DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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1156 when prolonged treatment with anti-thyroid drugs has

not led to remission. Finally, radioactive iodine is indicated

in patients with toxic nodular goiter because the

disease does not go into spontaneous remission.

thyroid hormone can be evaluated in this way.

Following the administration of a tracer dose, the pattern

of localization in the thyroid gland can be depicted

by a special scanning apparatus, and this technique is

sometimes useful in defining thyroid nodules as functional

(“hot”) or non-functional (“cold”) and in finding

ectopic thyroid tissue and occasionally metastatic thyroid




The risk of inducing hypothyroidism is less in nodular goiter

than in Graves’ disease, perhaps because of the normal progression

of the latter and the preservation of nonautonomous thyroid

tissue in the former. Usually, larger doses of radioactive iodine are

required in the treatment of toxic nodular goiter than in the treatment

of Graves’ disease. Radioactive iodine has been used to

decrease the size of large nontoxic multinodular goiters that are

causing compressive symptoms in patients who are otherwise poor

operative risks. Although surgery remains the treatment of choice

for patients with compressive multinodular goiters, radioactive

iodine therapy may benefit elderly patients, especially those with

cardiopulmonary disease. The uptake in multinodular goiters may

be low, so some have increased radioiodine uptake by administration

of exogenous recombinant human TSH (thyrotropin alfa

[THYROGEN]) (Duntas and Cooper, 2008), but caution should be

exercised because this treatment may induce transient elevations in

serum thyroxine and triiodothyronine that could result in excessive

stimulation of the heart.

Contraindications. The main contraindication for the use of 131 I therapy

is pregnancy. After the first trimester, the fetal thyroid will concentrate

the isotope and thus suffer damage; even during the first

trimester, radioactive iodine is best avoided because there may be

adverse effects of radiation on fetal tissues. The risk of causing neoplastic

changes in the thyroid gland has been an ongoing concern

since radioactive iodine was first introduced, and only small numbers

of children have been treated in this way. Indeed, many clinics have

declined to treat younger patients for fear of causing cancer and have

reserved radioactive iodine for patients older than some arbitrary

age, such as 25 or 30 years. Because experience with 131 I is now vast,

these age limits are lower than they were in the past. The most recent

report by the Cooperative Thyrotoxicosis Therapy Follow-up Study

Group shows no increase in total cancer mortality following 131 I

treatment for Graves’ disease (Ron et al., 1998). Furthermore, there

was no increase in the occurrence of leukemia following large-dose


I therapy for thyroid cancer, although there was an increase in colorectal

cancers in this population (de Vathaire et al., 1997). These

data strongly suggest that laxatives be given to all patients receiving


I therapy for treatment of thyroid cancer to decrease the risk of

future digestive tract malignancies. Transient abnormalities in testicular

function have been reported following 131 I therapy for treatment

of thyroid cancer, but no long-term effects on fertility in either men

or women have been demonstrated (Dottorini et al., 1995; Pacini et

al., 1994). Patients with allergies to iodine contrast agents or to topical

iodide-containing products should not have any adverse reaction

to 131 I. The amount of elemental iodine contained in the

treatment is not greater than that contained in iodized salt or flour

that is part of regular dietary intake.

Diagnostic Uses. Measurement of the thyroidal accumulation

of a tracer dose is helpful in the differential

diagnosis of hyperthyroidism and nodular goiter. The

response of the thyroid to TSH-suppressive doses of

Thyroid Carcinoma. Because most well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas

accumulate very little iodine, stimulation of iodine uptake

with TSH is required to treat metastases effectively. Currently,

endogenous TSH stimulation is evoked by withdrawal of thyroid

hormone replacement therapy in patients previously treated with

near-total thyroidectomy with or without radioactive ablation of

residual thyroid tissue. Total-body 131 I scanning and measurement

of serum thyroglobulin when the patient is hypothyroid (TSH

>35 mU/L) help to identify metastatic disease or residual thyroid

bed tissue. Depending on the residual uptake or the presence of

metastatic disease, an ablative dose of 131 I ranging from 30 mCi to

>150 mCi is administered, and a repeat total body scan is obtained

1 week later. The precise amount of 131 I needed to treat residual

tissue and metastases is controversial. Thyrotropin alfa (recombinant

human TSH) is now available to test the ability of thyroid tissue,

both normal and malignant, to take up radioactive iodine and

to secrete thyroglobulin (Haugen et al., 1999). Thyrogen allows

assessment of the presence of metastatic disease, without the

necessity for patients to stop their suppressive levothyroxine therapy

and become clinically hypothyroid. Thyrotropin alfa is

approved for diagnostic scanning and for thyroid remnant ablation

after thyroidectomy in thyroid cancer patients, but not for treatment

of metastatic disease. (Duntas and Cooper, 2008; Pacini and

Castangna, 2008).

TSH-suppressive therapy with levothyroxine is indicated in

all patients after treatment for thyroid cancer. The goal of therapy

usually is to keep serum TSH levels in the subnormal range, although

relaxing the degree and duration of suppression, especially for stage

1 and 2 cancers, is now recommended (Burmeister et al., 1992;

Cooper et al., 2006). Follow-up evaluation every 6 months is reasonable,

along with determination of serum thyroglobulin concentrations

(Spencer and LoPresti, 2008). Patients with a rise in

thyroglobulin but no detectable disease on whole-body scan require

additional imaging and consideration of alternative treatments

including surgery and external radiation (Kloos, 2008). A rise in

serum thyroglobulin concentration is often the first indication of

recurrent disease. The prognosis in patients with thyroid cancer

depends on the pathology and size of the tumor and is generally

worse in older individuals. Overall, the vast majority of patients with

thyroid cancer will not die of their disease. Papillary cancer is usually

not aggressive; the 10-year survival rate exceeds 80%. Follicular

cancer is more aggressive and can metastasize via the bloodstream.

Still, prognosis is fair and long-term survival is common. Even in

patients with metastatic, differentiated thyroid cancer, 131 I therapy

is very effective and may be even curative (Cooper et al., 2006).

Anaplastic cancer is the exception: It is highly malignant with survival

usually <1 year. Medullary thyroid carcinomas do not accumulate

I – and cannot be treated with 131 I.

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