DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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adverse effects of, 1315

chemistry of, 1315

mechanism of action of, 1315

pharmacological properties of, 1315

therapeutic uses of, 1315


actions and selectivities of, 485t

dosage of, 500t

structure of, 504f

Sulbactam/ampicillin, hypoglycemia

and, 1248t

Sulconazole, 1588, 1817


for acne, 1817

pharmacological properties of, 1466

SULFACET-R (sulfacetamide/sulfur),


Sulfadoxine, pharmacological

properties of, 1467


pharmacokinetics of, 1889t

pharmacological properties of, 1466

Sulfanilamide, Food and Drug Act and,


Sulfapyridine, 1354–1356

Sulfasalazine, 994t

pharmacological properties of, 1466

structure of, 977f

Sulfate conjugates, 102t

Sulfation, 128t, 133–135

Sulfinpyrazone, hypoglycemia and,


Sulfisoxazole, pharmacological

properties of, 1465–1466

Sulfonamides, 1410

absorption, fate, and excretion of,


agranulocytosis caused by, 1467

antibacterial spectrum of,


aplastic anemia caused by, 1468

drug interactions with, 1468

hematopoietic effects of, 1467

hypersensitivity reactions to, 1468

hypoglycemia and, 1248t

mechanism of action of, 1464

microbe effects of, 1463–1465

pharmacological properties of,


polymorphisms and response to,


prophylactic uses of, 1467

resistance to, 1465

side effects of, 138t

synergists of, 1464–1465

Sulfonamides (Cont.):

therapeutic uses of, 1467

untoward reactions to, 1467–1468

urinary tract effects of, 1467


absorption, distribution, and

elimination, 1256–1257

adverse reactions to, 1257

antidote, 86t

chemistry of, 1256

dosage forms available, 1257

drug interactions with, 1257

manifestation of overdose

symptoms, 75t

mechanism of action of, 1256

therapeutic uses of, 1258

Sulfotransferases (STs), 125

Sulfotransferases (SULT), 125t, 132,


Sulfur, keratolytic effect of, 1829

Sulfur hexafluoride, as vitreous

substitute in surgery, 1790

Sulfur in petrolatum, 1819

Sulindac, 985

absorption, 985

adverse effects and side effects of,


in cancer prevention, 972–973

compared to aspirin, 967t

COX isoform selectivity, 962f

distribution of, 985

dosage and administration

of, 967t

elimination, 985

mechanism of action of, 985

pharmacokinetics of, 967t, 985

pharmacology of, 962f

plasma pharmacokinetics of, 962f

structure of, 985

therapeutic uses of, 967t, 985

Sulpiride, potencies at neurotransmitter

receptors, 427t

Sulprostone, for pregnancy

termination, 1837

SULT. See Sulfotransferases (SULT)


arrhythmias caused by, 832

pharmacokinetics of, 1889t

SUMYCIN (tetracycline), 1817

Sunitinib, 1739

dosing, 1740

mechanism of action of, 1740

pharmacokinetics of, 1740, 1890t

structure of, 1740

therapeutic uses of, 1740

toxicity of, 1740

Sun protection factor (SPF),


Sunscreens, 1827–1828

UVA, 1827–1828

UVB, 1827–1828

Superior mesenteric ganglion, 173f

Superscription, 1879

Suppositories, 1335–1336

Supraventricular tachycardia, angina

pectoris with, recommended

treatment for, 769t

SUPREFACT (buserelin), 1119t, 1765


absorption, fate, and excretion of,


antiparasitic effects of, 1437

contraindications to, 1438

precautions with, 1438

therapeutic uses of, 1437

toxicity and side effects of,


Surrogate end points, 9

Susceptibility testing, antimicrobial

agents and, 1369–1371

Sustained-release formulations, 21

manifestation of overdose

symptoms, 75t

SUSTIVA (efavirenz), 1626t

Sweat glands, muscarinic antagonists

and, 229–230

Sweet’s syndrome, dapsone for, 1823

“Swiss cheese” model of medication

error, 81t

SXR. See Steroid X receptor (SXR)

SYMADINE (amantadine), 1596t

SYMMETREL (amantadine), 1596t

Sympathetic ganglia, 176

Sympathetic system, 171, 172–174

Sympatholytic agents

as antihypertensive agents, 774t,


hemodynamic effects of, with longterm

administration, 774t

Sympathomimetic amines

for allergies, 302–303

for arrhythmias, 302

for asthma, 302

for attention-deficit/hyperactivity

disorder, 303–304

chemistry and structure-activity

relationship, 278–281

false-transmitter concept, 282

for heart failure, 302

for hypotension, 301–302

indirectly acting, 282

for narcolepsy, 303

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