DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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696 channels are expressed in IMCD. The first is an amiloride-sensitive,

28pS, nonselective, cyclic nucleotide gated cation (CNG) channel.

This channel is highly selective for cations over anions, has equal

permeability for Na + and K + , and is inhibited by cGMP, PKG, PKC,

ATP, and atrial natriuretic peptides via their capacity to stimulate

membrane-bound guanylyl cyclase activity and elevate cellular cGMP.

Its open probability is increased by rises in intracellular Ca 2+ concentration.

CNG channels are expressed in all nephron segments with the

possible exception of the thin limb of Henle’s loop. The second type

of Na + channel expressed in the IMCD is the low-conductance 4 pS

highly-selective Na + channel ENaC. It appears that the majority of Na +

reabsorption in the IMCD is mediated via the CNG channel.

ANP has a 17 amino acid core ring and a cysteine bridge. It

is produced in the cardiac atria in response to wall stretch. It binds

to the natriuretic peptide receptor (NPR) A and increases intracellular

cyclic GMP resulting in inhibition of the CNG channel and natriuresis.

It also inhibits production of renin and aldosterone. BNP is

produced in the ventricle, also binds to the NPR-A receptor and acts

in a similar fashion as ANP. CNP binds to the NPR-B receptor and

increases cGMP in vascular smooth muscle and mediates vasodilation.

Urodilatin arises from the same precursor molecule as ANP but

has four additional amino acids at the N terminus. It binds with lower

affinity than ANP to the NPR-B receptor and has effects in glomeruli

and IMCD. As a result of these effects, natriuretic peptides have been

utilized to treat congestive heart failure. Human recombinant ANP

(carperitide) is available in Japan but not yet in the U.S., where

human recombinant BNP (nesiritide) is available. Urodilatin (ularitide)

remains in preclinical trials in the U.S. and Europe. Only the

use of nesiritide is discussed in the following sections. Nesiritide

effects renal Na + excretion by inhibiting the CNG nonspecific-cation

channel, as well as through inhibiting both the renin-angiotensinaldosterone

system and endothelin production.



Effects on Urinary Excretion. Nesiritide inhibits Na +

transport in both the proximal and distal nephron but

its primary effect is in the IMCD. Urinary Na + excretion

increases with nesiritide but the effect may be attenuated

by upregulation of Na + reabsorption in upstream

segments of the nephron.

Effects on Renal Hemodynamics. GFR increases

administered nesiritide in normal subjects, but in treated

patients with congestive heart failure GFR may increase,

decrease, or remain unchanged.

Other Actions. Administration of nesiritide decreases systemic and

pulmonary resistances and left ventricular filling pressure, and

induces a secondary increase in cardiac output. In one study, mean

arterial pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, and right

atrial pressure declined 17%, 48%, and 56%, respectively. Declines

in blood pressure with administration are dose related.

Elimination. Natriuretic peptides are administered intravenously and

have short t 1/2

values. Nesiritide has a distribution t 1/2

of 2 minutes

and a mean terminal t 1/2

of 18 minutes. Its volume of distribution is

small, 0.19 L/kg. It is cleared via three mechanisms: binding to the

NPR-C receptor, degradation via a neutral endopeptidase, and renal

excretion. There is no need to adjust the dose for renal insufficiency.

Toxicity, Adverse Effects, Contraindications, Drug Interactions.

There are concerns about adverse renal effects and reports of

increased short-term mortality in patients treated with nesiritide.

Increases in serum creatinine concentration may be related

to decreases in extracellular fluid volume, higher doses of diuretics

used, decreases in blood pressure, and activation of the

renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. The Vasodilation in the

Management of Acute CHF (VAMC) trial showed no increased risk

with low or moderate doses of diuretics but an increased risk with

high-dose diuretics (>160 mg furosemide), rising with increasing

doses. The risk of hypotension was 4.4% and lasted an average of 2.2

hours. Oral ACE inhibitors may increase the risk of hypotension with

nesiritide. Data on whether 30-day mortality is increased by nesiritide

are conflicting. There are no data to suggest that nesiritide

reduces mortality in the short term or long term in patients with acute

decompensated CHF.

Therapeutic Uses. Use of nesiritide should be limited

to patients with acutely decompensated CHF with

shortness of breath at rest; the drug should not be used

in place of diuretics. Nesiritide reduces symptoms and

improves hemodynamic parameters in those with dyspnea

at rest who are not hypotensive. Nesiritide is available

for administration as a continuous intravenous

infusion; there is little experience with administering

nesiritide for longer than 48 hours.


Site and Mechanism of Diuretic Action. An understanding

of the sites and mechanisms of action of diuretics

enhances comprehension of the clinical aspects of

diuretic pharmacology. Figure 25–13 provides an

overview of the sites and mechanisms of actions of

diuretics. Much of the pharmacology of diuretics can

be deduced from this figure.

Mechanism of Edema Formation. A complex set of

interrelationships (Figure 25–14) exists among the cardiovascular

system, kidneys, CNS (Na + appetite, thirst

regulation), and tissue capillary beds (distribution of

extracellular fluid volume [ECFV]), so perturbations at

one of these sites can affect all other sites. A primary

law of the kidney is that Na + excretion is a steep function

of mean arterial blood pressure (MABP), such that

small increases in MABP cause marked increases in

Na + excretion (Guyton, 1991). Over any given time

interval, the net change in total-body Na + (either positive

or negative) is simply the dietary Na + intake minus

the urinary excretion rate minus other losses (e.g.,

sweating, fecal losses, and vomiting). When a net positive

Na + balance occurs, the Na + concentration in the

extracellular fluid (ECF) will increase, stimulating

water intake (thirst) and reducing urinary water output

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