DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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188 in transmitter release comes from the fact that botulinum neurotoxins

and tetanus toxin, which block neurotransmitter release, proteolyze

these three proteins (Südhof, 2004).

Two pools of acetylcholine appear to exist. One pool, the

“depot” or “readily releasable” pool, consists of vesicles located near

the plasma membrane of the nerve terminals; these vesicles contain

newly synthesized transmitter. Depolarization of the terminals causes

these vesicles to release ACh rapidly or readily. The other pool, the

“reserve pool,” seems to replenish the readily releasable pool and

may be required to sustain ACh release during periods of prolonged

or intense nerve stimulation.



Acetylcholinesterase (AChE). For ACh to serve as a

neurotransmitter in the motor system and at other

neuronal synapses, it must be removed or inactivated

within the time limits imposed by the response characteristics

of the synapse. At the neuromuscular junction,

immediate removal is required to prevent lateral diffusion

and sequential activation of adjacent receptors.

Modern biophysical methods have revealed that the

time required for hydrolysis of ACh at the neuromuscular

junction is less than a millisecond. The K m

of AChE

for ACh is ~50-100 μM. Choline has only 10 –3 to 10 –5

the potency of ACh at the neuromuscular junction.

While AChE is found in cholinergic neurons (dendrites,

perikarya, and axons), it is distributed more widely than cholinergic

synapses. It is highly concentrated at the postsynaptic end plate of

the neuromuscular junction. Butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE; also

known as pseudocholinesterase) is present in low abundance in glial

or satellite cells but is virtually absent in neuronal elements of the

central and peripheral nervous systems. BuChE is synthesized

primarily in the liver and is found in liver and plasma; its likely

physiological function is the hydrolysis of ingested esters from plant

sources. AChE and BuChE typically are distinguished by the relative

rates of ACh and butyrylcholine hydrolysis and by effects of selective

inhibitors (Chapter 10). Almost all pharmacological effects of

the anti-ChE agents are due to the inhibition of AChE, with the consequent

accumulation of endogenous ACh in the vicinity of the nerve

terminal. Distinct but single genes encode AChE and BuChE in

mammals; the diversity of molecular structure of AChE arises from

alternative mRNA processing (Taylor et al., 2000).

Numerous reports suggest that AChE plays other roles in

addition to its classical function in terminating impulse transmission

at cholinergic synapses. Non-classical functions of AChE might

include hydrolysis of ACh in a non-synaptic context, action as an

adhesion protein involved in synaptic development and maintenance,

as a bone matrix protein, involvement in neurite outgrowth, and

acceleration of the assembly of Aβ peptide into amyloid fibrils

(Silman and Sussman, 2005).

Characteristics of Cholinergic Transmission at Various

Sites. There are marked differences among various sites

of cholinergic transmission with respect to architecture

and fine structure, the distributions of AChE and receptors,

and the temporal factors involved in normal function.

In skeletal muscle, e.g., the junctional sites occupy a

small, discrete portion of the surface of the individual

fibers and are relatively isolated from those of adjacent

fibers; in the superior cervical ganglion, ~100,000 ganglion

cells are packed within a volume of a few cubic

millimeters, and both the presynaptic and postsynaptic

neuronal processes form complex networks.

Skeletal Muscle. Stimulation of a motor nerve results in the release

of ACh from perfused muscle; close intra-arterial injection of ACh

produces muscular contraction similar to that elicited by stimulation

of the motor nerve. The amount of ACh (10 –17 mol) required to elicit

an end-plate potential (EPP) following its microiontophoretic application

to the motor end plate of a rat diaphragm muscle fiber is

equivalent to that recovered from each fiber following stimulation

of the phrenic nerve.

The combination of ACh with nicotinic ACh receptors at the

external surface of the postjunctional membrane induces an immediate,

marked increase in cation permeability. On receptor activation

by ACh, its intrinsic channel opens for ~1 ms; during this interval,

~50,000 Na + ions traverse the channel. The channel-opening process

is the basis for the localized depolarizing EPP within the end plate,

which triggers the muscle AP. The latter, in turn, leads to contraction.

Following section and degeneration of the motor nerve to

skeletal muscle or of the postganglionic fibers to autonomic effectors,

there is a marked reduction in the threshold doses of the transmitters

and of certain other drugs required to elicit a response; that is,

denervation supersensitivity occurs. In skeletal muscle, this change is

accompanied by a spread of the receptor molecules from the end-plate

region to the adjacent portions of the sarcoplasmic membrane, which

eventually involves the entire muscle surface. Embryonic muscle also

exhibits this uniform sensitivity to ACh prior to innervation. Hence,

innervation represses the expression of the receptor gene by the nuclei

that lie in extrajunctional regions of the muscle fiber and directs the

subsynaptic nuclei to express the structural and functional proteins

of the synapse (Sanes and Lichtman, 1999).

Autonomic Effector Cells. Stimulation or inhibition of autonomic

effector cells occurs on activation of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors

(discussed later in the chapter). In this case, the effector is coupled

to the receptor by a G protein (Chapter 3). In contrast to skeletal

muscle and neurons, smooth muscle and the cardiac conduction system

[sinoatrial (SA) node, atrium, atrioventricular (AV) node, and

the His-Purkinje system] normally exhibit intrinsic activity, both

electrical and mechanical, that is modulated but not initiated by

nerve impulses.

In the basal condition, unitary smooth muscle exhibits waves

of depolarization and/or spikes that are propagated from cell to cell

at rates considerably slower than the AP of axons or skeletal muscle.

The spikes apparently are initiated by rhythmic fluctuations in the

membrane resting potential. Application of ACh (0.1 to 1 μM) to

isolated intestinal muscle causes a decrease in the resting potential

(i.e., the membrane potential becomes less negative) and an increase

in the frequency of spike production, accompanied by a rise in tension.

A primary action of ACh in initiating these effects through muscarinic

receptors is probably partial depolarization of the cell

membrane brought about by an increase in Na + and, in some

instances, Ca 2+ conductance. ACh also can produce contraction of

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