DƯỢC LÍ Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics 12th, 2010

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Nitrogen mustards, 1668t–1670t,



absorption, fate, and excretion of,


adverse effects and side effects of,


cardiovascular effects, with longterm

use, 752

chemistry of, 753

cutaneous administration, 760

dosage and administration of, 754t

history of, 753

intravenous, therapeutic uses of, for

heart failure, 796

oral, 759–760

pharmacokinetics of, 1869t

preparations, 754t

for prevention of preterm labor,


structure of, 754t

sublingual administration of, 759

therapeutic uses of

in myocardial infarction, 760–761

for unstable angina, 760

transmucosal or buccal

administration, 760

NITROL (nitroglycerin), 754t

NITROPRESS (sodium nitroprusside),


Nitroprusside, 793

Nitrosoureas, 1668t–1670t, 1686

NITROSTAT (nitroglycerin), 754t

Nitrous oxide

clinical uses of, 551

pharmacokinetics of, 551

side effects of, 551–552

cardiovascular, 551

gastrointestinal, 552

hepatic, 552

muscular, 552

neurological, 551–552

renal, 552

respiratory, 551

Nitrovasodilators, 753

as antianginal agents, 752

for congestive heart failure, 793–795


pharmacokinetics of, 1816t

therapeutic uses of, for ulcers, 1319t

NIZORAL (ketoconazole), 1841

NMR. See Nuclear magnetic resonance

(NMR) spectroscopy

NNMT. See Nicotinamide N-

methyltransferase (NNMT)

NO. See Nitric oxide (NO)

Nobel, Alfred, 753

Nocardiosis, sulfonamides for, 1467

Nocturnal acid breakthrough, 1318

Nodal depolarizations, premature,

management of, 824t

NOLAHIST (phenindamine tartrate), 921t

Nolvadex Adjuvant Trial Organization

(NATO), 1758

Nomenclature, of genomic regions,


Nomifensine, potencies at human

transporters for monamine

neurotransmitters, 406t

Nonarteritic ischemic optic neuropathy

(NAION), phosphodiesterase

inhibitors and, 1792

Noncoding single nucleotide

polymorphisms, 148, 155

Noncompetitive inhibition, 96

Nondigestible alcohols, 1332

Nondigestible sugars, 1332

Non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU), 1842t

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL),


drugs for, 1668t–1670t

Nonlinear pharmacokinetics, 33

Nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase

inhibitors, 1640–1644

delavirdine, 1642–1643

efavirenz, 1643–1644

etravirine, 1644

nevirapine, 1641–1642

Nonsedating antihistamines, 911, 920

Nonsense variation, 155t

Non-small cell lung cancer, 1735, 1736

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

(NSAIDs), 937, 959, 962–


absorption, 965

adverse effects and side effects of,

973–976, 973t

cardiovascular, 973t, 974

CNS, 973t

gastrointestinal, 973–974, 973t

hemodynamic, 974–975

on platelets, 973t

in pregnancy and lactation, 975

renal, 973t, 974–975

renovascular, 974–975

uterine, 973t

and analgesic nephropathy, 975

as analgesics, 971

and antidiuretic response to

vasopressin, 707–708

as antiinflammatory agents,


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

(NSAIDs) (Cont.):

antiplatelet effects of, 868

as antipyretics, 971

chemistry, 963

classification of

by chemical similarity, 962f

by COX isoform selectivity, 962f

by plasma pharmacokinetics of,


clinical summary, 992–993

contraindications to, 975

COX2 selective, 962f, 990–992

COX-2 selective, classification of,


cyclooxygenase inhibition, 963–964

diaryl heterocyclic, 990–992

classification of, 970t

distribution of, 965

drug interactions with, 976

elimination, 965

for fever, 961–962

history of, 959

hypersensitivity, 973t, 975

for inflammation, 965–971

and inhibition of eicosanoids, 941

and inhibition of prostaglandin

synthesis, 963–965

and low-dose aspirin, concomitant

therapy with, 976

mechanism of action of, 962,


for pain, 961

pharmacokinetics of

in children, 976–977

in elderly, 977

polymorphisms and response to,


and prevention of Alzheimer’s

disease, 973

and renin release, 724

therapeutic uses of, 965–973

for cancer prevention,


in children, 976–977

for ulcers, 1319

ulcers and, 1320–1321

Nonsynonymous variant, 155t

Nonulcer dyspepsia, 1321

Norclomipramine, potencies at human

transporters for monamine

neurotransmitters, 406t

NORCURON (vecuronium bromide), 264t

Nordazepam, structure of, 459t

NORDETTE (ethinyl estradiol/

levonorgestrel), 1835t



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