DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Table 11–4

Comparison of Competitive (D-Tubocurarine) and Depolarizing (Decamethonium) Blocking Agents



Effect of D-tubocurarine Additive Antagonistic

administered previously

Effect of decamethonium No effect, or antagonistic Some tachyphylaxis; but may

administered previously

be additive

Effect of anticholinesterase Reversal of block No reversal

agents on block

Effect on motor end plate Elevated threshold to acetylcholine; Partial, persisting depolarization

no depolarization

Initial excitatory effect None Transient fasciculations

on striated muscle

Character of muscle response Poorly sustained contraction Well-sustained contraction

to indirect tetanic stimulation

during partial block

anti-cholinesterase agents will not reverse depolarizing

neuromuscular blockade and, in fact, can enhance

it, the distinction between competitive and depolarizing

types of neuromuscular blocking agent must be

clearly communicated in healthcare settings to avoid

potential adverse clinical outcomes.

Many inhalational anesthetics exert a stabilizing effect on the

postjunctional membrane and therefore potentiate the activity of

competitive blocking agents. Consequently, when such blocking

drugs are used for muscle relaxation as adjuncts to these anesthetics,

their doses should be reduced. The rank of order of potentiation is

desflurane > sevoflurane > isoflurane > halothane > nitrous oxidebarbiturate-opioid

or propofol anesthesia (Naguib and Lien, 2005).

Aminoglycoside antibiotics produce neuromuscular blockade

by inhibiting ACh release from the preganglionic terminal

(through competition with Ca 2+ ) and to a lesser extent by noncompetitively

blocking the receptor. The blockade is antagonized by Ca 2+

salts but only inconsistently by anti-ChE agents (Chapter 54). The

tetracyclines also can produce neuromuscular blockade, possibly by

chelation of Ca 2+ . Additional antibiotics that have neuromuscular

blocking action, through both presynaptic and postsynaptic actions,

include polymyxin B, colistin, clindamycin, and lincomycin

(Pollard, 1994). Ca 2+ channel blockers enhance neuromuscular

blockade produced by both competitive and depolarizing antagonists.

It is not clear whether this is a result of a diminution of Ca 2+ -

dependent release of transmitter from the nerve ending or is a

postsynaptic action. When neuromuscular blocking agents are

administered to patients receiving these agents, dose adjustments

should be considered; if recovery of spontaneous respiration is

delayed, Ca 2+ salts may facilitate recovery.

Miscellaneous drugs that may have significant interactions with

either competitive or depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents

include trimethaphan (no longer marketed in the U.S.), lithium, opioid

analgesics, procaine, lidocaine, quinidine, phenelzine, carbamazemine,

phenytoin, propranolol, dantrolene, azathioprine, tamoxifen, magnesium

salts, corticosteroids, digitalis glycosides, chloroquine, catecholamines,

and diuretics (Naguib and Lien, 2005; Pollard, 1994).


The important untoward responses of the neuromuscular

blocking agents include prolonged apnea, cardiovascular

collapse, those resulting from histamine

release, and rarely, anaphylaxis. Failure of respiration to

become adequate in the postoperative period may not

always be due directly to excessive muscle paralysis

from the drug. An obstruction of the airway, decreased

arterial PCO 2

secondary to hyperventilation during the

operative procedure, or the neuromuscular depressant

effect of excessive amounts of neostigmine used to

reverse the action of the competitive blocking drugs,

may also be implicated. Directly related factors may

include alterations in body temperature; electrolyte

imbalance, particularly of K + (see the next paragraph);

low plasma butyrylcholinesterase levels, resulting in a

reduction in the rate of destruction of succinylcholine;

the presence of latent myasthenia gravis or of malignant

disease such as small cell carcinoma of the lung

with Eaton-Lambert myasthenic syndrome; reduced

blood flow to skeletal muscles, causing delayed

removal of the blocking drugs; and decreased elimination

of the muscle relaxants secondary to hepatic dysfunction

(cisatricurium, rocuronium, vecuronium) or

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