DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Mechanisms of Resistance. Mutations involved in cycloserine

resistance to pathogenic Mycobacteria are currently unknown.

However, resistance in clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis has been

detected in 10-82% of isolates (Anonymous, 2008b).

Absorption, Distribution, and Excretion. Oral cycloserine is

almost completely absorbed. The population pharmacokinetics are

best described using a one-compartment model with first-order

absorption and elimination (Zhu et al., 2001). The drug’s t 1/2


9 hours. C max

in plasma is reached in 45 minutes in fasting subjects,

but is delayed for up to 3.5 hours with a high-fat meal. See

Table 56–2 for PK values. Cycloserine is well distributed throughout

body. There is no appreciable barrier to CNS entry for

cycloserine, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations are

approximately the same as those in plasma. About 50% of

cycloserine is excreted unchanged in the urine in the first 12 hours;

a total of 70% is recoverable in the active form over a period of

24 hours. The drug may accumulate to toxic concentrations in

patients with renal failure. About 60% of it is removed by

hemodialysis, and the drug must be re-dosed after each hemodialysis

session (Malone et al., 1999a).

Therapeutic Uses. Cycloserine is available for oral administration.

The usual dose for adults is 250-500 mg twice daily.

Untoward Effects. Neuropsychiatric symptoms are common and

occur in 50% of patients on 1 g/day, so much so that the drug has

earned the nickname “psych-serine.” Symptoms range from

headache and somnolence to severe psychosis, seizures, and suicidal

ideas. Large doses of cycloserine or the concomitant ingestion of

alcohol increases the risk of seizures. Cycloserine is contraindicated

in individuals with a history of epilepsy and should be used with

caution in individuals with a history of depression.


Capreomycin (CAPASTAT) is an antimycobacterial cyclic peptide. It

consists of four active components: capreomycins IA, IB, IIA, and

IIB. The agent used clinically contains primarily IA and IB.

Antimycobacterial activity is similar to that of aminoglycosides as

are adverse effects, and capreomycin should not be administered

with other drugs that damage cranial nerve VIII.

Bacterial resistance to capreomycin develops when it is given

alone; such microorganisms show cross-resistance with kanamycin

and neomycin. The adverse reactions associated with the use of capreomycin

are hearing loss, tinnitus, transient proteinuria, cylindruria,

and nitrogen retention. Severe renal failure is rare. Eosinophilia is

common. Leukocytosis, leukopenia, rashes, and fever have also been

observed. Injections of the drug may be painful. Capreomycin is a second-line

antituberculosis agent. The recommended daily dose is 1g

(no more than 20 mg/kg) per day for 60-120 days, followed by 1 g

two to three times a week.


The pharmacology, bacterial activity, resistance mechanisms

of macrolides are discussed in Chapter 55.

Azithromycin and clarithromycin are used for the treatment

of MAC.


Dapsone (DDS, diamino-diphenylsulfone) or 4′-

diaminodiphenylsulfone, was synthesized by Fromm and

Wittman in 1908, and its similarity to sulphonamides led

to the establishment of anti-streptococcal effects by

Buttle et al. and Forneau et al. in 1937.


Mechanism of Action. Dapsone is a structural analog of paraaminobenzoic

acid (PABA) and a competitive inhibitor of dihydropteroate

synthase (folP1/P2) in the folate pathway, shown in

Figure 56–5. The effect on this evolutionarily conserved pathway

also explains why dapsone is a broad-spectrum agent with antibacterial,

anti-protozoal, and antifungal effects.

The anti-inflammatory effects of dapsone occur via inhibition

of tissue damage by neutrophils (summarized by Wolf et al.,

2002). First, dapsone inhibits neutrophil myeloperoxidase activity

and respiratory burst. Second, it inhibits activity of neutrophil lysosomal

enzymes. Third, it may also act as a free radical scavenger,

counteracting the effect of free radicals generated by neutrophils.

Fourth, dapsone may also inhibit migration of neutrophils to

inflammatory lesions (Wolf et al., 2002). Dapsone is extensively

used for acne, but this therapy is not recommended.

Antimicrobial Effects. Antibacterial. Dapsone is bacteriostatic

against M. leprae at concentrations of 1-10 mg/L. More than 90% of

clinical isolates of MAC and M. kansasii have an MIC of ≤8 mg/L,

but the MICs for M. tuberculosis isolates are high. It has little activity

against other bacteria.






synthase X (thyX)



synthase A




Pteridine + PABA

Dihydropteroic acid

Dihydrofolic acid

Tetrahydrofolic acid


synthase (folP1/P2)


synthase (folC)


reductase (dfrA)

Figure 56–5. Effects of antimicrobials on folate metabolism and

deoxynucleotide synthesis.




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