DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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838 Pharmacologic Effects. Digitalis glycosides exert positive

inotropic effects and are used in heart failure

(Chapter 28). Their inotropic action results from increased

intracellular Ca 2+ (Smith, 1988), which also forms the

basis for arrhythmias related to cardiac glycoside intoxication.

Cardiac glycosides increase phase 4 slope (i.e.,

increase the rate of automaticity), especially if [K] o


low. These drugs (e.g., digoxin) also exert prominent

vagotonic actions, resulting in inhibition of Ca 2+ currents

in the AV node and activation of acetylcholinemediated

K + currents in the atrium. Thus, the major

“indirect” electrophysiologic effects of cardiac glycosides

are hyperpolarization, shortening of atrial action

potentials, and increases in AV nodal refractoriness. The

latter action accounts for the utility of digoxin in terminating

re-entrant arrhythmias involving the AV node and

in controlling ventricular response in patients with atrial

fibrillation. Cardiac glycosides may be especially useful

in the latter situation because many such patients have

heart failure, which can be exacerbated by other AV

nodal blocking drugs such as Ca 2+ channel blockers or

β adrenergic receptor antagonists. However, sympathetic

drive is increased markedly in many patients with

advanced heart failure, so digitalis is not very effective

in decreasing the rate; on the other hand, even a modest

decrease in rate can ameliorate heart failure.

Similarly, in other conditions in which high sympathetic

tone drives rapid AV conduction (e.g., chronic

lung disease, thyrotoxicosis), digitalis therapy may be

only marginally effective in slowing the rate. In heart

transplant patients, in whom innervation has been

ablated, cardiac glycosides are ineffective for rate control.

Increased sympathetic activity and hypoxia can

potentiate digitalis-induced changes in automaticity and

DADs, thus increasing the risk of digitalis toxicity. A

further complicating feature in thyrotoxicosis is

increased digoxin clearance. The major ECG effects of

cardiac glycosides are PR prolongation and a nonspecific

alteration in ventricular repolarization (manifested

by depression of the ST segment), whose underlying

mechanism is not well understood.

Adverse Effects. Because of the low therapeutic index of cardiac

glycosides, their toxicity is a common clinical problem (Chapter 28).

Arrhythmias, nausea, disturbances of cognitive function, and

blurred or yellow vision are the usual manifestations. Elevated

serum concentrations of digitalis, hypoxia (e.g., owing to chronic

lung disease), and electrolyte abnormalities (e.g., hypokalemia,

hypomagnesemia, hypercalcemia) predispose patients to digitalisinduced

arrhythmias. Although digitalis intoxication can cause

virtually any arrhythmia, certain types of arrhythmias are characteristic.

Arrhythmias that should raise a strong suspicion of digitalis

intoxication are those in which DAD-related tachycardias occur



along with impairment of sinus node or AV nodal function. Atrial

tachycardia with AV block is classic, but ventricular bigeminy

(sinus beats alternating with beats of ventricular origin), “bidirectional”

ventricular tachycardia (a very rare entity), AV junctional

tachycardias, and various degrees of AV block also can occur. With

severe intoxication (e.g., with suicidal ingestion), severe hyperkalemia

owing to poisoning of Na + ,K + -ATPase and profound bradyarrhythmias,

which may be unresponsive to pacing therapy, are

seen. In patients with elevated serum digitalis levels, the risk of

precipitating VF by DC cardioversion probably is increased; in

those with therapeutic blood levels, DC cardioversion can be used


Minor forms of cardiac glycoside intoxication may require

no specific therapy beyond monitoring cardiac rhythm until symptoms

and signs of toxicity resolve. Sinus bradycardia and AV block

often respond to intravenous atropine, but the effect is transient.

Mg 2+ has been used successfully in some cases of digitalis-induced

tachycardia. Any serious arrhythmia should be treated with

antidigoxin Fab fragments (DIGIBIND, DIGIFAB), which are highly

effective in binding digoxin and digitoxin and greatly enhance their

renal excretion (Chapter 28). Serum glycoside concentrations rise

markedly with antidigitalis antibodies, but these represent bound

(pharmacologically inactive) drug. Temporary cardiac pacing may

be required for advanced sinus node or AV node dysfunction.

Digitalis exerts direct arterial vasoconstrictor effects, which can be

especially deleterious in patients with advanced atherosclerosis who

receive intravenous drug; mesenteric and coronary ischemia have

been reported.

Clinical Pharmacokinetics. The only digitalis glycoside used in the

U.S. is digoxin (LANOXIN). Digitoxin (various generic preparations)

also is used for chronic oral therapy outside the U.S. Digoxin tablets

are incompletely (75%) bioavailable. In some patients, intestinal

microflora may metabolize digoxin, markedly reducing bioavailability.

In these patients, higher than usual doses are required for clinical

efficacy; toxicity is a serious risk if antibiotics that destroy

intestinal microflora are administered. Inhibition of P-glycoprotein

(see “Adverse effects and Drug Interactions” under “Dronaderone”)

also may play a role in cases of toxicity. Digoxin is 20-30% protein

bound. The anti-arrhythmic effects of digoxin can be achieved with

intravenous or oral therapy. However, digoxin undergoes relatively

slow distribution to effector site(s); therefore, even with intravenous

therapy, there is a lag of several hours between drug administration

and the development of measurable anti-arrhythmic effects such as

PR-interval prolongation or slowing of the ventricular rate in atrial

fibrillation. To avoid intoxication, a loading dose of ~0.6-1 mg

digoxin is administered over 24 hours. Measurement of postdistribution

serum digoxin concentration and adjustment of the daily dose

(0.0625-0.5 mg) to maintain concentrations of 0.5-2 ng/mL are useful

during chronic digoxin therapy (Table 29–5). Some patients may

require and tolerate higher concentrations but with an increased risk

of adverse effects.

The elimination t 1/2

of digoxin ordinarily is ~36 hours, so

maintenance doses are administered once daily. Renal elimination

of unchanged drug accounts for less than 80% of digoxin elimination.

Digoxin doses should be reduced (or dosing interval

increased) and serum concentrations monitored closely in patients

with impaired excretion owing to renal failure or in patients who

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