DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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1202 A

Testosterone Enanthate

enjoyed popularity among athletes who seek to enhance


their performance. Another alkylated androgen, 7αmethyl-19-nortestosterone,

is poorly converted to dihy-

200 mg






Serum Testosterone (ng/dL)



















One patch (5 mg)

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Testosterone Gel

100 mg

50 mg

2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Time (days)

Testosterone Patch

Time (hours)

0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Time (hours)

Figure 41–7. Pharmacokinetic profiles of three testosterone

preparations during their chronic administration to hypogonadal

men. Doses of each were given at time 0. Shaded areas indicate

range of normal levels. [Data adapted from A. Snyder and

Lawrence (1980); B. Dobs et al. (1999); C. Swerdloff et al.


Selective Androgen-Receptor Modulators. Stimulated by the development

of selective estrogen receptor modulators, which have estrogenic

effects in some tissues but not others (Chapter 40),

investigators are attempting to develop selective androgen receptor

modulators. Another stimulus is the desirable effects of testosterone

in some tissues, such as muscle and bone, and the undesirable effects

in other tissues, such as the prostate. Nonsteroidal molecules have

been developed that bind to the androgen receptor and have greater

effect on muscle and bone than on the prostate. Some of these compounds

have begun trials in humans (Narayanan et al., 2008).

Therapeutic Uses of Androgens

Male Hypogonadism. The best established indication

for administration of androgens is testosterone deficiency

in men (i.e., treatment of male hypogonadism).

Any of the testosterone preparations or testosterone

esters just described can be used to treat testosterone

deficiency. Monitoring treatment for beneficial and

deleterious effects differs somewhat in adolescents and

the elderly from that in other men.

Monitoring for Efficacy. The goal of administering testosterone to a

hypogonadal man is to mimic as closely as possible the normal serum

concentration. Therefore, measuring the serum testosterone concentration

during treatment is the most important aspect of monitoring

testosterone treatment for efficacy. When the serum testosterone concentration

is measured depends on the testosterone preparation used

(Figure 41–7). Occasional random fluctuations can occur, however,

so measurements should be repeated for any dose. When the enanthate

or cypionate esters of testosterone are administered once every

2 weeks, the serum testosterone concentration measured midway

between doses should be normal; if not, the dosage schedule should

be adjusted accordingly. If testosterone deficiency results from testicular

disease, as indicated by an elevated serum LH concentration,

adequacy of testosterone treatment also can be judged indirectly by

the normalization of LH within 2 months of treatment initiation

(Findlay et al., 1989; Snyder and Lawrence, 1980).

Normalization of the serum testosterone concentration

induces normal virilization in prepubertal boys and restores virilization

in men who became hypogonadal as adults. Within a few

months, and often sooner, libido, energy, and hematocrit return to

normal. Within 6 months, muscle mass increases and fat mass

decreases. Bone density, however, continues to increase for 2 years

(Snyder et al., 2000).

Monitoring for Deleterious Effects. When testosterone itself is administered,

as in one of the transdermal preparations or as an ester that

is hydrolyzed to testosterone, it has no “side effects” (i.e., no effects

that endogenously secreted testosterone does not have), as long as

the dose is not excessive. Modified testosterone compounds, such as

the 17α-alkylated androgens, do have undesirable effects even when

dosages are targeted at physiological replacement. Some of these

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