverages (coffee, tea) or with ethanol-containing beverages.

Flushing is minimized if therapy is initiated with low doses

(100-250 mg twice daily) and if the drug is taken after breakfast or

supper. Dry skin, a frequent complaint, can be dealt with by using

skin moisturizers, and acanthosis nigricans can be dealt with by

using lotions or creams containing salicylic acid. Dyspepsia and

rarer episodes of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are less likely to

occur if the drug is taken after a meal. Patients with any history of

peptic ulcer disease should not take niacin because it can reactivate

ulcer disease.

The most common, medically serious side effects are hepatotoxicity,

manifested as elevated serum transaminases, and hyperglycemia.

Both regular (crystalline) niacin and sustained-release

niacin, which was developed to reduce flushing and itching, have

been reported to cause severe liver toxicity. An extended-release

niacin (NIASPAN) appears to be less likely to cause severe hepatotoxicity,

perhaps simply because it is administered once daily instead of

more frequently. The incidence of flushing and pruritus with this

preparation is not substantially different from that with regular niacin.

Severe hepatotoxicity is more likely to occur when patients take more

than 2 g of sustained-release, over-the-counter preparations. Affected

patients experience flu-like fatigue and weakness. Usually, aspartate

transaminase and ALT are elevated, serum albumin levels decline,

and total cholesterol and LDL-C levels decline substantially. In fact,

reductions in LDL-C of 50% or more in a patient taking niacin should

be viewed as a sign of niacin toxicity.

In patients with diabetes mellitus, niacin should be used cautiously

because niacin-induced insulin resistance can cause severe

hyperglycemia. Niacin use in patients with diabetes mellitus often

mandates a change to insulin therapy. In a study of patients with type

2 diabetes taking niaspan, 4% stopped taking the drug because of

inadequate glycemic control (Grundy et al., 2002). If niacin is prescribed

for patients with known or suspected diabetes, blood glucose

levels should be monitored at least weekly until proven to be

stable. Niacin also elevates uric acid levels and may reactivate gout.

A history of gout is a relative contraindication for niacin use. Rarer

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