DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism. The onset and duration of an

induction dose of ketamine are determined by the same

distribution/redistribution mechanisms operant for all the other parenteral


Ketamine is hepatically metabolized to norketamine, which

has reduced CNS activity; norketamine is further metabolized and

excreted in urine and bile. Ketamine has a large volume of distribution

and rapid clearance that make it suitable for continuous infusion

without the lengthening in duration of action seen with

thiopental (Table 19–2 and Figure 19–3). Protein binding is much

lower with ketamine than with the other parenteral anesthetics

(Table 19–2).

Side Effects

Nervous System. Ketamine has indirect sympathomimetic activity

and can support blood pressure on anesthetic induction in patients

who are at risk of developing significant hypotension. Ketamine’s

behavioral effects are distinct from those of other anesthetics. The

ketamine-induced cataleptic state is accompanied by nystagmus with

pupillary dilation, salivation, lacrimation, and spontaneous limb

movements with increased overall muscle tone. Although ketamine

does not produce the classic anesthetic state, patients are amnestic

and unresponsive to painful stimuli. Ketamine produces profound

analgesia, a distinct advantage over other parenteral anesthetics.

Unlike other parenteral anesthetics, ketamine increases

cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure (ICP) with minimal

alteration of cerebral metabolism. The racemic mixture of ketamine

can increase cerebral metabolic rate (CMR) and cerebral blood flow

(CBF), particularly in the anterior cingulate and frontal cortex, thalamus,

and putamen (Langsjo et al., 2004). S ketamine produces similar

changes in CBF and CMR whereas R+ ketamine reduces both

CMR and CBF (Vollenweider et al., 1997). These properties of ketamine

have raised a concern that ICP can increase in patients with

compromised intracranial compliance. However, ketamine does not

increase ICP in patients with intracranial hypertension (Bourgoin et

al., 2005). Moreover, the effects of ketamine on CBF can be readily

attenuated by the simultaneous administration of sedative hyponotics

(propofol, midazolam, barbiturates). In aggregate, the available data

suggest that the contraindication of ketamine in patients with

intracranial pathology or cerebral ischemia needs re-evaluation

(Himmelseher et al., 2005).

In some studies, ketamine increased intraocular pressure, and

its use for induction of patients with open eye injuries is controversial

(Whitacre and Ellis, 1984). The effects of ketamine on seizure

activity appear mixed, without either strong pro- or anticonvulsant

activity. Emergence delirium, characterized by hallucinations, vivid

dreams, and delusions, is a frequent complication of ketamine that

can result in serious patient dissatisfaction and can complicate postoperative

management. Delirium symptoms are most frequent in the

first hour after emergence and appear to occur less frequently in children.

Benzodiazepines reduce the incidence of emergence delirium

(Dundee and Lilburn, 1978).

Cardiovascular System. Unlike other anesthetics, induction doses of

ketamine typically increase blood pressure, heart rate, and cardiac

output. The cardiovascular effects are indirect and are most likely

mediated by inhibition of both central and peripheral catecholamine

reuptake. Ketamine has direct negative inotropic and vasodilating

activity, but these effects usually are overwhelmed by the indirect

sympathomimetic action (Pagel et al., 1992). Thus, ketamine is a

useful drug, along with etomidate, for patients at risk for hypotension

during anesthesia. While not arrhythmogenic, ketamine increases

myocardial O 2

consumption and is not an ideal drug for patients at

risk for myocardial ischemia.

Respiratory System. The respiratory effects of ketamine are perhaps

the best indication for its use. Induction doses of ketamine produce

small and transient decreases in minute ventilation, but respiratory

depression is less severe than with other general anesthetics.

Ketamine is a potent bronchodilator due to its indirect sympathomimetic

activity and perhaps some direct bronchodilating activity.

Thus, ketamine is particularly well-suited for anesthetizing patients

at high risk for bronchospasm. Increased salivation that attends ketamine

administration can be effectively prevented by anticholinergic

agents such as glycopyrrolate.

Summary of Parenteral Anesthetics

Parenteral anesthetics are the most common drugs used

for anesthetic induction of adults. Their lipophilicity,

coupled with the relatively high perfusion of the brain

and spinal cord, results in rapid onset and short duration

after a single bolus dose. However, these drugs ultimately

accumulate in fatty tissue, prolonging recovery

if multiple doses are given, particularly for drugs with

lower rates of clearance. Each anesthetic has its own

unique set of properties and side effects (Table 19–3).

Propofol and thiopental are the two most commonly

used parenteral agents. Propofol is advantageous for

procedures where rapid return to a preoperative mental

status is desirable. Thiopental has a long-established

track record of safety. Etomidate usually is reserved for

patients at risk for hypotension and/or myocardial

ischemia. Ketamine is best suited for patients with asthma

or for children undergoing short, painful procedures.



A wide variety of gases and volatile liquids can produce

anesthesia. The structures of the currently used

inhalational anesthetics are shown in Figure 19–4. One

of the troublesome properties of the inhalational anesthetics

is their low safety margin. The inhalational anesthetics

have therapeutic indices (LD 50

/ED 50

) that range

from 2 to 4, making these among the most dangerous

drugs in clinical use.

The toxicity of these drugs is largely a function

of their side effects, and each of the inhalational anesthetics

has a unique side-effect profile. Hence, the

selection of an inhalational anesthetic often is based on

matching a patient’s pathophysiology with drug sideeffect

profiles. The specific adverse effects of each of




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