DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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1254 new cases of pediatric diabetes may in fact be type 2 diabetes; rates

vary by ethnicity, with disproportionately high rates in Native

Americans, African Americans, and Latinos. Because of a paucity of

clinical trials performed in children, there is only limited information

on which to base decisions for appropriate therapy. Thus the results

in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial with young and

middle-aged adults have been extrapolated to the pediatric population

such that current practice is for more intensive, physiologically

based insulin replacement with a goal of tight glucose control

(Diabetes Control Complications Trial Research Group, 1993).

This is achieved with combinations of basal and prandial insulin

replacement. The primary limiting factor of more aggressive insulin

therapy is hypoglycemia, a problem with special concerns in young

children. Diabetic patients <5 years old are at greater risk for hypoglycemia,

have increased rates of severe hypoglycemia with seizures

and coma, and may suffer permanent cognitive dysfunction as a

result of repeated episodes of low blood glucose. Older children and

adolescents do not seem to have demonstrable cognitive impairment

related to hypoglycemia; good glycemic control is associated with

better mental function (Kodl and Seaquist, 2008).

The treatment of type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents

has changed with the availability of newer technologies. The standard

for insulin treatment now includes multiple dose regimens with

three to five injections per day or CSII. Split/mixed regimens using

NPH and regular insulin have been increasingly supplanted by regimens

using insulin analogs because they offer more flexibility in

dosing and meal patterns. Similarly, CSII is used with increasing

frequency in the pediatric diabetic population. Moreover, recent

studies show that this approach is applicable to young children as

well as older children and adolescents.

Because of the nearly uniform association of type 2 diabetes

with obesity in the pediatric age group, lifestyle management is the

recommended first step in therapy. Goals of reducing body weight

while maintaining normal linear growth, and increasing physical

activity, are broadly recommended and can be effective when patients

are compliant. There have been few clinical trials of glucose lowering

therapy in pediatric type 2 diabetes. The only medication currently

approved by the FDA specifically for medical treatment of

type 2 diabetes is metformin. Metformin is approved for children as

young as 10 years of age and is available in a liquid formulation

(100 mg/mL). Results from clinical trials have shown that both metformin

and glimepiride effectively lower blood glucose in affected

patients. Insulin is the typical second line of therapy after metformin;

basal insulin can be added to oral agent therapy or multiple daily

injections can be used when simpler regimens are not successful.

Weight gain is a more significant problem than hypoglycemia with

insulin treatment in pediatric type 2 diabetes. Other diabetes medications,

such as thiazolidinediones, α-glucosidase inhibitors, DPP-4

inhibitors, and exenatide, have been tried empirically in type 2 diabetic

adolescents, but there is no systematically collected data on efficacy

or safety of these agents in the pediatric population.



Management of Diabetes in Hospitalized Patients. Hyperglycemia

is common in hospitalized patients. Depending on how hyperglycemia

is defined, prevalence estimates of elevated blood glucose

among inpatients with and without a prior diagnosis of diabetes range

between 20% and 100% for patients treated in intensive care units

(ICUs) and 30% and 83% outside the ICU. Although most of these

individuals will have known diabetes, ~30% of hospitalized patients

will have elevated blood glucose levels without a prior diagnosis of

diabetes (Falciglia, 2007). Patients admitted to the hospital often have

a number of challenges to glucose regulation in addition to those

faced by diabetic outpatients (Donner and Flammer, 2008). Stress of

illness has been associated with insulin resistance, possibly the result

of counterregulatory hormone secretion, cytokines, and other inflammatory

mediators. Food intake is often variable due to concurrent

illness or preparation for diagnostic testing. Medications used in the

hospital, such as glucocorticoids or dextrose-containing intravenous

solutions, can exacerbate tendencies toward hyperglycemia. Finally

fluid balance and tissue perfusion can affect the absorbance of

subcutaneous insulin and the clearance of glucose. Therapy of

hyperglycemia in hospitalized patients needs to be adjusted for these


There is an emerging body of information indicating that

hyperglycemia portends poor outcomes in hospitalized patients,

most notably in the critically ill, and that this effect is independent

of severity of illness (Finfer et al., 2009; van den Berghe et al., 2001).

The mechanisms for this association have not been fully explained,

and controversy persists about the optimal level of glycemia in hospitalized

patients. The ADA currently suggests these blood glucose

targets: 140-180 m/dL (7.8-10.0 mM) in critically ill patients and random

glucose of 180 mg/dL (10 mM) or pre-meal glucose of 140 mg/dL

(7.8 mM) in noncritically ill patients. Great emphasis should be

placed on steps taken to minimize hypoglycemia in both settings.

Insulin is the cornerstone of treatment of hyperglycemia in

hospitalized patients (Moghissi et al., 2009). For critically ill patients

and those with variable blood pressure, edema, and tissue perfusion,

intravenous insulin is the treatment of choice. This method of insulin

administration has been firmly established in the care of critically

ill patients with elevated blood glucose and provides the most flexible

and precise means of treatment. A number of algorithms have

been adapted to allow rapid titration with adjustments to maintain

blood glucose in a target range. For patients who are more stable,

subcutaneous insulin regimens using combinations of basal and

prandial insulin is the standard. There is considerable evidence that

reactive treatment, using sliding scale regimens, is inferior and associated

with wider fluctuations in blood glucose and greater rates of

both hyper- and hypoglycemia. Oral agents have a limited place in

treatment of hyperglycemic patients in the hospital because of slow

onset of action, insufficient potency, need for intact GI function,

and side effects. In general, oral glucose-lowering medications

should be discontinued on hospital admission and can be restarted at


Intravenous administration of insulin also is well suited to the

treatment of diabetic patients during the perioperative period and

during childbirth. There is debate, however, about the optimal route

of insulin administration during surgery. Although some clinicians

advocate subcutaneous insulin administration, most recommend

intravenous insulin infusion. Some physicians give patients half their

normal daily dose of insulin as long-acting insulin subcutaneously on

the morning of an operation and then administer 5% dextrose infusions

during surgery to maintain glucose concentrations. This

approach provides less minute-to-minute control than is possible

with intravenous regimens and also may increase the likelihood of

hypoglycemia. For patients with type 1 diabetes, failure to provide

some basal insulin at all times can precipitate diabetic ketoacidosis.

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