DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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68 FADD/TRAF2, and caspase 8, which results in the activation of caspase

8. The FAS and TRAIL receptors recruit different adaptors,

termed FADD/MORT, which are capable of attracting and then activating

caspase 8 by autoproteoyltic cleavage. Regardless of the

upstream complexes that activate caspase 8, stimulation of its proteolytic

activity leads to the activation of caspase 3, which initiates the

apoptotic program. The final steps of apoptosis are carried out by

caspase 6 and 7, leading to degradation of enzymes, structural proteins,

and DNA fragmentation characteristic of cell death (Danial

and Korsmeyer, 2004; Wilson et al., 2009) (Figure 3–13).

The internal apoptosis pathway can be activated by signals

such as DNA damage leading to increased transcription of the p53

gene and involves damage to the mitochondria by pro-apoptotic

members of the Bcl-2 family of proteins. This family includes proapoptotic

members such as BAX, Bak, and Bad, which induce damage

at the mitochondrial membrane. There are also anti-apoptotic

Bcl-2 members, such as Bcl-2, Bcl-X, and Bcl-W, which serve to

inhibit mitochondrial damage and are negative regulators of the system

(Rong and Distelhorst, 2008). When DNA damage occurs, p53

transcription is activated and holds the cell at a cell cycle check point

until the damage is repaired. If the damage cannot be repaired, apoptosis

is initiated through the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 members such as

BAX. BAX is activated, translocates to the mitochondria, overcomes

the anti-apoptotic proteins, and induces the release of cytochrome c

and a protein termed the “second mitochondria-derived activator of

caspase” (SMAC). SMAC binds to and inactivates the inhibitors of

apoptosis proteins (IAPs) that normally prevent caspase activation.

Cytochrome C combines in the cytosol with another protein, apoptotic

activating protease factor -1 (Apaf-1), and with caspase 9. This

complex leads to activation of caspase 9 and ultimately to the activation

of caspase 3 (Ghobrial et al., 2005; Wilson et al., 2009). Once

activated, caspase 3 activates the same downstream pathways as the

external pathway described above, leading to the cleavage of proteins,

cytoskeletal elements, DNA repair proteins, with subsequent

DNA condensation and membrane blebbing that eventually lead to

cell death and engulfment by macrophages (Figure 3–13)





Receptors not only initiate regulation of biochemical

events and physiological function but also are themselves

subject to many regulatory and homeostatic controls.

These controls include regulation of the synthesis

and degradation of the receptor, covalent modification,

association with other regulatory proteins, and

relocalization within the cell. Transducer and effector

proteins are regulated similarly. Modulatory inputs may

come from other receptors, directly or indirectly, and

receptors are almost always subject to feedback regulation

by their own signaling outputs.

Continued stimulation of cells with agonists generally

results in a state of desensitization (also referred

to as adaptation, refractoriness, or down-regulation)

such that the effect that follows continued or subsequent

exposure to the same concentration of drug is diminished.

This phenomenon, called tachyphylaxis, occurs

rapidly and is important therapeutically; an example is

attenuated response to the repeated use of β adrenergic

receptor agonists as bronchodilators for the treatment

of asthma (Chapters 12 and 36).

Desensitization can result from temporary inaccessibility

of the receptor to agonist or from fewer

receptors being synthesized and available at the cell

surface (e.g., down-regulation of receptor number).

Phosphorylation of GPCR receptors by specific GPCR

kinases (GRKs) plays a key role in triggering rapid

desensitization. Phosphorylation of agonist-occupied

GPCRs by GRKs facilitates the binding of cytosolic

proteins termed arrestins to the receptor, resulting in

the uncoupling of G protein from the receptor (Moore

et al., 2007). The β-arrestins recruit proteins, such as

PDE4, that limit cyclic AMP signaling, and clathrin and

β2-adaptin, that promote sequestration of receptor from

the membrane (internalization), thereby providing a

scaffold that permits additional signaling steps.

Conversely, supersensitivity to agonists also frequently

follows chronic reduction of receptor stimulation.

Such situations can result, e.g., following

withdrawal from prolonged receptor blockade (e.g., the

long-term administration of β adrenergic receptor antagonists

such as metoprolol) or in the case where chronic

denervation of a preganglionic fiber induces an increase

in neurotransmitter release per pulse, indicating postganglionic

neuronal supersensitivity. Supersensitivity

can be the result of tissue response to pathological conditions,

such as occurs in cardiac ischemia due to the

synthesis and recruitment of new receptors to the surface

of the myocyte.

It seems likely that effects of several classes of

CNS-active agents depend on similar agonist- and

antagonist-induced changes in receptor-effector systems

(Chapters 14, 15, and 18).

Diseases Resulting from Receptor Malfunction. Alteration in

receptors and their immediate signaling effectors can be the cause of

disease. The loss of a receptor in a highly specialized signaling system

may cause a relatively limited, if dramatic, phenotypic disorder

(e.g., deficiency of the androgen receptor and testicular feminization

syndrome; Chapter 41). Deficiencies in widely employed signaling

pathways have broad effects, as are seen in myasthenia gravis

and some forms of insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus, which result

from autoimmune depletion of nicotinic cholinergic receptors

(Chapter 11) or insulin receptors (Chapter 43), respectively. The

expression of constitutively active, aberrant, or ectopic receptors,

effectors, and coupling proteins potentially can lead to supersensitivity,

subsensitivity, or other untoward responses (Smit et al., 2007).

Among the most significant events is the appearance of aberrant

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