DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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muscle fibers




Ia afferent





Motor nerve efferent

Alpha motor


Figure 22–8. Monosynaptic muscle stretch reflex with descending control via inhibitory interneurons. Primary Ia afferents (green)

from muscle spindles, activated when the muscle is stretched rapidly, synapse directly on motor neurons (blue) going to the stretched

muscle, causing it to contract and resist the movement. Pyramidal upper motor neurons (aqua) from the cerebral cortex suppress

spinal reflexes and the lower motor neurons indirectly by activating the spinal cord inhibitory interneuron pools (red). When the

pyramidal influences are removed, the reflexes are released from inhibition and become more active, leading to hyperreflexia and spasticity.

Baclofen acts to restore the lost inhibition by stimulating postsynaptic GABA receptors. Tizanidine acts presynaptically to stimulate

GABA release from spinal cord inhibitory interneuron.

of 5-10 mg/day are recommended, which can be increased to as

much as 200 mg/day if necessary. If weakness occurs, the dose

should be lowered. Alternatively, baclofen can be delivered directly

into the space around the spinal cord using a surgically implanted

pump and an intrathecal catheter. This approach minimizes the

adverse effects of the drug, especially sedation, but it carries the risk

of potentially life-threatening CNS depression. Moreover, abrupt

withdrawal of intrathecal baclofen can cause rebound spasticity,

rhabdomyolitis, multi-organ failure, and even death. Intrathecal

baclofen should be used only by physicians trained in delivering

chronic intrathecal therapy.

Tizanidine (ZANAFLEX) is an agonist of α 2

adrenergic receptors

in the CNS. It reduces muscle spasticity and is assumed to act

by increasing presynaptic inhibition of motor neurons. Tizanidine is

primarily used in the treatment of spasticity in multiple sclerosis or

after stroke, but it also may be effective in patients with ALS.

Treatment should be initiated at a low dose of 2-4 mg at bedtime and

titrated upward gradually. Drowsiness, asthenia, and dizziness may

limit the dose that can be administered. Benzodiazepines (Chapter 17)

such as clonazepam (KLONIPIN) are effective antispasticity agents,

but they may contribute to respiratory depression in patients with

advanced ALS. Dantrolene (DANTRIUM) also is approved in the U.S.

for the treatment of muscle spasm. In contrast to the other agents

discussed, dantrolene acts directly on skeletal muscle fibers, impairing

Ca 2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Because it can

exacerbate muscular weakness, it is not used in ALS but is effective

in treating spasticity associated with stroke or spinal cord injury and

in treating malignant hyperthermia (Chapter 8). Dantrolene may

cause hepatotoxicity, so it is important to monitor liver associated

enzymes before and during therapy with the drug.

Clinical Summary. ALS is a progressive degenerative

disease of spinal motor neurons leading to weakness and

eventually paralysis. It is the most rapidly progressive

of the common neurodegenerative disorders and often

is fatal within 2-3 years of onset. The only therapy established

to alter the course of ALS is the drug riluzole,

which acts through inhibition of glutamate release as

well as other mechanisms. The effect of this treatment is

modest, prolonging survival by a few months.


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