DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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fractions of circulating catecholamines, estrogens, iodothyronines, and

DHEA exist in the sulfated form.

Some human SULTs display great fidelity to unique substrate

specificities; other SULTs are shockingly promiscuous in their activities.

The SULT1 family isoforms are considered to be the major

forms involved in xenobiotic metabolism, with SULT1A1 being

quantitatively and qualitatively the most important in the liver. It displays

extensive diversity in its capacity to catalyze the sulfation of a

wide variety of structurally heterogeneous xenobiotics with high

affinity. SULT1 isoforms have been recognized as phenol SULTs,

since they catalyze the sulfation of phenolic molecules such as acetaminophen,

minoxidil, and 17α-ethinyl estradiol. SULT1B1 is similar

to SULT1A1 in that it can sulfate a very wide range of compounds,

although it is much more abundant in the intestine than the

liver. While three SULT1C isoforms exist in humans, little is known

about their substrate specificity toward drugs or other compounds. In

rodents, SULT1C enzymes are capable of sulfating the hepatic carcinogen

N-OH-2-acetylaminofluorene, and are responsible for the

bioactivation of this and related carcinogens. Their role in this pathway

in humans is not clear. SULT1C enzymes are expressed abundantly

in human fetal tissues, yet decline in abundance in adults.

SULT1E catalyzes the sulfation of endogenous and exogenous

steroids, and has been found localized in liver, as well as in hormoneresponsive

tissues such as the testis, breast, adrenal gland, and placenta.

In the upper GI tract, SULT1A3 and SULT1B1 are particularly


The conjugation of drugs and xenobiotics is considered

primarily a detoxification step, assuring that these compounds enter

the aqueous compartments of the body and are targeted for elimination.

However, drug metabolism through sulfation often leads to the

generation of chemically reactive metabolites, where the sulfate is

electron withdrawing and may be heterolytically cleaved, leading to

the formation of an electrophilic cation. Most examples of the

generation by sulfation of a carcinogenic or toxic response

in animal or test mutagenicity assays have been documented

with chemicals derived from the environment or from heterocyclic

arylamine food mutagens generated from well-cooked meat. Thus,

it is important to understand whether genetic linkages can be made

by associating known human SULT polymorphisms to cancers that

are believed to originate from environmental sources. Since

SULT1A1 is the most abundant SULT form in human tissues and

displays broad substrate specificity, the polymorphic profiles associated

with this gene and their associations with various human

cancers is of considerable interest. Recently, gene copy number polymorphisms

within the SULT1A1, SULT1A3, and SULT1A4 genes

have been indentified, which may help explain much of the interindividual

variation in the expression and activity of these enzymes.

Knowledge of the structure, activities, regulation, and polymorphisms

of the SULT superfamily will aid in understanding of the

linkages between sulfation and cancer susceptibility, reproduction,

and development. Sulfation is a major xenobiotic metabolizing system

during human development, with levels of many enzymes higher

in the fetus than the adult.

The SULTs from the SULT1 and SULT2 families were

among the first xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes to be crystallized,

and the data indicated a highly conserved catalytic core (Negishi

et al., 2001). Crystal structures of the different SULTs indicate that

while conservation in the PAPS binding region is maintained, the

organization of the substrate binding region differs, helping to




H 2 N

H 2 N



explain the observed differences in catalytic potential displayed with

the different SULTs.

Glutathione Conjugation. The glutathione-S-transferases

(GSTs) catalyze the transfer of glutathione to reactive

electrophiles, a function that serves to protect

cellular macromolecules from interacting with electrophiles

that contain electrophilic heteroatoms

(-O, -N, and -S) and in turn protects the cellular environment

from damage (Hayes et al., 2005). The co-substrate

in the reaction is the tripeptide glutathione, which

is synthesized from γ-glutamic acid, cysteine, and

glycine (Figure 6–9). Glutathione exists in the cell as

oxidized (GSSG) or reduced (GSH) forms, and the ratio

of GSH:GSSG is critical in maintaining a cellular environment

in the reduced state. In addition to affecting

xenobiotic conjugation with GSH, a severe reduction

in GSH content can predispose cells to oxidative damage,

a state that has been linked to a number of human

health issues.

In the formation of glutathione conjugates, the

reaction generates a thioether linkage with drug or

xenobiotic to the cysteine moiety of the tripeptide.

Characteristically, all GST substrates contain an electrophilic

atom and are hydrophobic, and by nature will

associate with cellular proteins. Since the concentration

of glutathione in cells is usually very high, typically

~7 μmol/g of liver, or in the 10 mM range, many drugs

and xenobiotics can react non-enzymatically with glutathione.

However, the GSTs have been found to

occupy up to 10% of the total cellular protein concentration,

a property that assures efficient conjugation

of glutathione to reactive electrophiles. The high

concentration of GSTs also provides the cells with a

sink of cytosolic protein, a property that facilitates













Figure 6–9. Glutathione (GSH) as a co-substrate in the conjugation

of a drug or xenobiotic (X) by glutathione-S-transferase











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