DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Chemotherapy of Tuberculosis,

Mycobacterium Avium Complex

Disease, and Leprosy

Tawanda Gumbo

Mycobacteria have caused epic diseases: Tuberculosis

(TB) and leprosy have terrorized humankind since

antiquity. Although the burden of leprosy has

decreased, TB is still the most important infectious

killer of humans. Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare

(or Mycobacterium avium complex; MAC) infection

continues to be difficult to treat.

Mycobacterium, from the Greek “mycos,” refers

to Mycobacteria’s waxy appearance, which is due to

the composition of their cell walls. More than 60% of

the cell wall is lipid, mainly mycolic acids composed

of 2-branched, 3-hydroxy fatty acids with chains made

of 76-90 carbon atoms! This extraordinary shield prevents

many pharmacological compounds from getting

to the bacterial cell membrane or inside the cytosol.

A second layer of defense comes from an abundance

of efflux pumps in the cell membrane. These

transport proteins pump out potentially harmful chemicals

from the bacterial cytoplasm back into the extracellular

space and are responsible for the native resistance

of mycobacteria to many standard antibiotics (Morris et

al., 2005). As an example, ATP binding cassette (ABC)

permeases comprise a full 2.5% of the genome of

Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

A third barrier is the propensity of some of the

bacilli to hide inside the patient’s cells, thereby surrounding

themselves with an extra physicochemical barrier

that antimicrobial agents must cross to be effective.

Mycobacteria are separated into two groups,

defined by their rate of growth on agar. A list of pathogenic

rapid and slow growers is shown in Table 56–1.

Rapid growers are visible to the naked eye within 7 days;

slow growers are visible later. Slow growers tend to be

susceptible to antibiotics specifically developed for

Mycobacteria, whereas rapid growers tend to be also

susceptible to antibiotics used against many other bacteria.

The pharmacology of drugs developed against

slow growers is discussed in this chapter.

The mechanisms of action of the anti-mycobacterial

drugs are summarized in Figure 56–1. The mycobacterial

mechanisms of resistance to these drugs are summarized

in Figure 56–2. Pharmacokinetic parameters are

presented in terms of Figure 48–1 and Equation 48–1.

History. The first successful drug for treating TB was para-amino

salicylic acid (PAS), developed by Lehman in 1943. A more dramatic

success came when Waksman and Schatz developed streptomycin.

Further efforts led to development of thiacetazone by

Domagk in 1946, isoniazid at Squibb, Hoffman La Roche, and Bayer

in 1952, pyrazinamide by Kushner and colleagues in 1952, and

rifamycins by Sensi and Margalith in 1957. Ethambutol was discovered

at Lederle Laboratories in 1961. As might be anticipated, the use

all of these drugs presents problems of drug resistance, adverse events,

and drug interactions. Therefore, newer classes of agents are being

developed. Moxifloxacin, PA-824, and TMC-207 have reached

advanced clinical testing.


Rifamycins: Rifampin,

Rifapentine, and Rifabutin

Rifampin or rifampicin (RIFADIN; RIMACTANE, others),

rifapentine (PRIFTIN), and rifabutin (MYCOBUTIN) are

important in treatment of mycobacterial diseases.

Chemistry. Rifamycins are macrocyclic antibiotics characterized by

a chromophoric naphthohydroquinone group that is spanned by a

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