DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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680 However, even with a high degree of inhibition of carbonic

anhydrase, 65% of HCO 3–

is rescued from excretion

by poorly understood mechanisms that may

involve carbonic anhydrase-independent HCO 3–


at downstream sites. Inhibition of the transport

mechanism described in the preceding section results

in increased delivery of Na + and Cl – to the loop of

Henle, which has a large reabsorptive capacity and captures

most of the Cl – and a portion of the Na + . Thus only

a small increase in Cl – excretion occurs, HCO 3–


the major anion excreted along with the cations Na + and

K + . The fractional excretion of Na + may be as much as

5%, and the fractional excretion of K + can be as much

as 70%. The increased excretion of K + is in part secondary

to increased delivery of Na + to the distal

nephron. The mechanism by which increased distal Na +

delivery enhances K + excretion is described in the section

on inhibitors of Na + channels.



Other mechanisms contributing to enhanced K + excretion

include flow-dependent enhancement of K + secretion by the collecting

duct, nonosmotic vasopressin release, and activation of the reninangiotensin-aldosterone

axis. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors increase

phosphate excretion (mechanism unknown) but have little or no

effect on Ca 2+ or Mg 2+ excretion. The effects of carbonic anhydrase

inhibitors on renal excretion are self-limiting, probably because the

resulting metabolic acidosis decreases the filtered load of HCO 3–


the point that the uncatalyzed reaction between CO 2

and water is

sufficient to achieve HCO 3–

reabsorption. Studies in rabbits show

that the K i

for luminal carbonic anhydrase inhibition in outer medulla

is increased >100-fold over the concentration required in control

tubules. These results suggest that acidosis induces a conformational

change in the protein making it less sensitive to inhibition by acetazolamide

(Tsuroka, 1998).

Effects on Renal Hemodynamics. By inhibiting proximal

reabsorption, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors increase

delivery of solutes to the macula densa. This triggers

TGF, which increases afferent arteriolar resistance and

reduces renal blood flow (RBF) and glomerular filtration

rate (GFR).

Other Actions. Carbonic anhydrase is present in a number of

extrarenal tissues, including the eye, gastric mucosa, pancreas,

central nervous system (CNS), and erythrocytes. Carbonic anhydrase

in the ciliary processes of the eye mediates formation of large amounts

of HCO 3–

in aqueous humor. Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase

decreases the rate of formation of aqueous humor and consequently

reduces intraocular pressure. Acetazolamide frequently causes paresthesias

and somnolence, suggesting an action of carbonic anhydrase

inhibitors in the CNS. The efficacy of acetazolamide in epilepsy is due

in part to the production of metabolic acidosis; however, direct actions

of acetazolamide in the CNS also contribute to its anticonvulsant

action. Owing to interference with carbonic anhydrase activity in erythrocytes,

carbonic anhydrase inhibitors increase CO 2

levels in

peripheral tissues and decrease CO 2

levels in expired gas. Large doses

of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors reduce gastric acid secretion, but this

has no therapeutic application. Acetazolamide causes vasodilation by

opening vascular Ca 2+ -activated K + channels; however, the clinical

significance of this effect is unclear.

Absorption and Elimination. Carbonic anhydrase

inhibitors are avidly bound by carbonic anhydrase, and

accordingly, tissues rich in this enzyme will have higher

concentrations of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors following

systemic administration. See Table 25–2 for structures

and pharmacokinetic data.

Toxicity, Adverse Effects, Contraindications, Drug Interactions.

Serious toxic reactions to carbonic anhydrase inhibitors are infrequent;

however, these drugs are sulfonamide derivatives and, like

other sulfonamides, may cause bone marrow depression, skin toxicity,

sulfonamide-like renal lesions, and allergic reactions in patients

hypersensitive to sulfonamides. With large doses, many patients

exhibit drowsiness and paresthesias. Most adverse effects, contraindications,

and drug interactions are secondary to urinary alkalinization

or metabolic acidosis, including:

• diversion of ammonia of renal origin from urine into the systemic

circulation, a process that may induce or worsen hepatic

encephalopathy (the drugs are contraindicated in patients with

hepatic cirrhosis)

• calculus formation and ureteral colic owing to precipitation of

calcium phosphate salts in an alkaline urine

• worsening of metabolic or respiratory acidosis (the drugs are contraindicated

in patients with hyperchloremic acidosis or severe

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)

• reduction of the urinary excretion rate of weak organic bases

Therapeutic Uses. Although acetazolamide is used for

treatment of edema, the efficacy of carbonic anhydrase

inhibitors as single agents is low, and carbonic anhydrase

inhibitors are not employed widely in this regard.

The combination of acetazolamide with diuretics that

block Na + reabsorption at more distal sites in the

nephron causes a marked natriuretic response in patients

with low basal fractional excretion of Na + (<0.2%) who

are resistant to diuretic monotherapy (Knauf and

Mutschler, 1997). Even so, the long-term usefulness of

carbonic anhydrase inhibitors often is compromised by

the development of metabolic acidosis.

The major indication for carbonic anhydrase inhibitors is

open-angle glaucoma. Two products developed specifically for this

use are dorzolamide (TRUSOPT, others) and brinzolamide (AZOPT),

which are available only as ophthalmic drops. Carbonic anhydrase

inhibitors also may be employed for secondary glaucoma and preoperatively

in acute angle-closure glaucoma to lower intraocular pressure

before surgery (Chapter 64). Acetazolamide also is used for the

treatment of epilepsy (Chapter 21). The rapid development of tolerance,

however, may limit the usefulness of carbonic anhydrase

inhibitors for epilepsy.

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