DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Pharmacotherapy of Psychosis

and Mania

Jonathan M. Meyer


Psychosis is a symptom of mental illnesses characterized

by a distorted or non-existent sense of reality. Psychotic disorders

have different etiologies, each of which demands a

unique treatment approach. Common psychotic disorders

include mood disorders (major depression or mania) with

psychotic features, substance-induced psychosis, dementia

with psychotic features, delirium with psychotic features,

brief psychotic disorder, delusional disorder, schizoaffective

disorder, and schizophrenia. Schizophrenia has a worldwide

prevalence of 1% and is considered the prototypic

disorder for understanding the phenomenology of psychosis

and the impact of antipsychotic treatment, but

patients with schizophrenia exhibit features that

extend beyond those seen in other psychotic illnesses.

Hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, and disorganized

or agitated behavior comprise the types of psychotic

symptoms found individually, or rarely together, in

all psychotic disorders, and are typically responsive to pharmacotherapy.

In addition to positive symptoms, schizophrenia

patients also suffer from negative symptoms (apathy,

avolition, alogia), and cognitive deficits, particularly

deficits in working memory, processing speed, social cognition,

and problem solving that test 1.5-2 standard deviations

below population norms (Green et al., 2004).

Cognitive dysfunction is the strongest predictor of functional

impairment among schizophrenia patients, yet negative

symptoms and cognitive deficits show limited

improvement with antipsychotic treatment (Buchanan

et al., 2007). That schizophrenia is not identical to other

psychoses is important for appreciating the differential

impact of antipsychotic medications on psychotic

symptomatology, and for understanding the rationale for

non-dopaminergic antipsychotic drugs based on the

underlying pathophysiology of schizophrenia (Carpenter

and Koenig 2008).

The Dopamine Hypothesis. The development of our understanding

of the neurobiology and pharmacotheorapy of psychoses profited from

the synthesis of chlorpromazine in 1950 and of haloperidol in 1958.

The DA hypothesis of psychosis derived from the fortuitous discovery

of chlorpromazine’s therapeutic efficacy in schizophrenia, and the

subsequent elucidation by Carlsson that postsynaptic DA D 2


antagonism was the common mechanism that explained antipsychotic

properties. Reserpine, derived from Rauwolfia, exhibited antipsychotic

properties by decreasing dopaminergic neurotransmission; however,

unlike D 2

receptor antagonists, reserpine exerted its effects through

depletion of monoamines from presynaptic nerve terminals. The

dopamine theory of psychosis was reinforced by the high risk for druginduced

psychosis among substances that directly increased synaptic

dopamine availability, including cocaine, amphetamines, and the

Parkinson’s disease treatment L-dopa (Carlsson, 1978).

The dopamine (DA) overactivity hypothesis has

led to the development of the first therapeutic class of

antipsychotic agents, now referred to as typical or firstgeneration

antipsychotic drugs. These medications differed

in potency, but shared the common mechanism of

significant DA D 2

blockade and associated risk for

extrapyramidal side effects. In the past, the term “neuroleptic”

was also employed to refer to typical antipsychotic

drugs, literally meaning to “take hold of the

nerves” in Greek, but this has been dropped from contemporary

usage (as has the term “major tranquilizer”)

in favor of “antipsychotic drug,” a term that more accurately

reflects the primary clinical use of these agents.

While the DA hypothesis is an advance over earlier

conceptualizations of psychosis, it has limitations,

and does not account for the cognitive deficits associated

with schizophrenia that appear to be related to

decreased DA signaling in the prefrontal cortex. The

DA hypothesis also does not explain the psychotomimetic

effects of agonists of other pathways

(e.g., d-lysergic acid, a potent serotonin 5-HT 2


agonist), or the effects of phencyclidine and ketamine,

antagonists of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)

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