DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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postnatal growth retardation is unresponsive to GH but

responsive to recombinant human IGF-1, and by the

association of mutations in the IGF-1 receptor with

intrauterine growth retardation (Walenkamp and

Wit, 2008).

After its synthesis and release, IGF-1 interacts with receptors

on the cell surface that mediate its biological activities. The type 1

IGF receptor is closely related to the insulin receptor and consists of

a heterotetramer with intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity. This receptor

is present in essentially all tissues and binds IGF-1 and the related

growth factor, IGF-2, with high affinity; insulin also can activate the

type 1 IGF receptor but with an affinity approximately two orders of

magnitude less than that of the IGFs. The signal transduction pathway

for the insulin receptor is described in detail in Chapter 43.

Unlike GH, prolactin does not induce the synthesis

of a second hormone that then mediates many of its

effects in an indirect manner. Rather, prolactin effects

are limited to tissues that express the prolactin receptor,

particularly the mammary gland. A number of

hormones—including estrogens, progesterone, placental

lactogen, and GH—stimulate development of the

breast and prepare it for lactation. Prolactin, acting via

prolactin receptors, plays an important role in inducing

growth and differentiation of the ductal and lobuloalveolar

epithelia and is essential for lactation. Target genes,

by which prolactin induces mammary development,

include those encoding milk proteins (e.g., caseins),

genes important for intracellular structure (e.g., keratins),

genes important for cell-cell communication

(e.g., amphiregulin and Wnt4), and components of the

extracellular matrix (e.g., laminin and collagen).

Prolactin receptors are present in many other sites, including

the hypothalamus, liver, adrenal, testes, ovaries, prostate, and

immune system, suggesting that prolactin may play multiple roles

outside of the breast. The physiological effects of prolactin at these

sites remain poorly characterized, and specific defects in their function

that result from prolactin deficiency have not been defined.

Pathophysiology of the Somatotropic


Distinct endocrine disorders result from either excessive

or deficient GH production. In contrast, prolactin

predominantly impacts endocrine function when produced

in excess.

Excess Production of Somatotropic Hormones.

Syndromes of excess secretion of GH and prolactin typically

are caused by somatotrope or lactotrope adenomas

that oversecrete the respective hormones. These

adenomas often retain some features of the normal

regulation described earlier, thus permitting pharmacological

modulation of secretion—an important modality

in therapy.

Clinical Manifestations. GH excess causes distinct clinical

syndromes depending on the age of the patient. If

the epiphyses are unfused, GH excess causes increased

longitudinal growth, resulting in gigantism. In adults,

GH excess causes acromegaly. The symptoms and signs

of acromegaly (e.g., arthropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome,

generalized visceromegaly, macroglossia, hypertension,

glucose intolerance, headache, lethargy, excess

perspiration, and sleep apnea) progress slowly, and diagnosis

often is delayed. Mortality is increased at least

2-fold relative to age-matched controls, predominantly

due to increased death from cardiovascular disease.

Hyperprolactinemia is a relatively common

endocrine abnormality that can result from hypothalamic

or pituitary diseases that interfere with the delivery

of inhibitory dopaminergic signals, from renal failure,

from primary hypothyroidism associated with increased

TRH levels, or from treatment with dopamine receptor

antagonists. Most often, hyperprolactinemia is caused

by prolactin-secreting pituitary adenomas—either

microadenomas (≤1 cm in diameter) or macroadenomas

(>1 cm in diameter). Manifestations of prolactin excess

in women include galactorrhea, amenorrhea, and infertility.

In men, hyperprolactinemia causes loss of libido,

erectile dysfunction, and infertility.

Diagnosis of Somatotropin Hormone Excess. Although acromegaly

should be suspected in patients with the appropriate symptoms and

signs, diagnostic confirmation requires the demonstration of increased

circulating GH or IGF-1. The “gold standard” diagnostic test for

acromegaly is the oral glucose tolerance test. Whereas normal subjects

suppress their GH level to <1 ng/mL in response to an oral glucose

challenge (the absolute value may vary depending on the

sensitivity of the assay), patients with acromegaly either fail to suppress

or show a paradoxical increase in GH level.

In patients with hyperprolactinemia, the major question is

whether conditions other than a prolactin-producing adenoma are

responsible for the elevated prolactin level. A number of medications

that inhibit DA signaling can cause moderate elevations in prolactin

(e.g., antipsychotics, metoclopramide), as can primary

hypothyroidism, pituitary mass lesions that interfere with dopamine

delivery to the lactotropes, and pregnancy. Thus thyroid function and

pregnancy tests are indicated, as is magnetic resonance imaging

(MRI) to look for a pituitary adenoma or other defect that might elevate

serum prolactin.

Impaired Production of the Somatotropic Hormones.

Prolactin deficiency may result from conditions that

damage the pituitary gland, but prolactin is not given

as part of endocrine replacement therapy.




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