DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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containing these two compounds in combination is marketed as

BiDil) reduces CHF mortality in patients with systolic dysfunction

(Cohn et al., 1986). In V- HeFT I, the mortality benefit was agent

specific: the α 1

receptor antagonist prazosin offered no advantage

over placebo when compared with isosorbide plus hydralazine.

Hydralazine provides additional hemodynamic improvement

for patients with advanced CHF (with or without nitrates) already

treated with conventional doses of an ACE inhibitor, digoxin, and

diuretics (Cohn, 1994). The hypothesis that hydralazine- mediated

antioxidant effects benefit CHF patients at elevated risk for vascular

endothelial dysfunction is supported by the African- American Heart

Failure Trial, in which isosorbide dinitrate- hydralazine substantially

decreased all- cause mortality in self- described black patients, a

group associated with impaired vascular endothelial function and

diminished bioavailable levels of NO when compared to white counterparts

(Taylor et al., 2007).

There are several important considerations for hydralazine

use. First, ACE inhibitors appear to be superior to hydralazine for

mortality reduction in severe CHF. Second, side effects requiring

dose adjustment of hydralazine withdrawal are common. In V- HeFT I,

e.g., only 55% of patients were taking full doses of both hydralazine

and isosorbide dinitrate after 6 months. The lupus- like side effects

associated with hydralazine are relatively uncommon and may be

more likely to occur in selected patients with the “slow- acetylator”

phenotype (see Chapter 27). Finally, hydralazine is a medication

taken three or four times daily, and adherence may be difficult for

CHF patients, who are often prescribed multiple medications concurrently.

The oral bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of hydralazine

are not altered significantly in CHF, unless severe hepatic congestion

or hypoperfusion is present. Intravenous hydralazine is available but

provides little practical advantage over oral formulations except for

urgent use in pregnant patients. In these individuals, hydralazine is

often used owing to contraindications that exist for use of most other

vasodilators in pregnancy. Hydralazine is typically started at a dose

of 10-25 mg three or four times per day and uptitrated to a maximum

of 100 mg three or four times daily, as tolerated. At total daily

doses >200 mg, hydralazine is associated with an increased risk of

lupus-like effects.

Targeting Neurohormonal Regulation:

The Renin–Angiotensin–Aldosterone

Axis and Vasopressin Antagonists

Renin–Angiotensin–Aldosterone Axis Antagonists.

The renin–angiotensin–aldosterone axis plays a central

role in the pathophysiology of CHF (Figure 28–3).

AngII is a potent arterial vasoconstrictor and an important

mediator of Na + and water retention through its effects

on glomerular filtration pressure and aldosterone secretion.

AngII also modulates neural and adrenal medulla

catecholamine release, is arrhythmogenic, promotes

vascular hyperplasia and myocardial hypertrophy,

and induces myocyte death. Consequently, reduction of

the effects of AngII constitutes a cornerstone of CHF

management (Weber, 2004).

ACE inhibitors suppress AngII (and aldosterone) production,

decrease sympathetic nervous system activity, and potentiate the

effects of diuretics in CHF. However, AngII levels frequently return

to baseline values following chronic treatment with ACE inhibitors

(see Chapter 26), due in part to AngII production via ACEindependent

enzymes. The sustained clinical effectiveness of ACE

inhibitors despite this AngII “escape” suggests that alternate mechanisms

contribute to the clinical benefits of ACE inhibitors in CHF.

ACE is identical to kininase II, which degrades bradykinin and other

kinins that stimulate production of NO, cyclic GMP, and vasoactive

eicosanoids. These oppose AngII- induced vascular smooth muscle

cell and cardiac fibroblasts proliferation and inhibit unfavorable

extracellular matrix deposition.

ACE inhibitors are preferential arterial vasodilators.

ACE- inhibitor–mediated decreases in LV afterload

result in increased stroke volume and cardiac output; ultimately,

the magnitude of these effects is associated with

the observed change in mean arterial pressure. Heart rate

typically is unchanged with treatment, often despite

decreases in systemic arterial pressure, a response that

probably is a consequence of decreased sympathetic

nervous system activity from ACE inhibition.

Most clinical actions of AngII, including its deleterious

effects in CHF, are mediated through the AT 1

angiotensin receptor, whereas AT 2

receptor activation

appears to counterbalance the downstream biologic

effects of AT 1

receptor stimulation. Owing to enhanced

target specificity, AT 1

receptor antagonists more efficiently

block the effects of AngII than do ACE

inhibitors. In addition, the elevated level of circulating

AngII that occurs secondary to AT 1

receptor blockade

results in a relative increase in AT 2

receptor activation.

Unlike ACE inhibitors, AT 1

blockers do not influence

bradykinin metabolism (see the next section).

Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors. The first orally

administered ACE inhibitor, captopril (CAPOTEN, others),

was introduced in 1977. Since then, six additional

ACE inhibitors— enalapril (VASOTEC, others), ramipril

(ALTACE, others), lisinopril (PRINIVIL, ZESTRIL, others),

quinapril (ACCUPRIL, others), trandolapril (MAVIK, others)

and fosinopril (MONOPRIL, others) have been FDAapproved

for the treatment of CHF. Data from numerous

clinical trials involving well over 100,000 patients

support ACE inhibition in the management of CHF of

any severity, including those with asymptomatic LV


ACE- inhibitor therapy typically is initiated at a low dose

(e.g., 6.25 mg of captopril, 5 mg of lisinopril) to avoid iatrogenic

hypotension, particularly in the setting of volume contraction.

Hypotension following drug administration usually can be reversed

by intravascular volume expansion, but, of course, this may be




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