DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Table 19–1

Properties of Inhalational Anesthetic Agents

EC 50c








AGENT (vol %) (vol %) (vol %) at 20°C) Blood:Gas Brain:Blood Fat:Blood METABOLITES (%)

Halothane 0.75 0.41 — 243 2.3 2.9 51 20

Isoflurane 1.2 0.4 0.24 250 1.4 2.6 45 0.2

Enflurane 1.6 0.4 — 175 1.8 1.4 36 2.4

Sevoflurane 2 0.6 — 160 0.65 1.7 48 3

Desflurane 6 2.4 — 664 0.45 1.3 27 0.02

Nitrous oxide 105 60.0 52.5 Gas 0.47 1.1 2.3 0.004

Xenon 71 32.6 — Gas 0.12 — — 0


MAC (minimum alveolar concentration) values are expressed as vol %, the percentage of the atmosphere that is anesthetic. A value of MAC greater

than 100% means that hyperbaric conditions would be required.


MAC awake

is the concentration at which appropriate responses to commands are lost.


EC 50

is the concentration that produces memory suppression in 50% of patients. —, Not available.

of MAC. Furthermore, the ratio of the anesthetic concentrations

required to produce amnesia and immobility vary significantly among

different inhalational anesthetic agents (nitrous oxide versus isoflurane)

(Table 19–1), suggesting that anesthetic agents may produce

these behavioral end points through different cellular and molecular

mechanisms. The potency of intravenous anesthetic agents is somewhat

more difficult to measure; we lack methods to measure blood or

plasma anesthetic concentration continuously, and we cannot determine

the free concentration of the drug at its site of action. Generally,

the potency of intravenous agents is defined as the free plasma concentration

(at equilibrium) that produces loss of response to surgical

incision (or other end points) in 50% of subjects.

Mechanisms of Anesthesia

The molecular and cellular mechanisms by which general

anesthetics produce their effects have remained one

of the great mysteries of pharmacology. For most of the

20th century, it was theorized that all anesthetics act by

a common mechanism (the unitary theory of anesthesia).

The leading unitary theory was that anesthesia is

produced by perturbation of the physical properties of

cell membranes. This thinking was based largely on the

observation that the anesthetic potency of a gas correlated

with its solubility in olive oil. This correlation,

referred to as the Meyer-Overton rule, was interpreted

as implicating the lipid bilayer as the likely target of

anesthetic action. Clear exceptions to the Meyer-

Overton rule have now been noted (Franks, 2006). For

example, inhalational and intravenous anesthetics can

be enantioselective in their action as anesthetics (etomidate,

steroids, isoflurane). The fact that enantiomers

with identical physical properties have unique actions

indicates that properties other than bulk solubility are

important in determining anesthetic action. Consequently,

the lipid theory of anesthesia has largely been discarded

(Franks, 2006). This realization has focused thinking

on identification of specific protein binding sites for


A substantial body of work indicates that an anesthetic agent

produces different components of the anesthetic state by means of

actions at different anatomic loci in the nervous system and may produce

these component effects through different cellular and molecular

actions. Moreover, increasing evidence supports the hypothesis

that different anesthetic agents produce specific components of anesthesia

by actions at different molecular targets. Given these insights,

the unitary theory of anesthesia has been largely discarded.

Cellular Mechanisms of Anesthesia. General anesthetics

produce two important physiologic effects at the cellular


First, the inhalational anesthetics can hyperpolarize

neurons. This may be an important effect on neurons

serving a pacemaker role and on pattern-generating circuits.

It also may be important in synaptic communication,

since reduced excitability in a postsynaptic neuron

may diminish the likelihood that an action potential will

be initiated in response to neurotransmitter release.

Second, at anesthetizing concentrations, both

inhalational and intravenous anesthetics have substantial

effects on synaptic transmission and much smaller

effects on action-potential generation or propagation.

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