DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Regulation of Vasopressin Secretion. An increase in

plasma osmolality is the principal physiological stimulus

for vasopressin secretion by the posterior pituitary

(Bankir, 2001). Severe hypovolemia/hypotension also is

a powerful stimulus for vasopressin release. In addition,

pain, nausea, and hypoxia can stimulate vasopressin

secretion, and several endogenous hormones and pharmacological

agents can modify vasopressin release.

Hyperosmolality. The relationship between plasma osmolality and

plasma vasopressin concentration is shown in Figure 25–17A, and

the relationship between plasma vasopressin levels and urine osmolality

is illustrated in Figure 25–17B. The osmolality threshold for

secretion is ~280 mOsm/kg. Below the threshold, vasopressin is

barely detectable in plasma, and above the threshold, vasopressin

levels are a steep and relatively linear function of plasma osmolality.

A small increase in plasma osmolality leads to enhanced vasopressin

secretion. Indeed, a 2% elevation in plasma osmolality causes

a 2- to 3-fold increase in plasma vasopressin levels, which in turn

causes increased solute-free water reabsorption, with an increase in

urine osmolality. Increases in plasma osmolality above 290

mOsm/kg lead to an intense desire for water (thirst). Thus, the vasopressin

system affords the organism longer thirst-free periods and, in

the event that water is unavailable, allows the organism to survive

longer periods of water deprivation. It is important to point out, however,

that above a plasma osmolality of ~290 mOsm/kg, plasma

vasopressin levels exceed 5 pM. Since urinary concentration is maximal

(~1200 mOsm/kg) when vasopressin levels exceed 5 pM, further

defense against hypertonicity depends entirely on water intake

rather than on decreases in water loss.

Several CNS structures are involved in osmotic stimulation of

vasopressin release by the posterior pituitary; these structures are collectively

referred to as the osmoreceptive complex. Although magnocellular

neurons in SON and PVN are osmosensitive, afferent inputs


Plasma vasopressin







from other components of the osmoreceptive complex are required

for a normal vasopressin response. The SON and PVN receive

projections from the subfornical organ (SFO) and the organum vasculosum

of the lamina terminalis (OVLT) either directly or indirectly

by means of the median preoptic nucleus (MnPO). Subgroups of neurons

in the SFO, OVLT, and MnPO are either osmoreceptors or

osmoresponders (i.e., are stimulated by osmoreceptive neurons

located at other sites). Thus, a web of interconnecting neurons contributes

to osmotically induced vasopressin secretion.

Aquaporin 4, a water-selective channel, is associated with

CNS structures involved in osmoregulation and may confer

osmosensitivity. In the CNS, aquaporin 4 resides on glial and

ependymal cells rather than on neurons, suggesting that osmotic status

may be communicated to the neuronal cell by a glial-neuron

interaction (Wells, 1998).

Hepatic Portal Osmoreceptors. An oral salt load activates hepatic

portal osmoreceptors leading to increased vasopressin release. This

mechanism augments plasma vasopressin levels even before the oral

salt load increases plasma osmolality.

Hypovolemia and Hypotension. Vasopressin secretion also is regulated

hemodynamically by changes in effective blood volume

and/or arterial blood pressure (Robertson, 1992). Regardless of

the cause (e.g., hemorrhage, Na + depletion, diuretics, heart failure,

hepatic cirrhosis with ascites, adrenal insufficiency, or

hypotensive drugs), reductions in effective blood volume and/or

arterial blood pressure may be associated with high circulating

vasopressin concentrations. However, unlike osmoregulation,

hemodynamic regulation of vasopressin secretion is exponential;

i.e., small decreases (5%) in blood volume and/or pressure have

little effect on vasopressin secretion, whereas larger decreases

(20-30%) can increase vasopressin levels to 20-30 times normal

(exceeding the vasopressin concentration required to induce maximal

antidiuresis). Vasopressin is one of the most potent vasoconstrictors

Urine osmolality












270 280 290 300 310

Plasma osmolality




0 1 2 3 4 5 10 15

Plasma vasopressin


Figure 25–17. A. The relationship between plasma osmolality and plasma vasopressin levels. Plasma osmolality range associated with

thirst is indicated by arrow. B. The relationship between plasma vasopressin levels and urine osmolality. (From Robertson et al., 1977,

and Kovacs and Robertson, 1992, with permission. Copyright © Elsevier.)

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