DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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730 Normally, GFR is slightly reduced by AngII;

however, during renal artery hypotension, the effects of

AngII on the efferent arteriole predominate so that

AngII increases GFR. Thus, blockade of the RAS may

cause acute renal failure in patients with bilateral renal

artery stenosis or in patients with unilateral stenosis

who have only a single kidney.



Vascular and Cardiac Hypertrophy and Remodeling.

Pathological alterations involving cardiac hypertrophy

and remodeling increase morbidity and mortality. These

morbid changes in cardiovascular structure are due to

increased migration, proliferation (hyperplasia), and

hypertrophy of cells, as well as to increased extracellular

matrix. The cells involved include vascular smooth

muscle cells, cardiac myocytes, and fibroblasts. In this

regard, AngII:

• stimulates the migration, proliferation, and hypertrophy

of vascular smooth muscle cells

• increases extracellular matrix production by vascular

smooth muscle cells

• causes hypertrophy of cardiac myocytes

• increases extracellular matrix production by cardiac


These effects of AngII are mediated by acting

directly on cells to induce the expression of specific

proto- oncogenes (c-fos, c- jun, c- myc, and egr-1) that

alter the expression of growth factors such as basic FGF,

PDGF, and TGF- β. In addition, AngII alters extracellular

matrix formation and degradation indirectly by

increasing aldosterone.

Hemodynamically Mediated Effects of Angiotensin II on

Cardiovascular Structure. In addition to the direct cellular

effects of AngII on cardiovascular structure, changes

in cardiac preload (volume expansion owing to Na +

retention) and afterload (increased arterial blood pressure)

probably contribute to cardiac hypertrophy and

remodeling. Arterial hypertension also contributes to

hypertrophy and remodeling of blood vessels.

Role of the RAS in Long-Term Maintenance of Arterial

Blood Pressure Despite Extremes in Dietary Na +

Intake. Arterial blood pressure is a major determinant

of Na + excretion. This is illustrated graphically by plotting

urinary Na + excretion versus mean arterial blood

pressure (Figure 26–7), a plot known as the renal pressure–natriuresis

curve. Over the long term, Na + excretion

must equal Na + intake; therefore, the set point for

long- term levels of arterial blood pressure can be

obtained as the intersection of a horizontal line representing

Na + intake with the renal pressure–natriuresis.

As illustrated in Figure 26–7, the RAS plays a major

role in maintaining a constant set point for long- term

levels of arterial blood pressure despite extreme

changes in dietary Na + intake. When dietary Na + intake

is low, renin release is stimulated, and AngII acts on the

kidneys to shift the renal pressure–natriuresis curve to

the right. Conversely, when dietary Na + is high, renin

release is inhibited, and the withdrawal of AngII shifts the

renal pressure–natriuresis curve to the left. When modulation

of the RAS is blocked by drugs, changes in salt

intake markedly affect long- term levels of arterial blood


Other Effects of the RAS. Expression of the RAS is

required for the development of normal kidney morphology,

particularly the maturational growth of the renal

papilla (Niimura et al., 1995). AngII causes a marked

anorexigenic effect and weight loss, and high circulating

levels of AngII may contribute to the anorexia, wasting,

and cachexia of heart failure (Brink et al., 1996).

Angiotensin and Vascular Disease

The RAS induces vascular disease by multiple mechanisms,

including directly and indirectly (via aldosterone):

stimulating vascular smooth muscle cell

migration, proliferation, and extracellular matrix production;

increasing the release of plasminogen activator

inhibitor type 1 and enhancing the expression of

monocyte chemoattractant protein 1; augmenting the

expression of adhesion proteins (e.g., ICAM-1, integrins,

and osteopontin) in vascular cells; and stimulating

the production of inflammatory chemokines and

cytokines that enhance the migration of inflammatory

cells (Schmieder et al., 2007). AngII markedly accelerates

the development of atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein

E–deficient mice (Weiss et al., 2001), an animal

model of atherosclerosis.



Clinical interest focuses on developing inhibitors of the

RAS. Three types of inhibitors are utilized therapeutically

(Figure 26–8):

• ACE inhibitors (ACEIs)

• angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)

• direct renin inhibitors (DRIs)

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