DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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General Anesthetics and

Therapeutic Gases

Piyush M. Patel, Hemal H. Patel,

and David M. Roth

General Anesthetics

General anesthetics depress the central nervous system

to a sufficient degree to permit the performance of surgery

and other noxious or unpleasant procedures.

Inevitably, anesthetics also suppress normal homeostatic

reflexes. Not surprisingly, general anesthetics have

low therapeutic indices and thus require great care in

administration. While all general anesthetics produce a

relatively similar anesthetic state, they are quite dissimilar

in their secondary actions (side effects) on other

organ systems. The selection of specific drugs and

routes of administration to produce general anesthesia

is based on their pharmacokinetic properties and on the

secondary effects of the various drugs, in the context of

the proposed diagnostic or surgical procedure and with

the consideration of the individual patient’s age, associated

medical condition, and medication use.

Anesthesiologists also employ sedatives (Chapter 17),

neuromuscular blocking agents (Chapter 11), and local

anesthetics (Chapter 20) as the situation requires.

Historical Perspectives. Crawford Long, a physician in rural

Georgia, first used ether anesthesia in 1842. William T.G. Morton,

a Boston dentist and medical student, performed the first public

demonstration of general anesthesia using diethyl ether in 1846

when Gilbert Abbott underwent surgical excision of a neck tumor

at the Massachusetts General Hospital in the operating room now

known as “the ether dome.” The era of modern anesthesia and a

revolution in the medical care of the surgical patient had begun.

Ether was the ideal “first” anesthetic. A liquid at room temperature,

it readily vaporized, and was easy to administer. Ether,

unlike nitrous oxide, was potent and could produce anesthesia without

diluting room air to hypoxic levels. It was relatively nontoxic

and produced limited respiratory or circulatory compromise. Ether

maintained a role in clinical anesthesia until the 1950s.

Horace Wells, a dentist, noted at a stage show that an

injured participant under the influence of nitrous oxide felt no

pain. The next day Wells had a tooth extracted while breathing

nitrous oxide. An attempt in 1845 by Wells to demonstrate his discovery

at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston ended in

failure when the patient cried out and nitrous oxide fell into disuse.

In 1868, Edmond Andrews, a Chicago surgeon, described the

co-administration of nitrous oxide and oxygen, a practice that continues

to this day.

The Scottish obstetrician James Simpson introduced chloroform

in 1847. Chloroform had a more pleasant odor than ether

and was nonflammable. It was, however, a hepatotoxin and a

severe cardiovascular depressant, which limited its ultimate utility.

Despite incidents of intraoperative and postoperative deaths

associated with chloroform, its use continued, especially in Great

Britain, for nearly 100 years.

The anesthetic properties of cyclopropane were discovered

accidentally in 1929 by chemists analyzing impurities in propylene.

Cyclopropane is a pleasant-smelling gas that produces rapid anesthetic

induction and recovery, and was widely used as a general anesthetic

for over 30 years. However, cyclopropane is explosive when

mixed with air, oxygen, or nitrous oxide. In 1956 came the introduction

of halothane, a nonflammable volatile halogenated alkane that

quickly became the dominant anesthetic.

In 1935, Lundy demonstrated the clinical usefulness of

thiopental, a rapidly acting agent that could be administered intravenously;

however, anesthetic doses of thiopental resulted in serious

depression of the circulatory, respiratory, and nervous systems.

The further development of intravenous anesthetic agents such as

propofol, combined with other intravenous anesthetic adjuncts such

as midazolam, dexmedetomidine, and remifentanil, has led to the

use of total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) as a clinically useful tool

in modern anesthetic practice.



Unlike the practice of every other branch of medicine,

anesthesia is usually neither therapeutic nor diagnostic.

The exceptions to this, such as treatment of status

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