DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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1040 a marked increase in the risk of death with high doses of all inhaled


agonists (Spitzer et al., 1992). The risk was greater with

fenoterol, but when the dose is adjusted to the equivalent dose for

albuterol, there is no significant difference in the risk for these two

drugs. The link between high 2

agonist usage and increased

asthma mortality does not prove a causal association because

patients with more severe and poorly controlled asthma, who are

more likely to have an increased risk of fatal attacks, are more

likely to be using higher doses of 2

agonist inhalers and less likely

to be using effective anti-inflammatory treatment. Indeed, in the

patients who used regular inhaled steroids there was a significant

reduction in risk of death (Suissa et al., 2000).

Regular use of inhaled 2

agonists has also been linked to

increased asthma morbidity. Regular use of fenoterol was associated

with worse asthma control and a small increase in airway hyperresponsiveness

compared with patients using fenoterol “on demand”

for symptom control over a 6-month period (Sears et al., 1990).

However, this was not found in a study with regular albuterol (Dennis

et al., 2000). There is some evidence that regular inhaled 2


may increase allergen-induced asthma and sputum eosinophilia

(Mcivor et al., 1998). A possible mechanism is that 2


upregulate expression of PLC 1

, resulting in augmentation of the

bronchoconstrictor responses to cholinergic agonists and mediators

(McGraw et al., 2003). Short-acting inhaled 2

agonists should only

be used on demand for symptom control, and if they are required

frequently (more than three times weekly), an ICS is needed.

The safety of LABA in asthma remains controversial. A large

study of the safety of salmeterol showed an excess of respiratory

deaths and near deaths in patients prescribed salmeterol, but these

deaths occurred mainly in African Americans living in inner cities

who were not taking ICS (Nelson et al., 2006). Similar data have

also raised concerns about formoterol. This may be predictable

because LABA do not treat the underlying chronic inflammation of

asthma. However, concomitant treatment with ICS appears to obviate

such risk, so it is recommended that LABA should only be used

when ICS are also prescribed (preferably in the form of a combination

inhaler so that the LABA can never be taken without the inhaled

corticosteroids) (Jaeschke et al., 2008). All LABA approved in the

U.S. carry a black box warning cautioning against overuse. Studies

are underway to examine their long-term safety profile, especially in

children with asthma. There are less safety concerns with LABA use

in COPD. No major adverse effects were reported in a large study

over 3 years in COPD patients and in several other studies (Calverley

et al., 2007; Rodrigo et al., 2008).



Future Developments


Agonists will continue to be the bronchodilators of choice for asthma

in the foreseeable future because they are effective in all patients and

have few or no side effects when used in low doses. It would be difficult

to find a bronchodilator that improves on the efficacy and safety of

inhaled 2

agonists. Although some concerns have been expressed

about the long-term effects of short-acting inhaled 2

agonists, when

used as required for symptom control, inhaled 2

agonists appear safe.

Use of large doses of inhaled 2

agonists indicates poor asthma control;

such patients should be assessed and appropriate controller medication

used. LABA are a very useful option for long-term control in asthma

and COPD. In asthma patients LABA should probably only be used if

the patient is receiving concomitant ICS. There is little advantage to be

gained by improving 2

receptor selectivity because most of the side

effects of these agents are due to 2

receptor stimulation (muscle

tremor, tachycardia, hypokalemia). Several once daily inhaled 2


such as indacaterol and carmoterol, are now in clinical development

(Cazzola and Matera, 2008).


Methylxanthines, such as theophylline, which are related

to caffeine, have been used in the treatment of asthma

since 1930, and theophylline is still widely used in developing

countries because it is inexpensive. Theophylline

became more useful with the availability of rapid plasma

assays and the introduction of reliable slow-release preparations.

However, the frequency of side effects and the relative

low efficacy of theophylline have led to reduced use

in many countries because inhaled 2

agonists are far more

effective as bronchodilators and ICS have a greater antiinflammatory

effect. In patients with severe asthma and

COPD it still remains a very useful drug, however.

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Chemistry. Theophylline is a methylxanthine similar in structure to

the common dietary xanthines caffeine and theobromine. Several

substituted derivatives have been synthesized, but only two appear to

have any advantage over theophylline: the 3-propyl derivative,

enprofylline, which is more potent as a bronchodilator and may have

fewer toxic effects because it does not antagonize adenosine receptors;

and doxofylline (7-[1,3-dioxalan-2-ylmethyl] theophylline), a

novel methylxanthine available in some countries (Dini and Cogo,

2001). Doxofylline, which has a dioxolane group at position 7, has

an inhibitory effect on phosphodiesterases (PDEs) similar to that of

theophylline but is less active as an adenosine antagonist and may

have a more favorable side-effect profile. Many salts of theophylline

have also been marketed; the most common is aminophylline, which

is the ethylenediamine salt used to increase its solubility at neutral

pH. Other salts either do not have any advantage (e.g., oxtriphylline

[choline theophyllinate]) or are virtually inactive (e.g., acepifylline).

Thus, theophylline remains the major methylxanthine in clinical use.

Mechanism of Action. The mechanisms of action of theophylline

are still uncertain. In addition to its bronchodilator action, theophylline

has many nonbronchodilator effects that may be relevant to

its effects in asthma and COPD (Figure 36–6). Many of these molecular

effects are seen only at high concentrations that exceed the therapeutic

range, however. Several molecular mechanisms of action

have been proposed:

• Inhibition of phosphodiesterases. Theophylline is a nonselective

PDE inhibitor, but the degree of inhibition is relatively




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