DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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558 CNS. Hypercarbia depresses the excitability of the cerebral cortex

and increases the cutaneous pain threshold through a central action.

This central depression has therapeutic importance. For example, in

patients who are hypoventilating from narcotics or anesthetics,

increasing Pco 2

may result in further CNS depression, which in turn

may worsen the respiratory depression. This positive-feedback cycle

can have lethal consequences. The inhalation of high concentrations

of carbon dioxide (~50%) produces marked cortical and subcortical

depression of a type similar to that produced by anesthetic agents.



Methods of Administration. CO 2

is marketed in gray metal cylinders

as the pure gas or as CO 2

mixed with oxygen. It usually is

administered at a concentration of 5-10% in combination with O 2

by means of a face mask. Another method for the temporary

administration of CO 2

is by rebreathing, such as from an anesthesia

breathing circuit when the soda lime canister is bypassed or

from something as simple as a paper bag. A potential safety issue

exists in that tanks containing carbon dioxide plus oxygen are the

same color as those containing 100% CO 2

. When tanks containing

CO 2

and O 2

have been used inadvertently where a fire hazard exists

(e.g., in the presence of electrocautery during laparoscopic surgery),

explosions and fires have resulted.

Therapeutic Uses. CO 2

is used for insufflation during endoscopic

procedures (e.g., laparoscopic surgery) because it is highly soluble

and does not support combustion. Inadvertent gas emboli thus are

dissolved and eliminated more easily by the respiratory system. CO 2

can be used to flood the surgical field during cardiac surgery.

Because of its density, carbon dioxide displaces the air surrounding

the open heart so that any gas bubbles trapped in the heart are carbon

dioxide rather than insoluble nitrogen (Nadolny and Svensson,

2000). Similarly, CO 2

is used to de-bubble cardiopulmonary bypass

and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) circuits. It is

used to adjust pH during cardiopulmonary bypass procedures when

a patient is cooled.

Hypocarbia, with its attendant respiratory alkalosis, still has

some uses in anesthesia. It constricts cerebral vessels, decreasing

brain size slightly, and thus may facilitate the performance of neurosurgical

operations. While short-term hypocarbia is effective for

this purpose, sustained hypocarbia has been associated with worse

outcomes in patients with head injury (Muizelaar et al., 1991).

Consequently, hypocarbia should be instituted with a clearly defined

indication and normocarbia should be re-established as soon the indication

for hypocabia no longer applies.


Nitric oxide (NO) is a free-radical gas long known as an

air pollutant and a potential toxin. NO is now known as

a critical endogenous cell-signaling molecule with an

increasing number of potential therapeutic applications.

Endogenous NO is produced from L-arginine by a family of

enzymes called NO synthases (neural, inducible and endothelial).

NO is both an intra-cellular and a cell-cell messenger implicated in

a wide range of physiological and pathophysiological events in

numerous cell types, including the cardiovascular, immune, and

nervous systems. NO activates the soluble guanylyl cyclase, increasing

cellular cyclic GMP (Chapter 3). In the vasculature, basal release of

NO produced by endothelial cells is a primary determinant of resting

vascular tone; NO causes vasodilation when synthesized in

response to shear stress or a variety of vasodilating agents

(Chapter 27). It also inhibits platelet aggregation and adhesion.

Impaired NO production has been implicated in diseases such as atherosclerosis,

hypertension, cerebral and coronary vasospasm, and

ischemia–reperfusion injury. In the immune system, NO serves as

an effector of macrophage-induced cytotoxicity, and overproduction

of NO is a mediator of inflammation. In neurons, NO acts as a

mediator of long-term potentiation, cytotoxicity resulting from N-

methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), and non-adrenergic non-cholinergic

neurotransmission; NO has been implicated in mediating central

nociceptive pathways (Chapters 8 and 18).

NO is rapidly inactivated in the circulation by oxyhemoglobin

and by the reaction of NO with the heme iron, leading to the formation

of nitrosyl-hemoglobin. Small quantities of methemoglobin

are also produced and these are converted to the ferrous form of

heme iron by cytochrome b5 reductase. The majority of inhaled NO

is excreted in the urine in the form of nitrate. Rapid withdrawal of

NO can result in a rebound increase in pulmonary pressure; gradual

withdrawal should minimize rebound phenomena (Griffiths and

Evans, 2005).

Therapeutic Uses. NO when inhaled selectively dilates

the pulmonary vasculature with minimal systemic cardiovascular

effects due to its rapid inactivation by oxyhemoglobin

in the pulmonary circulation (Cooper,

1999). Ventilation–perfusion matching is preserved or

improved by NO because inhaled NO is distributed

only to ventilated areas of the lung and dilates only

those vessels directly adjacent to the ventilated alveoli.

Thus, inhaled NO decreases elevated pulmonary artery

pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance and often

improves oxygenation. The dose of NO that is required

for an improvement in oxygenation is lower than that

required for a reduction in pulmonary pressure

(Griffiths and Evans, 2005).

Inhaled NO (iNO) has potential as a therapy for numerous

diseases associated with increased pulmonary vascular resistance.

In patients with adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), iNO

is more often used to improve oxygenation rather than reducing pulmonary

pressure. NO does improve oxygenation but this effect is

transient. Moreover, the use of iNO therapy is not associated with

either a reduction in the duration of mechanical ventilation or in

morbidity or mortality (Taylor et al., 2004). iNO-mediated reductions

in pulmonary pressure have prompted its use in patients with

pulmonary hypertension in other clinical settings. Transient reduction

in pulmonary pressure have been reported in patients undergoing

cardiac surgery (Winterhalter et al., 2008) and pulmonary

transplantation (Ardehali et al., 2001). Although transient physiologic

improvements do occur, long-term outcome is essentially

unchanged (Meade et al., 2003). Several small studies and case

reports have suggested potential benefits of inhaled NO in a variety

of conditions, including pulmonary hypertension and right heart

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