DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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ionic balance of the endolymph (Neu and Bendush,

1976). Ototoxicity is largely irreversible and results from

progressive destruction of vestibular or cochlear sensory

cells, which are highly sensitive to damage by aminoglycosides.

The degree of permanent dysfunction correlates

with the number of destroyed or altered sensory hair cells

and is related to sustained exposure to the drug. An ironaminoglycoside

complex is postulated to potentiate reactive

oxygen species–induced cellular degeneration in the

cochlea (Guthrie, 2008).

Accumulation within the perilymph and endolymph occurs

predominantly when aminoglycoside concentrations in plasma are

high. Diffusion back into the bloodstream is slow; the half-lives of

the aminoglycosides are five to six times longer in the otic fluids

than in plasma. Back diffusion is concentration dependent and facilitated

at the trough concentration of drug in plasma Thus, it is generally

thought that ototoxicity is more likely to occur in patients with

persistently elevated concentrations of drug in plasma. However,

studies have not consistently shown an association between ototoxicity

and putative risk factors such as aminoglycoside serum levels,

total dose and duration of aminoglycoside exposure, and renal dysfunction

(including aminoglycoside-induced nephrotoxicity) (de

Jager and van Altena, 2002; Peloquin et al., 2004). Drugs such as

ethacrynic acid and furosemide potentiate the ototoxic effects of the

aminoglycosides in animals, but data from humans implicating

furosemide are less convincing (Moore et al., 1984). Hearing loss

following exposure to these agents also is more likely to develop in

patients with pre-existing auditory impairment.

The description of families where several members experienced

profound deafness from as little as a single dose of aminoglycoside

led to the investigation of a potential genetic predisposition

for this toxicity. Subsequent studies have identified several predisposing

mutations in mitochondrial ribosomal RNA genes (Fischel-

Ghodsian, 2005). The contribution of genetic susceptibility to the

overall incidence of aminoglycoside-induced ototoxicity is unclear,

but surveys of subjects of European origin put the prevalence of one

of these mutations at 1 in 500 (Vandebona et al., 2009).

Although all aminoglycosides can affect cochlear and vestibular

function, there is some preferential toxicity. Streptomycin and gentamicin

produce predominantly vestibular effects, whereas amikacin,

kanamycin, and neomycin primarily affect auditory function;

tobramycin affects both equally. The incidence of ototoxicity is difficult

to determine. Audiometric data suggest that the incidence may

be as high as 25% (de Jager and van Altena, 2002); however, these

data need to be interpreted in the context of the limitations of audiometric

testing in acutely ill patients and day-to-day variability of

audiometric testing (Brummett and Morrison, 1990). The relative

incidence appears to be equal for tobramycin, gentamicin, and

amikacin. Initial studies suggested that netilmicin is less ototoxic than

other aminoglycosides (Lerner et al., 1983); however, the incidence

of ototoxicity from netilmicin is not negligible—such complications

developed in 10% of patients in one clinical trial of netilmicin. The

incidence of vestibular toxicity is particularly high in patients receiving

streptomycin; nearly 20% of individuals who received 500 mg

twice daily for 4 weeks for enterococcal endocarditis developed clinically

detectable irreversible vestibular damage (Wilson et al., 1984).

In addition, up to 75% of patients who received 2 g streptomycin for

>60 days showed evidence of nystagmus or postural imbalance.

Because the initial symptoms may be reversible, patients

receiving high doses and/or prolonged courses of aminoglycosides

should be monitored carefully for ototoxicity; however, deafness

may occur several weeks after therapy is discontinued. Screening

patients for a family history of aminoglycoside-induced deafness

seems reasonable, but the cost effectiveness of genetic screening for

mutations predisposing to aminoglycoside ototoxicity is not yet clear.

Clinical Symptoms of Cochlear Toxicity. A high-pitched tinnitus often

is the first symptom of toxicity. If the drug is not discontinued, auditory

impairment may develop after a few days. The tinnitus may persist

for several days to 2 weeks after therapy is stopped. Because perception

of sound in the high-frequency range (outside the conversational

range) is lost first, the affected individual is not always aware

of the difficulty, and it will not be detected except by careful audiometric

examination. If the hearing loss progresses, the lower sound

ranges are affected, and conversation becomes difficult.

Clinical Symptoms of Vestibular Toxicity. Moderately intense

headache lasting 1-2 days may precede the onset of labyrinthine dysfunction.

This is followed immediately by an acute stage in which

nausea, vomiting, and difficulty with equilibrium develop and persist

for 1-2 weeks. Prominent symptoms include vertigo in the

upright position, inability to perceive termination of movement

(“mental past-pointing”), and difficulty in sitting or standing without

visual cues. Drifting of the eyes at the end of a movement so that

both focusing and reading are difficult, a positive Romberg test, and

rarely, pendular trunk movement and spontaneous nystagmus, are

prominent signs. The acute stage ends suddenly and is followed by

the appearance of manifestations of chronic labyrinthitis, in which,

although symptomless while in bed, the patient has difficulty when

attempting to walk or make sudden movements; ataxia is the most

prominent feature. The chronic phase persists for ~2 months; it is

gradually superseded by a compensatory stage in which symptoms

are latent and appear only when the eyes are closed. Adaptation to

the impairment of labyrinthine function is accomplished by the use

of visual cues and deep proprioceptive sensation for determining

movement and position. It is more adequate in the young than in the

old but may not be sufficient to permit the high degree of coordination

required in many special trades. Recovery from this phase may

require 12-18 months, and most patients have some permanent residual

damage. Although there is no specific treatment for the vestibular

deficiency, early discontinuation of the drug may permit recovery

before irreversible damage of the hair cells.

Nephrotoxicity. Approximately 8-26% of patients who receive an

aminoglycoside for several days develop mild renal impairment that

is almost always reversible. The toxicity results from accumulation

and retention of aminoglycoside in the proximal tubular cells

(Lietman and Smith, 1983). The initial manifestation of damage at

this site is excretion of enzymes of the renal tubular brush border

(Banday et al., 2008). After several days, there is a defect in renal

concentrating ability, mild proteinuria, and the appearance of hyaline

and granular casts. The glomerular filtration rate is reduced after several

additional days (Schentag et al., 1979). The non-oliguric phase

of renal insufficiency is thought to be due to the effects of aminoglycosides

on the distal portion of the nephron with a reduced sensitivity




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