DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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(Sorkin and Wallace, 1999). Examples of such states would be burn,

post-incision, abrasion of the skin, inflammation of the joint, and musculoskeletal


Nerve Injury


Peripheral nerve



afferent activity

Spontaneous dysesthesias

(shooting, burning pain)





Aβ afferent



(light touch hurts)

Figure 18–5. Mechanistic flow diagram of nerve injury–evoked


Nerve Injury. Injury to the peripheral nerve yields complex anatomical

and biochemical changes in the nerve and spinal cord that induce

spontaneous dysesthesias (shooting, burning pain) and allodynia

(light touch hurts). This nerve injury pain state may not depend upon

the activation of small afferents, but may be initiated by low-threshold

sensory afferents (e.g., Aβ fibers). Such nerve injuries result in the

development of ectopic activity arising from neuromas formed by

nerve injury and the dorsal root ganglia of the injured axons as well

as a dororsal horn reorganization, such that low-threshold afferent

input carried by Aβ fibers evokes a pain state. This dorsal horn reorganization

reflects changes in ongoing inhibition and in the excitability

of dorsal horn projection neurons (Latremoliere and Woolf,

2009). Examples of such nerve injury-inducing events include nerve

trauma or compression (carpal tunnel syndrome), chemotherapy (as

for cancer), diabetes, and in the post-herpetic state (shingles). These

pain states are said to be neuropathic (Figure 18–5). Many clinical

pain syndromes, such as found in cancer, typically represent a combination

of these inflammatory and neuropathic mechanisms.

Although nociceptive pain usually is responsive to opioid analgesics,

neuropathic pain is typically considered to respond less well to opioid

analgesics (McQuay, 1988).

Sensory Versus Affective Dimensions. Information generated by a high

intensity peripheral stimulus initiates activity in defined pathways

that activate higher-order systems that reflect the aversive magnitude

of the stimulus. This reflects the sensory-discriminative dimension

of the pain experience (such as the ability to accurately estimate

and characterize the pain state). Painful stimuli have the certain

ability to generate strong emotional components that reflect a distinction

between pain as a specific sensation subserved by distinct

neurophysiological structures, and pain such as suffering (the original

sensation plus the reactions evoked by the sensation; the affective

motivational dimension) (Melzack and Casey, 1968). When pain

does not evoke its usual responses (anxiety, fear, panic, and suffering),

a patient’s ability to tolerate the pain may be markedly

increased, even when the capacity to perceive the sensation is relatively

unaltered. It is clear, however, that alteration of the emotional

reaction to painful stimuli is not the sole mechanism of analgesia.

Thus, intrathecal administration of opioids can produce profound

segmental analgesia without causing significant alteration of motor

or sensory function or subjective effects (Yaksh, 1988).

Mechanisms of Opioid-Induced Analgesia. The analgesic

actions of opiates after systemic delivery are

believed to represent actions in the brain, spinal cord,

and in some instances in the periphery.

Supraspinal Actions. The microinjection of opiates through chronically

placed microinjection cannulae targeted at specific brain sites

has shown that opiate agonists will, in a manner consistent with their

respective activity at a MOR, block pain behavior after delivery into

a number of highly circumscribed brain regions and that these analgesic

effects are naloxone reversible. The best characterized of these

sites is the mesencephalic periaqueductal gray (PAG) matter.

Microinjections of morphine into this region will block nociceptive

responses in every species examined from rodents to primates;

naloxone will reverse these effects.

Several mechanisms exist whereby opiates with an action

limited to the PAG may act to alter nociceptive transmission. These

are summarized in Figure 18–6. MOR agonists block release of the

inhibitory transmitter GABA from tonically active PAG systems that

regulate activity in projections to the medulla. PAG projections to

the medulla activate medullospinal release of NE and 5-HT at the

level of the spinal dorsal horn. This release can attenuate dorsal horn

excitability (Yaksh, 1997). Interestingly, this PAG organization can

also serve to increase excitability of dorsal raphe and locus coeruleus

from which ascending serotonergic and noradrenergic projections to

the limbic forebrain originate (the role of forebrain 5-HT and NE in

mediating emotional tone is discussed in Chapter 15). In humans, it

is not feasible to routinely access the site of action within the brain

where opiates may act to alter nociceptive transmission as is done in

preclinical models. However, intracerebroventricular opioids have

been employed in humans for pain relief in cancer patients.

Accordingly, it seems probable that the supraspinal site of opiate

action in the human, as in other animal models, lies close to the ventricular

lumen (Karavelis et al., 1996).

Spinal Opiate Action. A local action of opiates in the spinal cord will

selectively depress the discharge of spinal dorsal horn neurons evoked

by small (high-threshold) but not large (low-threshold) afferent nerve

fibers. Intrathecal administration of opioids in animals ranging from

mouse to human will reliably attenuate the response of the organism

to a variety of somatic and visceral stimuli that otherwise evoke pain

states. Specific opiate binding and receptor protein are limited for the

most part to the substantia gelatinosa of the superficial dorsal horn,

the region in which small, high-threshold sensory afferents show their

principal termination. A significant proportion of these opiate receptors

are associated with small peptidergic primary afferent C fibers

and the remainder are on local dorsal horn neurons. This finding is

consistent with the presence of opioid receptor protein being synthesized

in and transported from small dorsal root ganglion cells.

Confirmation of the presynaptic action is provided by the

observation that spinal opiates reduce the release of primary afferent

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