DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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The pancreatic α cell, which has considerable similarity to

the β cell, secretes glucagon, primarily in response to hypoglycemia.

Glucagon biosynthesis begins with preproglucagon,

which is processed in a cell-specific fashion to several biologically

active peptides such as glucagon, GLP-1, and glucagon-like

peptide-2 (GLP-2) (Figure 43-9). The molecular mechanisms that

control glucagon secretion are unclear but may involve paracrine

regulation by the β cell and neural input. In general, glucagon and

insulin secretion are regulated in a reciprocal fashion; that is, the

agents or processes that stimulate insulin secretion inhibit

glucagon secretion. Notable exceptions are arginine and somatostatin:

arginine stimulates and somatostatin inhibits the secretion

of both hormones.

Insulin Action. The insulin receptor is expressed on

virtually all mammalian cell types, explaining the

broad array of biological responses to insulin. The tissues

that are considered critical for regulation of blood

glucose are liver, skeletal muscle, and fat (Figure

43–1). However, recent evidence suggests that specific

regions of the brain and the pancreatic islet are also

important targets for insulin. Systemically, the actions

of insulin are anabolic, and insulin signaling is critical

for promoting the uptake, use, and storage of the

major nutrients: glucose, lipids, and amino acids.

Importantly, while insulin action stimulates glycogenesis,

lipogenesis, and protein synthesis, it also

inhibits the catabolism of these compounds. On a cellular

level, insulin stimulates transport of substrates

and ions into cells, promotes translocation of proteins

between cellular compartments, regulates the action

of specific enzymes, and controls gene transcription

and mRNA translation. Some effects of insulin occur

within seconds or minutes, such as activation of glucose

and ion transport systems and phosphorylation

or dephosphorylation of specific enzymes. Other

effects, such as those promoting protein synthesis and

regulating gene transcription, manifest over minutes

to hours. The effects of insulin on cell proliferation

and differentiation occur over days. Metabolic effects

such as inhibition of lipolysis or hepatic glucose production

occur rapidly, within minutes of increasing

concentrations of plasma insulin; detectable increases

in glucose clearance from the blood may take nearly

an hour. The variability in the kinetics of insulin action

probably relate to variable access to insulin receptors

in different tissues, distinct intracellular signaling

pathways, and the inherent kinetics of the various

processes controlled by insulin.

The Insulin Receptor. Insulin action is transmitted

through a receptor tyrosine kinase that bears functional

similarity to the insulin-like growth factor 1

(IGF-1) receptor (Taniguchi et al., 2006). The insulin

receptor is composed of linked (α/β subunit dimers

that are products of a single gene; dimers linked by

disulfide bonds form a transmembrane heterotetramer

glycoprotein composed of two extracellular α-subunits

and two membrane-spanning β-subunits (Figure

43–4). The number of receptors varies from as few as

40 per cell on the relatively insulin-insensitive erythrocytes,

to 300,000 per cell on adipocytes and hepatocytes,

cell types that are highly responsive to


The α-subunits inhibit the inherent tyrosine kinase activity

of the β-subunits. Insulin binding to the α-subunits releases this inhibition

and allows transphosphorylation of one β-subunit by the other,

and autophosphorylation at specific sites from the juxtamembrane

region to the intracellular tail of the receptor. There are two splice

variants of the α-subunits, which lead to insulin receptors with differential

expression and ligand binding. In addition, insulin receptor

dimers can form complexes with IGF-1 receptor α/β dimers, creating

another distinct receptor isoform. Activation of the insulin receptor

initiates signaling by phosphorylating a set of intracellular

proteins such as the insulin receptor substrates (IRS) and Src-homology-2-containing

protein (Shc). These insulin receptor substrates

interact with effectors that amplify and extend the signaling cascade.

As an example, binding of Shc to IRS1 leads to activation of the

GTPase Ras and initiation of the protein kinase cascade involving

MAPK and ERK that are involved in insulin-mediated gene transcription

and cell growth .

Insulin action, at least for glucose transport, is critically

dependent on the activation of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K).

PI3K is activated by interaction with IRS proteins and generates

phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3), which regulates the

localization and activity of several downstream kinases, including

Akt, atypical isoforms of protein kinase C (PKC ζ and λ/τ), and

mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) (Huang and Czech, 2007).

The isoform Akt2 appears to control the downstream steps that are

important for glucose uptake in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue,

and to regulate glucose production in the liver. Substrates of Akt2

coordinate the translocation of the glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) to

the plasma membrane through processes involving actin remodeling

and other membrane trafficking systems (Zaid et al., 2008).

Despite the centrality of PI3K/Akt2 in mediating insulin signaling in

key target tissues, it seems likely that there are additional effects

mediated by the insulin receptor that do not directly involve these

enzymes. Actions of small G-proteins, such as Rac and TC10, have

been implicated in the actin remodeling necessary for GLUT4


GLUT4 is expressed in insulin-responsive tissues such as

skeletal muscle and adipose tissue that constitute important sites of

glucose disposal after meal ingestion. GLUT4 is one of a family of

13 glucose transporters in humans that share 12 membrane-spanning

domains. GLUT4 is noteworthy among these transporters as the

most dependent on discrete stimuli by insulin or other effectors; in

the basal state, most GLUT4 resides in the intracellular space; following

activation of insulin receptors, GLUT4 is shifted rapidly and




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