DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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580 intravascular injection easier to detect and modifies the effect of

sympathetic blockade during epidural anesthesia.

For each anesthetic agent, a relationship exists between the

volume of local anesthetic injected epidurally and the segmental

level of anesthesia achieved. For example, in 20- to 40-year-old,

healthy, nonpregnant patients, each 1-1.5 mL of 2% lidocaine will

give an additional segment of anesthesia. The amount needed

decreases with increasing age and also decreases during pregnancy

and in children.

The concentration of local anesthetic used determines the

type of nerve fibers blocked. The highest concentrations are used

when sympathetic, somatic sensory, and somatic motor blockade are

required. Intermediate concentrations allow somatic sensory anesthesia

without muscle relaxation. Low concentrations will block only

preganglionic sympathetic fibers. As an example, with bupivacaine

these effects might be achieved with concentrations of 0.5%, 0.25%,

and 0.0625%, respectively. The total amounts of drug that can be

injected with safety at one time are approximately those mentioned

earlier in the chapter under “Nerve Block Anesthesia” and

“Infiltration Anesthesia.” Performance of epidural anesthesia

requires a greater degree of skill than does spinal anesthesia. The

technique of epidural anesthesia and the volumes, concentrations,

and types of drugs used are described in detail in standard texts on

regional anesthesia (e.g., Cousins et al., 2008).

A significant difference between epidural and spinal anesthesia

is that the dose of local anesthetic used can produce high

concentrations in blood following absorption from the epidural

space. Peak concentrations of lidocaine in blood following injection

of 400 mg (without epinephrine) into the lumbar epidural

space average 3-4 μg/mL; peak concentrations of bupivacaine in

blood average 1 μg/mL after the lumbar epidural injection of 150 mg.

Addition of epinephrine (5 μg/mL) decreases peak plasma concentrations

by ~25%. Peak blood concentrations are a function of the

total dose of drug administered rather than the concentration or

volume of solution following epidural injection (Covino and

Vassallo, 1976). The risk of inadvertent intravascular injection is

increased in epidural anesthesia, as the epidural space contains a

rich venous plexus.

Another major difference between epidural and spinal anesthesia

is that there is no zone of differential sympathetic blockade

with epidural anesthesia; thus, the level of sympathetic block is

close to the level of sensory block. Because epidural anesthesia

does not result in the zones of differential sympathetic blockade

observed during spinal anesthesia, cardiovascular responses to

epidural anesthesia might be expected to be less prominent. In

practice this is not the case; the potential advantage of epidural

anesthesia is offset by the cardiovascular responses to the high concentration

of anesthetic in blood that occurs during epidural anesthesia.

This is most apparent when, as is often the case, epinephrine

is added to the epidural injection. The resulting concentration of

epinephrine in blood is sufficient to produce significant β 2


receptor-mediated vasodilation. As a consequence, blood pressure

decreases, even though cardiac output increases due to the positive

inotropic and chronotropic effects of epinephrine (Chapter 12). The

result is peripheral hyperperfusion and hypotension. Differences

in cardiovascular responses to equal levels of spinal and epidural

anesthesia also are observed when a local anesthetic such as



lidocaine is used without epinephrine. This may be a consequence

of the direct effects of high concentrations of lidocaine on vascular

smooth muscle and the heart. The magnitude of the differences

in responses to equal sensory levels of spinal and epidural anesthesia

varies, however, with the local anesthetic used for the

epidural injection (assuming no epinephrine is used). For example,

local anesthetics such as bupivacaine, which are highly lipid

soluble, are distributed less into the circulation than are less lipidsoluble

agents such as lidocaine.

High concentrations of local anesthetics in blood during

epidural anesthesia are especially important when this technique is

used to control pain during labor and delivery. Local anesthetics

cross the placenta, enter the fetal circulation, and at high concentrations

may cause depression of the neonate. The extent to which they

do so is determined by dosage, acid-base status, the level of protein

binding in both maternal and fetal blood, placental blood flow, and

solubility of the agent in fetal tissue. These concerns have been lessened

by the trend toward using more dilute solutions of bupivacaine

for labor analgesia.

Epidural and Intrathecal Opiate Analgesia. Small quantities of

opioid injected intrathecally or epidurally produce segmental analgesia

(Yaksh and Rudy, 1976). This observation led to the clinical

use of spinal and epidural opioids during surgical procedures and

for the relief of postoperative and chronic pain (Cousins and

Mather, 1984). As with local anesthesia, analgesia is confined to

sensory nerves that enter the spinal cord dorsal horn in the vicinity

of the injection. Presynaptic opioid receptors inhibit the release

of substance P and other neurotransmitters from primary afferents,

while postsynaptic opioid receptors decrease the activity of

certain dorsal horn neurons in the spinothalamic tracts

(Willcockson et al., 1986; see also Chapters 8 and 18). Since conduction

in autonomic, sensory, and motor nerves is not affected

by the opioids, blood pressure, motor function, and non-nociceptive

sensory perception typically are not influenced by spinal opioids.

The volume-evoked micturition reflex is inhibited, as manifested

by urinary retention. Other side effects include pruritus, nausea,

and vomiting in susceptible individuals. Delayed respiratory

depression and sedation, presumably from cephalad spread of opioid

within the CSF, occur infrequently with the doses of opioids

currently used.

Spinally administered opioids by themselves do not provide

satisfactory anesthesia for surgical procedures. Thus, opioids have

found the greatest use in the treatment of postoperative and chronic

pain. In selected patients, spinal or epidural opioids can provide

excellent analgesia following thoracic, abdominal, pelvic, or lower

extremity surgery without the side effects associated with high

doses of systemically administered opioids. For post-operative analgesia,

spinally administered morphine, 0.2-0.5 mg, usually will provide

8-16 hours of analgesia. Placement of an epidural catheter and

repeated boluses or an infusion of opioid permits an increased duration

of analgesia. Many opioids have been used epidurally.

Morphine, 2-6 mg, every 6 hours, commonly is used for bolus injections,

while fentanyl, 20-50 μg/hour, often combined with bupivacaine,

5-20 mg/hour, is used for infusions. For cancer pain, repeated

doses of epidural opioids can provide analgesia of several months’

duration. The dose of epidural morphine, e.g., is far less than the

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