DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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1174 FEMRING) may be used for slow release of estradiol, and tablets are

also available for vaginal use (VAGIFEM).

Estradiol, ethinyl estradiol, and other estrogens are extensively

bound to plasma proteins. Estradiol and other naturally occurring

estrogens are bound mainly to SHBG and to a lesser degree to

serum albumin. In contrast, ethinyl estradiol is bound extensively to

serum albumin but not SHBG. Due to their size and lipophilic nature,

unbound estrogens distribute rapidly and extensively.

Variations in estradiol metabolism occur and depend on the

stage of the menstrual cycle, menopausal status, and several genetic

polymorphisms (Herrington and Klein, 2001). In general, the hormone

undergoes rapid hepatic biotransformation, with a plasma t 1/2


in minutes. Estradiol is converted primarily by 17β-hydroxysteroid

dehydrogenase to estrone, which undergoes conversion by

16α-hydroxylation and 17-keto reduction to estriol, the major urinary

metabolite. A variety of sulfate and glucuronide conjugates also

are excreted in the urine. Lesser amounts of estrone or estradiol are

oxidized to the 2-hydroxycatechols by CYP3A4 in the liver and by

CYP1A in extrahepatic tissues or to 4-hydroxycatechols by CYP1B1

in extrahepatic sites, with the 2-hydroxycatechol being formed to a

greater extent. The 2- and 4-hydroxycatechols are largely inactivated

by catechol-O-methyl transferases (COMTs). However, smaller

amounts may be converted by CYP- or peroxidase-catalyzed reactions

to yield semiquinones or quinones that are capable of forming

DNA adducts or of generating (via redox cycling) reactive oxygen

species that could oxidize DNA bases (Yue et al., 2003).

Estrogens also undergo enterohepatic recirculation via (1)

sulfate and glucuronide conjugation in the liver, (2) biliary secretion

of the conjugates into the intestine, and (3) hydrolysis in the gut

(largely by bacterial enzymes) followed by reabsorption.

Many other drugs and environmental agents (e.g., cigarette

smoke) act as inducers or inhibitors of the various enzymes that

metabolize estrogens, and thus have the potential to alter their clearance.

Consideration of the impact of these factors on efficacy and

untoward effects is increasingly important with the decreased doses

of estrogens currently employed for both menopausal hormone therapy

and contraception.

Ethinyl estradiol is cleared much more slowly than estradiol

due to decreased hepatic metabolism, and the elimination-phase t 1/2


various studies ranges from 13 to 27 hours. Unlike estradiol, the primary

route of biotransformation of ethinyl estradiol is via 2-hydroxylation

and subsequent formation of the corresponding 2- and 3-methyl

ethers. Mestranol, another semisynthetic estrogen and a component of

some combination oral contraceptives, is the 3-methyl ether of ethinyl

estradiol. In the body it undergoes rapid hepatic demethylation to

ethinyl estradiol, which is its active form (Fotherby, 1996).



Untoward Responses

Estrogens are highly efficacious, but they do carry a

number of risks. Many concerns arose initially from

studies of early oral contraceptives, which contained high

doses of estrogens. Oral contraceptives now contain

much lower amounts of both estrogen and progestins,

and this has significantly diminished the risks associated

with their use. Nevertheless, major concerns about the

use of estrogens remain today, especially regarding cancer,

thromboembolic disease, and gallbladder disease.

Concern About Carcinogenic Actions. The risk of developing breast,

endometrial, cervical, and vaginal cancer is probably the major concern

for the use of estrogens and oral contraceptives. Landmark studies

(Greenwald et al., 1971; Herbst et al., 1971) reported an increased

incidence of vaginal and cervical adenocarcinoma in female offspring

of mothers who had taken diethylstilbestrol (DES) during the first

trimester of pregnancy. The incidence of clear cell vaginal and cervical

adenocarcinoma in women who were exposed to DES in utero

was 0.01-0.1% (Food and Drug Administration, 1985); these findings

established for the first time that developmental exposure to estrogens

was associated with an increase in a human cancer. Estrogen

use during pregnancy also can increase the incidence of nonmalignant

genital abnormalities in both male and female offspring. Thus, pregnant

patients should not be given estrogens because of the possibility

of such reproductive tract toxicities.

The use of unopposed estrogen for hormone treatment in

postmenopausal women increases the risk of endometrial carcinoma

by 5- to 15-fold (Shapiro et al., 1985). This increased risk can be

prevented if a progestin is co-administered with the estrogen (Pike

et al., 1997), and this is now standard practice.

The association between estrogen and/or estrogen-progestin

use and breast cancer is of great concern. The results of two large

randomized clinical trials of estrogen/progestin and estrogen-only

(i.e., the two arms of WHI) in postmenopausal women clearly established

a small but significant increase in the risk of breast cancer,

apparently due to the medroxyprogesterone (Anderson et al., 2004;

Rossouw et al., 2002). In the WHI study, an estrogen-progestin combination

increased the total risk of breast cancer by 25%; the absolute

increase in attributable cases of disease was 6 per 1000 women and

required 3 or more years of treatment. In women without a uterus

who received estrogen alone, the relative risk of breast cancer was

actually decreased by 23%, and the decrease only narrowly missed

reaching statistical significance. Interestingly, the incidence of colon

cancer was reduced by 26% in the WHI trial.

The Million Women Study (MWS) in the U.K. was a cohort

study rather than a clinical trial (Beral et al., 2003). It surveyed

>1 million women; about half had received some type of hormone

treatment and half had never used them. Those receiving an estrogenprogestin

combination had an increased relative risk of invasive

breast cancer of 2, and those receiving estrogen alone had an

increased relative risk of 1.3, but the increase in actual attributable

cases of the disease was again small.

Both the WHI and MWS data are thus consistent with earlier

studies indicating that the progestin component (e.g., medroxyprogesterone)

in combined hormone-replacement therapy plays a major

role in this increased risk of breast cancer (Ross et al., 2000; Schairer

et al., 2000). Importantly, although long-term data have not accumulated

for the WHI trials, the available data suggest that the excess risk

of breast cancer associated with menopausal hormone use appears to

abate 5 years after discontinuing therapy. Thus, hormone replacement

therapy for ≤5 years is often prescribed to mitigate hot flashes and

likely has a minimal effect on the risk of breast cancer.

Historically, the carcinogenic actions of estrogens were thought

to be related to their trophic effects. An increase in cell proliferation

would be expected to cause an increase in spontaneous errors

associated with DNA replication, and estrogens would then enhance

the growth of clones with mutations introduced by this or other

mechanisms (e.g., chemical carcinogens). More recently, another

mechanism has been proposed. If catechol estrogens, especially the

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