DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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inhibits renin secretion). Simultaneous activation of the G i


by Ca 2+ reduces cAMP synthesis and lowers the activity of PKA,

also a negative signal for PTH secretion. Conversely, reduced occupancy

of CaSR by Ca 2+ reduces signaling through G i

and G q

, lessening

inhibition of adenylyl cyclase and lowering activation of the G q

pathway, thereby promoting PTH secretion. Thus, the extracellular

concentration of Ca 2+ is controlled by a classical negative-feedback

system, the afferent limb of which is sensitive to the ambient activity

of Ca 2+ and the efferent limb of which releases PTH. Acting via

the CaSR, hypercalcemia reduces intracellular cyclic AMP content

and activates PKC, whereas hypocalcemia does the reverse. The precise

links between these changes and alterations in PTH secretion

remain to be defined. Other agents that increase parathyroid cell

cyclic AMP levels, such as β adrenergic receptor agonists and

dopamine, also increase PTH secretion, but the magnitude of

response is far less than that seen with hypocalcemia. The active

vitamin D metabolite, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (calcitriol), directly

suppresses PTH gene expression. There appears to be no relation

between physiological concentrations of extracellular phosphate and

PTH secretion, except insofar as changes in phosphate concentration

alter circulating Ca 2+ . Severe hypermagnesemia or hypomagnesemia

can inhibit PTH secretion.

Effects on Bone. PTH exerts both catabolic and anabolic effects on

bone. Normally, these processes are tightly coupled. Chronically elevated

PTH enhances bone resorption and thereby increases Ca 2+

delivery to the extracellular fluid, whereas intermittent exposure to

PTH promotes anabolic actions. The primary skeletal target cell for

PTH is the osteoblast, although evidence points to the presence of

functional PTH receptors on osteocytes (O’Brien et al., 2008). PTH

also recruits osteoclast precursor cells to form new bone remodeling

units. Sustained increases in circulating PTH cause characteristic histological

changes in bone that include an increase in the prevalence

of osteoclastic resorption sites and in the proportion of bone surface

that is covered with unmineralized matrix (Martin and Ng, 1994).

Direct effects of PTH on osteoblasts in vitro generally are

inhibitory and include reduced formation of type I collagen, alkaline

phosphatase, and osteocalcin. However, the response to PTH in

vivo reflects not only hormone action on individual cells but also the

increased total number of active osteoblasts, owing to initiation of

new remodeling units. Thus, plasma levels of osteocalcin and alkaline

phosphatase activity actually may be increased. No simple

model can fully explain the molecular basis of PTH effects on bone.

PTH stimulates cyclic AMP production in osteoblasts, but there also

is evidence that intracellular Ca 2+ mediates some PTH actions.

Effects on Kidney. In the kidney, PTH enhances the efficiency of Ca 2+

reabsorption, inhibits tubular reabsorption of phosphate, and stimulates

conversion of vitamin D to its biologically active form, calcitriol

(Figure 44–3). As a result, filtered Ca 2+ is avidly retained, and

its concentration increases in plasma, whereas phosphate is excreted,

and its plasma concentration falls. Newly synthesized calcitriol interacts

with specific high-affinity receptors in the intestine to increase

the efficiency of intestinal Ca 2+ absorption, thereby contributing to

the increase in plasma (Ca 2+ ).

Calcium. PTH increases tubular reabsorption of Ca 2+ with concomitant

decreases in urinary Ca 2+ excretion. The effect occurs at

distal nephron sites. This action, along with mobilization of calcium

from bone and increased absorption from the intestine, increases the

concentration of Ca 2+ in plasma. Eventually, the increased glomerular

filtration of Ca 2+ overwhelms the stimulatory effect of PTH on

tubular reabsorption, and hypercalciuria ensues. Conversely, reduction

of serum PTH depresses tubular reabsorption of Ca 2+ and

thereby increases urinary Ca 2+ excretion. When the plasma Ca 2+ concentration

falls below 7 mg/dL (1.75 mM), Ca 2+ excretion decreases

as the filtered load of Ca 2+ reaches the point where the cation is

almost completely reabsorbed despite reduced tubular capacity.

Phosphate. PTH increases renal excretion of inorganic phosphate

by decreasing its reabsorption by proximal tubules. This action is

mediated by retrieval of the luminal membrane Na–P i


protein, NPT2a, rather than an effect on its activity. Patients with

primary hyperparathyroidism therefore typically have low tubular

phosphate reabsorption.

Cyclic AMP apparently mediates the renal effects of PTH on

proximal tubular phosphate reabsorption. PTH-sensitive adenylyl

cyclase is located in the renal cortex, and cyclic AMP synthesized in

response to the hormone affects tubular transport mechanisms. A

portion of the cyclic AMP synthesized at this site, so-called

nephrogenous cyclic AMP, escapes into the urine. Measurement of

urinary cyclic AMP is used as a surrogate for parathyroid activity

and renal responsiveness.

Other Ions. PTH reduces renal Mg 2+ excretion. This effect

reflects the net result of enhanced renal Mg 2+ reabsorption and

increased mobilization of the ion from bone (Quamme, 2010). PTH

increases excretion of water, amino acids, citrate, K + , bicarbonate,

Na + , Cl – , and SO 4


, whereas it decreases the excretion of H + . These

effects are minor and generally can be seen only under tightly controlled


Calcitriol Synthesis. The final step in the activation of vitamin D

to calcitriol occurs in kidney proximal tubule cells. Three primary

regulators govern the enzymatic activity of the 25-hydroxyvitamin

D 3

-1α-hydroxylase that catalyzes this step: P i

, PTH, and Ca 2+ (see

later for further discussion). Reduced circulating or tissue phosphate

content rapidly increases calcitriol production, whereas hyperphosphatemia

or hypercalcemia suppresses it. PTH powerfully stimulates

calcitriol synthesis. Thus, when hypocalcemia causes a rise in PTH

concentration, both the PTH-dependent lowering of circulating P i

and a more direct effect of the hormone on the 1α-hydroxylase lead

to increased circulating concentrations of calcitriol.

Integrated Regulation of Extracellular Ca 2+ Concentration by PTH.

Even modest reductions of serum Ca 2+ stimulate PTH secretion. For

minute-to-minute regulation of Ca 2+ , adjustments in renal Ca 2+ handling

more than suffice to maintain plasma calcium homeostasis.

With more prolonged hypocalcemia, the renal 1α-hydroxylase is

induced, enhancing the synthesis and release of calcitriol that

directly stimulates intestinal calcium absorption (Figure 44–3). In

addition, delivery of calcium from bone into the extracellular fluid

is augmented. In the face of prolonged and severe hypocalcemia,

new bone remodeling units are activated to restore circulating Ca 2+

concentrations, albeit at the expense of skeletal integrity.

When plasma Ca 2+ activity rises, PTH secretion is suppressed,

and tubular Ca 2+ reabsorption decreases. The reduction in circulating

PTH promotes renal phosphate conservation, and both the decreased

PTH and the increased phosphate depress calcitriol production and

thereby decrease intestinal Ca 2+ absorption. Finally, bone remodeling

is suppressed. These integrated physiological events ensure a coherent




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